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on yer bike manchester

on yer bike massive | 01.09.2005 13:57 | Ecology | Free Spaces

sunday 11th september "on yer bike"

a whole day dedicated to celebrating the bicycle.

sunday 11th september "on yer bike"

a whole day dedicated to celebrating the bicycle.

the day includes

2pm - 4pm: bike mechanics workshopand drop in open day at ride manchester, get directions at

4:30 - 5:30-: Bike treasure hunt! Meeting at the Central library steps (where critical mass rides from) a treasure hunt around manchester city centre. get on your bike and find the treasure that will win you bike related prizes (dress as a pirate for
bonus points!)

7pm Still We Ride Film Screening, at the basement social centre. 24 Lever street, city centre - just off piccadilly gardens.. A documentary movie about Critical Mass which follows the ongoing and absurd police crackdown on monthly bike rides in NYC. Not only will you have the opportunity to see the film but the film makers are also coming from New York to answer questions and chat about critical mass in NYC
You can get more info and see a trailer at:
The movie has been a hit everywhere it has screened so far: NYC (two sold
out premier shows), Leiscester, Copenhagen, Los angeles, Pittsburgh,
Finland (Helsinki, Turku, and Pori), and a few others.

love nes x

on yer bike massive
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Well done

02.09.2005 09:28

nice idea

but bikes can make u sweaty after riding them..if works provided showers fair enuf but not many do



twas great!

18.09.2005 17:45

sweating is like sexy man..and enables people to smell your natural pheromones and that innit..besides sittin on a bus is boring and riding a bike is fun and a daily adventure that is the only thing that makes work worth goin to..

anyhoo..thanks to everyone who came on the day is was a massive success..the treasure hunt went really well so well that we are thinking of organising regular ones in the city..keep your eyes peeled for more info..or see

and dont forget bout critical mass on friday 30th will be a lovely big one that ends in a pub where we all have a nice sociaable evening and talk about future bike come! 6pm central library steps... x
