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Make Poverty History White Band Day in Keyworth

Liz | 07.09.2005 22:57

Community day in Keyworth to make our own demonstration of support MPH

The Events for the Day
The Events for the Day

From the Keyworth News:-

Make Poverty History

Most people will have become involved in the great events around the G8 summit in July. For many the summit may have seemed like the end of the campaign for Trade Justice, More and Better Aid and the cancellation of debt. In fact July was just the end of part one of the campaign. Live8 has been and gone but the real issues still need dealing with. The G8 did some good things but NOT ENOUGH. We have to ensure that the MPH campaign runs throughout 2005 and here in Keyworth we are determined to keep up the pressure on our politicians. On September 17th we want the people of Keyworth to come together in the centre of the community to make our own demonstration of support for the campaign. We can make a difference; we can and must influence those in power to make good decisions.

If 30,000 European children died each day from easily preventable illnesses or hunger, we would not tolerate such a situation; ask yourself if 30,000 African children’s lives are worth standing up for.

Come and join us!
