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Nuclear engines for aircraft carriers

Naomi | 05.09.2005 14:14

change of plan - protest now

The new UK CVF Royal Navy aircraft carriers, HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales, are expected to enter service in 2012 and 2015.

The design continues to evolve but they are expected to displace 55,000t to 65,000t, a size between the USA's 100,000t Nimitz class and France's 43,000t Charles de Gaulle class aircraft carriers, and three times larger than the current 20,000t UK Invincible class carriers.

When the design was first proposed it was suggested they would be powered by Gas Turbine engines however it seems that the secret nuclear option has now been chosen. The nuclear engines will be constructed at Rolls Royce Marine Propolsion in Crewe with assistance from the people at Aldermaston Engineering.

A protest is being organised outside the MoD in Whitehall for this Thursday at 7pm, please bring banners, music and people !



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05.09.2005 18:08

1) Any sources for these claims?

2) Who has called this protest?

3) What websites have further info on this demo?

Navel watcher

This is a Big story

05.09.2005 19:07

Can anyone explain why this post has been hidden?

Naomi and the rest of her CND group have done excellent work tracking the development of the new Aircraft Carrier project, it was long suspected there would be a change to nuclear propulsion because firstly Rolls Royce wanted it as their massive investment in the technology has not been repaid with many contracts and secondly because it gives far more power than the gas turbine engines.

For those who want to join the protest we will be meeting at Embankement tube station and then walking to the MOD main building (takes about five minutes) where a candle light vigil will be held and leaflets handed out to MOD staff explaining why this is a bad idea.

Please can and support us, the mass media have ignored this story (surprise !) and it is up to us to let the public know what is occuring



05.09.2005 19:18

Seeing as you know Naomi - perhaps you can hekp. Which CND group is organising this protest? What is the URL? What is the contact number.

My guess is that it was hidden because it has no sources and no contact details - it could be disinformation by a troll for all we know.

Navel watcher


06.09.2005 08:44

A decision was made not to post details about this action because in the past people have been stopped on ther way to protests near the MOD. If you don't want to support us in person then fine, we hope you will do so in spirit.

For those who do want to come and raise public attention about this important change to the ships we welcome you. I am sure someone will post a report to IM after the event



So you thought you might go to the show ......

06.09.2005 10:52

Anyone who goes to a demo organised by the mysterious 'CNDer' and her sidekick Rick, with no evidence that nuclear propulsion will be used in the CVF warships, no contact details and no contact phone is off their head.

The line that 'they' (my money is on them being the same person) haven't put up contact details because at previous actions people have been stopped en route to the MOD hardly has a ring of autneticity when 'they' then invite you to meet 'them' at 7pm at the Embankment, for a stroll to the MOD - complete with "banners, music and people"

This whole little episode has BOGUS TROLL written all over it.

Don't do it kids - its a callout which has warnings all over it......

Navel watcher

Support the action

06.09.2005 11:20

Why are you "Navel watcher" so keen for people not to attend this action. I wonder if you are the same person who is hiding it !

The mainstream media have only covered this story in passing and now we have somebody who doesn't want tit being discussed here on the IM newswire


This Bogus action conincides with the DSEi meeting

06.09.2005 11:37

Are you a paranoid fruitloop Naomi? I haven't hidden a thing.

How comes you're pushing a demo at the same time as the Disarm DSEi meeting and won't give any contact details so that the action can be verified?

And where is a source that backs up your claims that the CVF warships will be powered by nuclear propulsion?

Navel watcher