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Report of chemical weapons being used in Tall 'Afar

A Link | 11.09.2005 11:43 | Anti-militarism

Report of chemical weapons being used in Tall 'Afar

"Dr. Qasim gave an exclusive statement to the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent in Tall ‘Afar on Friday morning. He added that more than 170 cases of poisoning due to American chemical or poisoned gas bombs had been brought into hospitals outside Tall ‘Afar in the nearby cities of Mosul and al-Ba‘aj."

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Please not mafkarat as a source

11.09.2005 18:58

Mafkarat is an obvious "CIA" op. You'll wonder how the pan-arabic communists of Mafkarat never got shut down when they are hosted in the US since years and what they mostly publish is daily stories bragging about the killing of around 50 US pigs (in their own words) a day or more in Iraq.

This said the genocide of Iraqis continues and Tal Afar is the largest offensive on a city since the crucifixion of Fallujah.


Umm...seriously dude...

12.09.2005 02:48

I know that our (U.S.) "intelligence" agencies run lots of fake news operations, but if this is the USGOV, why the @$#% would they write about U.S. use of chemical weapons? This information is suppressed quite well here - most Americans don't even know what "DU" is and more importantly wouldn't believe you if you told them....yeesh...



12.09.2005 13:34

I cant comment on this paticular topic as I am not in possession of the facts but in answer to:
"but if this is the USGOV, why the @$#% would they write about U.S. use of chemical weapons?"

A popular dis-information tactic is to create a 'killer fact' that would undermine your cause and distribute it widely, once this has then been jumped upon by the mainstream you then produce irrefutable evidence to prove it is untrue. Any susequent accusations of a similar nature are then knocked down by association.
As I say though, I couldnt comment on the truth or untruth of this particular article (although asking yourself 'Would Bush / Blair stoop to using chemical weapons if they thought they'd get away with it" might be a good place to start)



13.09.2005 13:18

What a load of sh"te