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Jorge Torrealba, Director General, TEIC | 03.09.2005 15:38 | Analysis | Globalisation | Repression | London



Over 20 years ago, a group of engineering academicians of the Third World invited me to be team leader of a cluster of voluntary, non-remunerated researchers of the Third World to develop the necessary management to reorient the global economy to the service of the Human Being and to the rescue of the Planet brutally vandalized by the Multinational power, protected by Imperial Washington. We had to be voluntaries, investing our own free time and have no vested interest in the outcome of our research. It was a beautiful concept to really help the human being. The research done in Universities, with funding from the Government must produce results confirming whatever the politicians want, if one hopes to be funded the following year. They manage from the distance the research through the professionals’ pockets, and the Multinationals are squeezing the balls of all world governments, not to allow finding solutions to Aids, Cancer, worldwide poverty, etc. Imagine what would pharmaceutical companies and big-shot clinics do if stem-cell research would eradicate Aids, Cancer, Leper, Parkinson, etc, etc., or CEOs oppressors of Canada would scream if we declared that all Canadians were equal shareholders in a Corporation named Canada???

Today, I am beginning to offer the Global Working class, the poor hard-working people that earns minimum wages, that have to hold two jobs to barely feed their families, to the seniors that are being robbed of their pensions, to the children that are dying every three seconds in the world, the results of our research that does not lick the behind of politicians or multinationals. We are just telling you that Engineering, an exact science, knows how to convert the putrid corruption of multinational power with the subordination of the mentally retarded politicians in Washington, that provide genocidal power behind cartels such as the Oil one, that is squeezing Canadians and the World while all governments look the other way.

OUR TREATISE ON HUMAN ECONOMICS, “COUNTER ATTACK”, IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE INTERNET UPON AN EMAIL REQUEST TO US. ABSOLUTELY FREE WE WILL REPLY TO YOUR EMAIL WITH THE MANUSCRIPT OF COUNTER ATTACK AS AN ATTACHMENT. FURTHERMORE, YOU HAVE OUR AUTHORIZATION TO EMAIL “COUNTER ATTACK” TO FRIENDS OF THE GLOBAL WORKING CLASS. THE RESEARCH WAS MADE FOR HUMANITY, NOT FOR US, NOT FOR THE CORRUPTED POLITICIANS, NOT FOR THE AVARICIOUS, REPULSIVELY-RICH, SATIATED CEOS… It was made for you, for your family, for your children. It was made to rebuild your village, it was made to make the Human Being the master of the planet, not the slave of corruption, or mentally degenerated politicians like those presently in Washington. (For English Speaking friends abroad: if we need to give millions of copies free of charge, we will get the staff to meet the demand. Don’t worry, ask your copy and be patient). By the way, you will soon notice that we, TEIC, have immense power over politicians: we are telling the honest truth (so help me God) and we cannot be corrupted. We are giving away a research worth more than 6 million for absolutely nothing. Do you think that politician can corrupt any one of us? My colleagues abroad, much younger than me, are ready to take leadership when the foolish political establishment collapses. Old little me, I am having a lot of fun!

The establishment of Human Economics in place of present fraudulent globalization is easy (just like any ordinary engineering project). I have given to all Parliamentarians in the whole Spanish and Portuguese speaking world a copy of “COUNTER ATTACK’ just as I am doing now with the Canadian Working Class. (More than one thousand copies were given including the Chiefs of State themselves). Those governments are little “Insulas” (read Don Quixote) of the American Empire (like we are) and do not dare to say a peep. Latin-American governments except Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba, are timid castrated eunuchs of Washington.. Years ago I abandoned my efforts to have the NDP (Socialist Party of Canada) use our research to do the job in Canada that they speak that they are doing. The Universal political corruption, mismanaged by the retarded gorillas of Washington is the permanent enemy of Humanity, each one of you and your children and their descendant (if the Planet allows life that far in the future). Human Economics will be established, not by politicians, but by popular democratic fronts that are rising in all countries after the social success of Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba and a few other nations. It is paradoxically a very good thing that Bush is presently busy assassinating Arabs. While he is having his sick fun, social, compassionate, equalitarian Democracy and proper Economics are progressing in the World.

You must all remember that true Economics is the easiest thing… It has been practiced with remarkable results by the Incas, the Mayas, the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Phoenicians etc., etc., etc. Now there is no economy… There is only lie, deceit, indoctrination, fraud and political con-artistry. Imagine the magician Bush had to go to Iraq to rob their Oil, pretending to transfer his myopic concept of Democracy, at the cost of thousands innocent American and British soldiers, and by-standing Iraqi women, seniors and children. That’s why his rate of approval is the lowest of any second-term President in Yanqui History.

Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba and a few other countries have succeeded social democratic governments in spite of the imperfection of some leaders (that fascist indoctrination and brainwashing attributes them), because those countries have abandoned political parties and have formed very impressive popular fronts.

