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Seeds in Iceland are growing

annonymous | 28.08.2005 17:26 | Ecology | World

Finnally Icelandic people pluck the courage to stand up and resist themselves!!

Finally the seeds that have been planted by people from all over Europe and the States that came over this summer to protest against the construction of a massive Dam in the highlands Iceland and an Aluminium Smelter are starting to grow.
Three Icelanders entered the seat of the Icelandic government (the offices of the Prime minister) and climbed onto the roof where they took down the Icelandic national flag and replaced it with a flag that said "no Fucking Aluminium Smelter!”
This action happened on the early afternoon of the 26th of august.
Two of the protesters got arrested and the Police are talking big about consequences, as this people entered the house illegally and climbed the roof.
In Iceland the national flag is a great symbol and so therefore this was a strong message as it is considered "disrespectful".
The three protesters didn't have any contact with the people that had the protest camp at the highlands these past few months.
This action got planned by them on their own accord that for the few of us that are left here, from the camp was an amazing surprise and made the entire struggle worthwhile.
It is shown that the camp has given inspiration and courage to
Icelanders to stand up for their believes and not let their opressive government get away with murder.

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We are coming

29.08.2005 06:38

Gilad and I will be spending our honeymoon at the protest camp.


Did you need any help with an iceland indymedia?

29.08.2005 15:27

fake link-
" "

if not you then who?