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Is "Mohammad Sidique Khan" video a fake?

Q | 04.09.2005 13:12

Who appears in this video?

From "Official Confusion" web:

Four weeks to the day after the 7th July bombings Ayman al-Zawahri appeared through Al Jazeera. Exactly eight weeks after the attacks al-Zawahri emerges again on a video which also contains Mohammad Sidique Khan.

Is the video a fake?

Khan's lips appear to be out of sync at times. The video glitches at the start but the audio doesn't. As we are told the footage has obviously been edited. As anyone that has seen a few Hollywood movies knows it is possible to completely fake video and audio. In the days after the bombings we saw clips of Khan on a video made when he was teaching - with this video and the right technology and skill you would have enough to rework Khan's appearance and voice.

Was Khan under any undesired influences?

There doesn't seem to be much conviction in his tone of voice. It looks at times as if he's reading cues from something. Has Khan been told he must get the script exactly right or is he just trying to recite his own words from memory? The words, "protecting and avenging" are said in a way that indicates Khan had already attempted the statement on a number of occasions. Notice his head nods right then left on the words protecting and avenging - this body language could be interpreted as frustration and a desire to get the statement over with due to failing to get it right several times. This action was probably the result of a memory jog, where saying the word 'protecting' then led Khan to remember the word 'avenging' was next.Was he being forced into this statement? Were people threatening his life and/or the lives of his family?

To those not familiar with the psychology of mind control please do your research before rolling your eyes. From closely watching Khan I believe another possibility is that he was under some form of hypnosis. Look at his lips and his eyes - there are very intriguing actions which are related to hypnotic states. Khan looks like he's just woken up, he often forces his eyes to bulge and the number of blinks is above average. The actions with his lips suggest he is salivating more than normal.

OK lets say the video is real and Khan was an Al Qaeda inspired suicide bomber

If Khan was a suicide bomber on the 7th July then one would assume he had guidance, technical advice and specific instructions. If masterminds do exist, then are they working for MI6 like Haroon Aswat? Al Qaeda is not a huge, organised network spread around the world, but a few groups and individuals who are often unwittingly or knowingly influenced and controlled by western intelligence services. The west has a long history of not just funding, training and employing terrorists but also of using terrorists as a cover to the operations they carry out.

See background info and intelligence archive

Related Information:
Bin Laden's No 2 'captured in Iran' Monday February 18, 2002
Al- Zawahiri in Iran prison.,12858,893569,00.html#article_continue

Fake al-Zawahiri Video Warns of More Attacks

Transcript of Khan from video clip shown on BBC 1/9/05 Ten o'clock news:

'Your [word unclear] democratically elected governments continuously perpetuate atrocities against my people all over the world, and your support of them makes you directly responsible.'

'Just as I am directly responsible for protecting and avenging my Muslim brothers and sisters. Until we feel security you will be our targets and until you stop the bombing, gassing, imprisonment and torture of my people we will not stop this fight.'

'We are at war and I am a solider.'

London bomber video: full statement,,22989-1762124,00.html

Stream: BBC | Guardian
Download: BBC 1/9/05 2200 News



Display the following 25 comments

  1. Please sir, can I have more tosh? — Charlie Brown
  2. internet link — .
  3. care to read...a little...if you can that is... — eric
  4. Link for the video — gazubal
  5. It sure can be fake — Nadia
  6. eric — Charlie Brown
  7. Examination — Dolly the sheeple
  8. Dolly the sheeple — Charlie Brown
  9. Motive? — P
  10. No motive, P??? — Copernicus
  11. Fake or Not? — curious
  12. ??? — Charlie Brown
  13. ?????????????????? — eric
  14. Wasn't his body recovered from the bus? — curious
  16. correction — curious
  17. Eric — curious
  18. With respect to 'cui bono' — curious
  19. Maybe your looking in the wrong place — Cab Driver
  20. Still, Where's The EVIDENCE? — Don't Fall for the PsyOps
  21. now do we believe this or...not? — er
  22. Don't Fall for the PsyOps — The Grand of Duke of York
  23. Why should we dismiss the video.... — Leone
  24. The lack of evidence — gunter
  25. Lack of Evidence — curious