The need to return to real economics and abandon globalization was apparent in the 80s. We, Canadian look back to Muloney in Canada and Reagan, in the USA. Both gave up the sovereignty of their countries that elected them, to the benefit of some CEOs of multinationals that were pampering them. Mel Hurting in his “Betrayal of Canada” describes very well that shameful period of the history of Canada. Our patrimony was surrendered in the Free Trade Agreement and Mulroney imposed the GST, a tax on the Middle Class and the poor to pay our government’s Corporate Welfare. If Mulroney remains in history for his betrayal of all of us, Chretien and the Liberal party until today represent falsehood, underhanded corruption of our civil service, the surrender of our military forces to American Command, the surrender of the Secret Service of Canada to the Command of the CIA and the secret services of the Empire. We have seen Solomon Martin create the Gomeri commission on government corruption where the commissioner cannot accuse the crooks, and the Arar commission where the officers of the Canadian Secret Police are compelled to lie to cover up unchallenged false accusations from Washington against Canadian citizens. In Counter Attack you will read the reaction of the intelligentsia of non-Arab Countries in the Third World on the genocides of Washington.

The process of globalization had multinationals, through the errand boys in Washington, purchasing political parties and even whole Parliaments, when a string-puppet-dictator (or a Military Junta) was not the easiest solution. Political parties are obsolete, corrupted, and useless, because now they don’t represent the people that elected them neither they care for their needs. Since Mulroney nothing has been done for the Canadian people but plenty of abuse has been poured on us. All countries should be building there own popular fronts and let their politicians talk to the walls through their corporate media. We, Canadians, should right now form a popular front and we shouldn’t show up in the promised elections of Martin in December. That’s it, nobody votes, in a meaningless election. Then what? Maybe clean, ethical leaders may pop up, in the mist of the laughable anarchy right after the electoral results are shown:

Liberals……………………………….. 75 votes of CEOs friends of Martin
Conservatives…………………………. 75 votes of CEOs friends of Harper
NDP…………………………………… 0 votes (Layton has no friends)
Bloc Quebecois……………………….. 75 Elected Members with absolute majority. (Good bye, Quebec.
You don’t need a referendum now. Keep in touch).

It will be historically hysterical!!! Canadians are intelligent to pull it off. What the heck, let’s do it, guys!

Please feel free to copy Counter Attack and send it to Working Class friends locally, nationally and internationally. The working class of the world must be informed that we must adopt an international democratic monetary system, respectful of the Human Rights Charter of the United Nations. The present non-existent monetary system is just another neo-fascist fraud. The debt in that system was paid and the IMF and the World Bank have been robbing the Third World during almost a century now.

Anyhow global friends, I repeat, email your order of a free Treatise on Human Economics. Together in an apolitical manner we must restore a real global economic process. “Counter Attack “ will reach you as soon as possible. We just finished putting notices in all the American branches of Indymedia and we expect a flood of requests of free copies, because we intend to repeat our Flash tomorrow by copying this article. The only Media in Canada where you can tell the truth is Indymedia. Through other media we have great difficulty to reach all the dispossessed, abused, poor and exploited in Canada. (No publisher will touch “COUNTER ATTACK” because the boys down South may frown). We beg you all to rely on Indymedia. Check it in your computers first thing in the morning and pass the word to all your friends, relatives, acquaintances, etc, and also talk in your Union, in your Church, in the school meetings, etc. The Corporate press in Canada (99% owned by multinational big-shots owners of Washington) don’t accept any truth that could reflect the difficult situation of all Canadians. Indymedia and word-of-mouth are our only reliable journals. From now until social democracy is firmly implanted in Canada, TEIC will be frequently publishing in Indymedia, worldwide. True Democrats, the Middle Class, the poor, the senior and the homeless must make Indymedia their basic sources of information. Indymedia is truly democratic and each author is the Editor of his own article. No big-shot Editor “doctoring” your piece to obey corporate honchos. In Indymedia you see a variety of styles, reporting facts with a little bit of emotion and personality; not the monotonous flow of robotic corporate journalism, always sounding as a litany of lies. If you are a true democrat publicize the outstanding factual global reporting of Indymedia.

Ah, please inform all your Corporate friends (if you are that lucky to have them) that we want them to get copy of Counter Attack from us for them to put brutal rebuttals on Indymedia that will put to shame, remorse and sorrow the poor little Engineers of TEIC who dared to make an objective research in favor of Humanity, and not for them. The more rebuttals the better. If some of you know how to reach Big-Shot CEO Aquino (the spokesman of Corporate bullies in Canada) please give us his email to send him a copy of Counter Attack. He will be moved to the tears out of our courtesy to send him a copy…If you know how we can reach pious, inoffensive, gentle and fully spiritual preacher Robertson, please let us know how to contact him “personally”. It is going to be more fun than the Gomeri Commission’s spectacle of the distinguished and respectable corruption of most Canadian small-town meathead politicians, lost in the Parliament of Canada, making our government and our opposition.

Friends, those politicians in Ottawa are tripping all over each other. I think that by December all Canadians will believe that there is no use to go to vote… To elect what?

Ok. Send those Emails immediately.

Jorge Torrealba, Director General,
Techno Economics International consultants,
Halifax, NS, Canada.

CC: to Indymedia all over the English Speaking World.

Note: Just in case, our copyrights are entrusted to Stylus Literary Agency. Maybe an International Publisher could have the guts to publish our book that is ultra-politically incorrect.

Jorge Torrealba, Director General, TEIC