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Some useful google info for firefox users

Silent Bob | 06.09.2005 19:04

How to stop Firefox:
a: raking in $30 million from google ads
b: dropping unwanted cookies

this from the fact that indymedia are switching to scroogle,

Scroll down to "We no longer recommend Firefox"

to alter the "network.prefetch-next" just double click it!

Silent Bob


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Thanks, Bob

07.09.2005 10:31

Thank you for the information concerning Mozilla and Google. I'll use scroogle in future, and am going for linux over firefox.

Baaahaab Daahaabs


07.09.2005 13:22

I read it with interest but I didn't understand it. In black and white for halfwits like me, what is the gist of this article.



07.09.2005 17:59

Google is a damn fine search engine. Do you think that they would have invested so much in making it that good if there wasn't any money in it?

Have any of you tried building a search engine from scratch with no investment? Give me a break! Take the "oogle" out of scroogtle and see how far you get...

If you don't like ads, it's very simple: set your firewall to cut as many as possible and then IGNORE the rest! I hardly notice them anymore...


linux versus firefox

08.09.2005 09:59

Baaahaab Daahaabs, not sure what you mean by choosing linux over firefox.
Linux (or Gnu/Linux) is an operating system. Windows and Mac OS are operating systems.
Firefox is a web browser. Internet Explorer and Netscape are web browsers.

I find it's pretty easy to ignore ads.
