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Iraq: people falling ill from contaminated water.

Paul O'Hanlon | 27.08.2005 14:38 | Analysis | Health | Repression | World

As politicians inside the fantasy world of the Green Zone haggle over a piece of paper the people in the real world do not have electricity or even clean water – more than two years after the `liberation`.

Iraq: people falling ill from contaminated water.

As politicians inside the fantasy world of the Green Zone haggle over a piece of paper the people in the real world do not have electricity or even clean water – more than two years after the `liberation`.

Here is a disturbing report about the state of Iraq’s drinking water; it is from the Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), part of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Please see:

As Ann Clwyd (`haven’t a Clwyd`) MP would say: "Things get better day by day."

BAGHDAD, 25th August 2005 (IRIN) - Numerous cases of people falling ill from contaminated water in districts across Baghdad have been reported by local doctors and the Ministry of Public Works this week.

"We have registered dozens of cases of people falling ill from dirty water in the past four days and we have found that the water used was from taps water inside the homes," Dr Hassan Adnan, a paediatrician at Yarmouk Hospital, said.

Doctors have informed the ministries of Public Works and Health and asked for urgent assistance, especially in districts where there are large numbers of people falling ill.

Mua'ad Husseiny, a senior official in the Ministry of Public Works, said that the districts of Palestine Street, Baghdad, Bataween and Rissafa in the capital, were the most affected.

"We have asked the population not to drink the water without boiling it until we have a total confirmation of the source of the bacteria," he said. "If this situation expands to other areas in the capital we can guarantee that it will
get out of control."

Adnan explained that the cases had been reported in many hospitals in the capital and residents have been alerted, but that the government needs to act fast.

"I have attended around 15 cases of people falling ill after drinking contaminated water in our hospital since yesterday. One of the laboratory tests has shown that the water is polluted," said Dr Younis Abdel-Jalil of the Kindy Hospital in Baghdad.

The Ministry of Health has sent a special team to analyse the contaminated water and investigate the cause of contamination. Meanwhile, the news has prompted some families to move from the district they live in, afraid that their children could be the next victims of the polluted

"I sent my two daughters to my mother's house in another district of the capital before they become sick too. Sometimes you can see the water is a yellowish
colour," Lina Muhammad, a mother of two, said as she was moving to her parents' home. Others also reported dirty water.

"Two days ago I watched worms swimming in the bottom of a glass and I couldn't believe that I had just given my children the same water and the result was one
that one of them fell ill today," said Sarmad Hassan, a father of three.

Iraq: people falling ill from contaminated water.

As politicians inside the fantasy world of the Green Zone haggle over a piece of paper the people in the real world do not have electricity or even clean water – more than two years after the `liberation`.

Here is a disturbing report about the state of Iraq’s drinking water; it is from the Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), part of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Please see:

Paul O'Hanlon
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Anne Clwyd is an Evil woman

28.08.2005 13:21

Anne Clwyd is an evil woman who once ran the Campaign Against Repression and for Democratic Rights in Iraq.

Nicknamed Mrs. Talabani, Anne Clwyd supported the UN imposed Sanctions which killed an estimated 1.5 million children and she also supported the invasion.

She was quiet through out the massacre of Falluja and Sammarra and said nothing about the abuse at Abu Ghraib.

To people like Anne Clwyd, she and her friends in the Kurdish Parties have their democracy in Iraq and gave up their right to remain in Britain when they voted in the Jan 30th Elections.

Anne Clwyd and Company - FUCK OFF!!

By the way, you will probably be dead in a few days if you did

pissed off iraqi

further info on anne clwydd

28.08.2005 16:33

In response to the last posting on Anne Clwyd, when clwyd was there to monitor the free and fair elections, quote on quote, in Basra, she appeard not to notice, that people were forced to vote under threat of having ration cards withdrawn, majority of the population is enirely dependent on the meagre food rations.

However what she clearly did notice, was the attack on her life, after propbably about twenty minutes on the streets of Basra, after which she scuttled back into the Palace being squatted in by the British Troops and was never seen in public in Iraq, again.

However on return to the UK, this did not deterr her from misleading the public, in interviews stating that: Iraq was safe, free, democratic, and that the British were being welcomed with open arms in the South of Iraq.

Here on planet earth, there were many wonderring wherether Ms. Clwyd was being a little economical with the truth.

a very pissed off iraqi