Free and Environmentally friendly electricity by Hamster Power Stations
ab | 28.08.2005 10:57 | Ecology | Globalisation | Technology | World
If you ever wanted your hamster doing something useful and productive instead of distracting and destructive, modify his enthusiasm to run into powering a nightlamp or your mobile phone.
According to Ananova,
a 16-year-old boy invented a hamster-powered mobile phone charger as part of his GCSE science project.
But Skippy, the Hamster prefers to power a reading lamp:
Hamster-Powered Night Light With Custom Low-RPM Alternator
Other environmental options currently in development are microbial fuel cell (MFC) powered by shit.:
a 16-year-old boy invented a hamster-powered mobile phone charger as part of his GCSE science project.
But Skippy, the Hamster prefers to power a reading lamp:
Hamster-Powered Night Light With Custom Low-RPM Alternator
Other environmental options currently in development are microbial fuel cell (MFC) powered by shit.:
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Any animal right activist around ?
28.08.2005 22:21
what's that ?
hamster rights
29.08.2005 10:01
They have a pea sized brain and act out of their instinct to run.
If they charge up a mobile or a nightlamb it doesn't matter to them at all..
In fact it is more "animal rights" to have a hamster wheel than to have not in a hamster cage.
"Exercise wheels are very popular, and hamsters seem to enjoy running on them - because they frequently return to them when they don't have to." -
The discussion if it is unethical for a hamster to charge up a mobile or power a nightlamb is just absurd and signifies how many crazy trolls have nothing better to do than trying to destroy the last little bit of fun on indymedia and make it too serious to enjoy.
know your pet