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Gate Gormet workers on strike | 01.09.2005 15:33



The Gate Gourmet workers have called for community solidarity action at Blue
Arrow offices throughout the country this Friday to discourage Blue Arrows
union busting operations.

Blue Arrow are the agency that are supplying some of the temps that are
being used as scabs (Gate Gourmet have a front that's supplying many more).
They're asking for solidarity action around the country at Blue Arrow's
other offices.

The sacked Gate Gourmet workers are going to be picketing the London offices
of Blue Arrow on Friday.

The original call from the sacked workers' site

Protest against Blue Arrow Blue Arrow agency provides 'scab' agency labour
to Gate Gourmet. The West London Branches listed below provide agency
catering and driving labour. GGSW supporters have and will be organising
community picketing of these offices.

On Friday 2nd September - there will be demonstrations at some of the West
London offices. For further details contact Matt on 0791 501 1359.

10 High Street
Tel: 01895 254455

252 High Street
Tel: 01753 691525

429 High Road
Tel: 020 8900 0711

1st floor, 26a High Street
Tel: 020 85770757

50 The Broadway
Tel: 020 8579 6221/
020 8840 9400

Is there a Blue Arrow Office in your area? Check out

Why not organise a local 'solidarity demonstration' -
tell us about how it went! [/url]

Liverpool Social Forum have organised a demo outside the Blue Arrow offices
this friday 2nd sept 12noon 47 Castle St Liverpool, near to Liverpool
Town Hall (Sames St station or Moorefields).

One catering office in the centre of Manchester as

Blue Arrow

Tel: 0161 228 7542
Fax: 0161 228 3502

73-75 Princess Street

Gate Gormet workers web site:
Posted by Neil Williams (bet this one dosnt get blacked out!) at:
Gate Gormet workers on strike - WWW below:

Gate Gormet workers on strike
- Homepage:


Hide the following 7 comments

Dolly the sheeplehow long

01.09.2005 18:33

how long are you going to lead these people around by the stupid horn, you have lost them their Jobs and now you are after their dignity, the best thing you could do is get them to sign on with the agency, at least they would have some money to live off
Your liberal policies have created a employment market where refugee workers are lined up begging work, it has had the effect of reducing employment rights to zero as wave after wave line up desperate for work.
It's a different game now, you ripped up the rule book with unlimited immigration policies .
Never mind you can delete this post, as you do all those who disagree with your blinkered corridor thinking

Dolly the sheeple

Reply to Dolly

01.09.2005 20:40

Dear Dolly
Servile or what?
The last time I looked the sacking of the catering workers was carried out by a bunch of millionaire greedy and grasping bosses..Not one a refugee!These bosses ,of course would exploit any worker of any colour if we let them.But you are obviously not interested in supporting the catering workers in the slightest.What a grovelling character you must be!


Silly man bertie ??

01.09.2005 21:27

"These bosses ,of course would exploit any worker of any colour if we let them"
Ahem,, I think you will find that they scked them some time ago, with or without your permission and they aint getting set back on when agencies can send in unlimited refugee labour at the drop of a hat for less money.
That is what unlimited immigration means, unlimited people lining up for workers jobs willing to work for peanuts which is ok as long as we are all solidarity ! which is complete knackers
the truth is this;
The greedy bosses have sacked second generation refugees to replace them with first generation refugees who will work for the same money the first lot did .

My solution is simple...fcuk BA ! I holiday here, in a tent

Dolly the sheeple

What are you on about?

01.09.2005 21:45

Um, the Gate Gourmet workers are mostly made up of immigrants, second or third generation admittedly but nevertheless...

The use of cheaper labour was not actually a direct factor in why the strike/sackings happened, but was set up as a means to help counter militant unon activity. This seems to have backfired as newspaper investigations pointed out it had led to hygeine/training problems, damaging GG's reputation.

Also, I think you'll find the cost-cutting that DID lead up to the sackings was in response to BA and Virgin Atlantic attempting to force through savings onto their suppliers using their monopoly/cartel contractor status. They've done that due to changing market conditions, including the drive for cheaper flights.

If we're playing the blame game here, I wonder, have you ever flown anywhere for a bargain price for your hols? Because more surely than anything else, that's what's contributing to the situation.

Perhaps before you mouth off, getting some knowledge of the situation could be a plus?

Rob Ray

Replies to Rop and Dolly

02.09.2005 12:20

No offence, but it sounds like Rob Ray and Dolly could both stand to get some more knowledge before mouthing off.

Rob Ray wrote: “The use of cheaper labour was not actually a direct factor in why the strike/sackings happened, but was set up as a means to help counter militant unon activity.”

Not true. The original walkout was triggered by Gate Gourmet’s announcement that it was going to hire 120 temp workers, knowing this would provoke unofficial action. When staff gathered to discuss the news in the canteen they were told they had 3 minutes to get back to work or they were all fired. Then they were fired.

According to a memo leaked to the Mirror last month, Gate Gourmet had intended to provoke a wildcat strike so it could legally fire union staff and replace them with cheap temps.

Dolly wrote: “I think you will find that they scked [sic] them some time ago, with or without your permission and they aint [sic] getting set [sic] back on when agencies can send in unlimited refugee labour at the drop of a hat for less money.”

a. What the fuck is refugee labour?
b. I agree that Bertie’s permission has nothing to do with it, but the sympathy strikes and demos by BA workers at Heathrow have already forced Gate Gourmet to back down from their intention to summarily sack all 670 workers. Officially Gate Gourmet have reduced the number they plan to sack to 200 “militants” and the workers are still fighting.
c. What’s all this shit about immigration? Fascist immigration policies aren’t going to stop capitalists forcing shitty jobs and long hours on you, or casualising jobs, or sacking you when they can get cheaper labour elsewhere. The only thing that has ever stopped that kind of behaviour is solidarity – the kind that’s impossible for ultra-nationalist, right wing morons who can’t spell.
d. I approve of your decision to holiday in England, but I bloody hope I never end up camped next to you.



02.09.2005 15:49

You said "What’s all this shit about immigration? Fascist immigration policies aren’t going to stop capitalists forcing shitty jobs and long hours on you, or casualising jobs, or sacking you when they can get cheaper labour elsewhere."

That's true, but immigration is allowed solely because of cheap labour. If immigrant workers weren't allowed in, then I doubt Gate Gourmet would have sacked all those people. That's because without immigration, Gate Gourmet wouldn't be able to find the cheap workers to replace the sacked ones with.

Humpty Dumpty

To much information

02.09.2005 17:16

Thats to much information for davey to compute, please break it down in to point by point status or you will confuse him even more than he is already.
He is unable to accept the point that un-limited immigration in to a country destroys solidarity and workers rights as people who have so little solidarity they have fled thier homeland arrive here looking for any work at any price, you can not expect anybody to accept that before sacking a squad of workers you don't pick up the phone and see if the employment agencies can bus in some more
People like Davey will never grasp this fact, after all;
There are now as blind as he who will not look
These poor people have been racially abused by the militant extremists who will vanish back under the rug in a fortnight, they have lost their future and income as a few extemists lead them to the great hole in the floor called miltant extremism, the same hole our entire car industry vanished in to.

Yes gate were wrong, but there are more than one way to skin the cat.

P.S a facist is anyone who disagrees with Davey.
instead of tangible dabate he is reduced to childish pulling of text formating, "nah nah you you spelled a word wrong"
Childish, immature ill informed by any chance ?

dolly the sheeple