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The Bin and Blair

Albert Hansen | 11.09.2005 10:22

The Bin would never think of killing Blair, his best recruiting sergeant.

The Bin thanks Blair
The Bin thanks Blair

The Bin would never kill Blair.

He needs Western leaders like Blair and Bush if he is to survive.

If we had not invaded Iraq looking for non-existant WMD the Bin would be a forgotten fighter (amongst many) in the Afghan hills.

Now he has managed to train a new army in Iraq and drive our kids into suicide bombings.

Blair and Bush are such clowns.

They are at this moment butchering,bombing, destroying and radicializing another Iraqi city called Tel Afar.

We will soon find out that Tel Afar is not so far away after all.

And what is left for failures and incompetents like Blair and Bush.

The March 15th. document from the US Dept. of Defense called "Doctrine For Joint Nuclear Operations" which says that we must strike at the next batch of imaginary WMD with Nuclear Weapons.

Luanitics like Blair and Bush should be watched very carefully before they bring us the conclusion of the 1960's 'Victory' strategy.

Albert Hansen
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The Neo-conservatives are to blame

11.09.2005 10:42

The neo-conservatives created the myth of Bin Laden, and Al-Qui’da. In their propaganda the Blair and Bush regimes hyped him up for self-serving reasons.

Initially, the CIA funded Bin laden when he was fighting the USSR imperialism in Afghanistan. When that was defeated people like Bin Laden then began fighting US imperialism. The US then used Bin Laden as Islam as their bogie man and feared ideology and hyped him and the dangers of Islam up.

The US needed something to replace the " evil communist enemy" of the UUSR after it collapsed. THEY NEED AN EVIL ENEMY to justify the wars, atrocities, and terrorism they commit all around the world, and use it as a cover for destroying and robbing states that are opposed to neo-liberalism and US imperialism, terrorism and wars.
