Venezuela offers inexpensive gasoline to USA’s poor
FPF-fwd.: Hector Carreon - La Voz de Aztlan | 31.08.2005 15:48 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles
President Hugo Chavez said that he estimates that his offer will benefit from between 7 to 8 million needy Americans. He added that his embassy in Washington D.C. has already received 140 applications for the program.
It may be a good idea to ask for some help for the poor Dutch too, which - in billions of profit making SHELL country! - according to a CNN investigation some days ago - are paying the absolute highest gasoline prices in the world! Even much more than in the US* - Url.:

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela offers inexpensive gasoline to USA’s poor
by - Hector Carreon - La Voz de Aztlan
Caracas, Venezuela - August 29, 2005 - (ACN) - The Mexico City newspaper that has been covering the Reverend Jesse Jackson’s visit to Venezuela, El Universal, is reporting that President Hugo Chavez is offering gasoline and heating fuel at very low and affordable prices to the poor and needy in the USA.
Hugo Chavez said yesterday that he will be apportioning 1.5 million barrels of oil daily at 40% less than market price through the Venezuelan government owned "Citgo" in the USA.
Citgo will refine the oil into gasoline and heating fuel and make it available to the unemployed, the poor and old folks who find it difficult to heat their homes in the winter.
Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., the national oil company of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , purchased Citgo in the 1990’s.
The "Jesus like" offer by Hugo Chavez came after USA televangelist Pat Robertson called for the assassination of the Venezuelan president and after Chavez said he may insist on "extraditing" Robertson to Venezuela.
Not many Americans know that Robertson , the former US presidential candidate, is a failed "wannabe oil man" who squandered millions of his followers dollars in the purchased of a run-down oil refinery .
This information is mostly known to the citizens of Santa Fe Springs, California where Pat Robertson lost an expensive battle to startup the highly polluting refinery he purchased from a savvy business group that essentially dumped the old and useless refinery on the televangelist.
The refinery is now a rotting pile of iron junk and an ugly eyesore in the City of Santa Fe Springs.* Pat Robertson is not very smart and the financial disaster represented by "The Oil Refinery Folly" in Santa Fe Springs may have led to the mental derangement of the televangelist.
The Pat Robertson’s oil refinery is located on the corner of Florence and Bloomfield Avenues in the City of Santa Fe Springs, California.
La Voz de Aztlan has a Google Earth satellite photograph of the rotting refinery below. [Url.:

President Hugo Chavez said that he estimates that his offer will benefit from between 7 to 8 million needy Americans.
He added that his embassy in Washington D.C. has already received 140 applications for the program because Americans are being "defrauded" and "gouged" by greedy US oil companies like Chevron and others.
Chavez plans to implement the program through 8 refineries and 14 thousand gas stations that Citgo (Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A.) owns in the USA.
Meanwhile, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who is visiting Venezuela, said that the suggestion by Pat Robertson to "assassinate" Hugo Chavez is a criminal act.
Jackson also believes that it is "immoral and un-Christian". In July 2002, Robertson was presented with The State of Israel Friendship Award by the Chicago chapter of the Zionist Organization of America.
The Reverend Jackson also condemned comments that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld made recently concerning President Hugo Chavez.
Rumsfeld said that Chavez represented " a destabilizing influence in the region".
The Reverend Jackson commented that these were the same kind of remarks that were being made against Saddam Hussein to justify a war against the oil rich country of Iraq.
[end item] - Url.:

Robertson, host of the US 'Christian' Broadcasting Network's, The 700 Club, and founder of the 'Christian Coalition of America', called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. - What happened to the Bible's: 'Thou shalt not Kill'?
Prologue: US neocon's vice targets Venezuelan oil.
If this so called 'Reverend' Robertson's 'Lord' exists, and he's watching this religious snake oil peddler, that 'Super Pharisee Preacher' will be in a lot of trouble, let's hope...
How warped and lobotomized some of those fabulating Pharisees are, is perfectly shown by this 'Frankenstein of the Faith', who mixes his 'christian mission' with for the US neocons profitable mass murder:
'Christian Minister' In Televised Call For Murder Of Venezuela's President':
Click here to view the crazy quote - Quick Time video:

* THE NETHERLANDS - Information not in the Newspeak 'CIA World Fact book': On a population of sixteen million people, and in a small feudal kingdom which ranks # 6 on the list of the world's richest countries, there are - according to the official figures of the 'Central Bureau for Statistics' (CBS) - at least ONE MILLION people vegetating on or below the poverty line. To put shame on shame on the heads of the neocons bleeding the country, the state's education inspection (Onderwijsinspectie) has reported on hungry children in schools, which is confirmed by the people working and teaching there. (Sorry, in Dutch - Url.:

The fact that hardly anybody in apparently lobotomized The Netherlands reacts anymore, proofs that the neocons media's brainwashing and it's permanent tsunami of lies* has been more effective than human. But, the way they want it: profitable. At the expenses of whom or whatever does absolutely not matter. Those criminals do not care for a second whether you or a couple of millions die or go up in smoke.
Outside the neocon circle, everybody and everything which is not profitable, is expendable.
They are so blind, they don't even see the tsunami of revenge growing...
But pay they must and will...
FPF-fwd.: Hector Carreon - La Voz de Aztlan
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