7/7/21 Theories Full Of Holes
Time For Independent Investigations | 25.08.2005 23:51 | Terror War
Since the Conspiracy Theories brought to us by the people who said that "Saddam could attack with his vast arsenal of WMD in 45 minutes!!!" are filled with gaping holes, glaring ommissions, and outright LIES, it's time to proceed with independent investigations, to determine what really happened, and who was responsible, as it appears this was another False Flag, like 9/11.
Bliar Government's 7/7 Conspiracy Theory contains gaping holes.
The London Police claim the bombers were photographed at the Luton station, then rode the 7:40 train to King's Cross, where they were photographed again. But according to the actual train timetable, the 7:40 train was cancelled that day and even had it not been cancelled, would not have arrived in time for the men to be photographed at King's Cross at 8:26.
Footage of Tube shooting has gaps, says IPCC
By Stewart Tendler, Crime Correspondent
POLICE watchdogs investigating the death of Jean Charles de Menezes believe that they have all the relevant closed-circuit television film relating to his shooting but admit that there are gaps.
According to Brazilian officials, who were briefed yesterday by the Independent Police Complaints Commission, some of the cameras at Stockwell Underground station may not have been working.
Manoel Gomes Pereira, a senior Brazilian Foreign Ministry official, said the IPCC had mentioned that some of the CCTV cameras could have been out of order. He added that the three-man Brazilian mission had been told: “Apparently there are parts of the film which do not exist.”
After the meeting Nick Hardwick, the head of the IPCC, said that he had no reason to believe anything had been withheld but would not go into details on what the IPCC team has seized or he had viewed.
“I am confident that we have all the CCTV footage but as I have said on many occasions we are not going to believe anything until we have independently verified it. Some of the CCTV footage we have had has been crucial to the investigation,” he added.
Mr Hardwick would not say whether the CCTV footage included that from the platform when Mr de Menezes boarded a Northern Line train on July 22 or whether there was any film from the carriage where he died.
“I am not going to go through a detailed list of all the evidence we have got or not got. At the moment we are still establishing some of that,” he said.
But he condemned information leaks on the shooting, and appealed for everyone to maintain a dignified silence during the inquiry. Mr Hardwick added: “I am . . . responsible for this investigation, I still have lots of unanswered questions, I still don't know the truth of what happened. I am surprised at the number of people who speak with certainty that [they] do know.”
Last week the IPCC revealed that Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, tried to delay the IPCC inquiry. The final handover did not take place until six says later and there have been bitter exchanges between the commission and Sir Ian.
The London Police claim the bombers were photographed at the Luton station, then rode the 7:40 train to King's Cross, where they were photographed again. But according to the actual train timetable, the 7:40 train was cancelled that day and even had it not been cancelled, would not have arrived in time for the men to be photographed at King's Cross at 8:26.
Footage of Tube shooting has gaps, says IPCC
By Stewart Tendler, Crime Correspondent
POLICE watchdogs investigating the death of Jean Charles de Menezes believe that they have all the relevant closed-circuit television film relating to his shooting but admit that there are gaps.
According to Brazilian officials, who were briefed yesterday by the Independent Police Complaints Commission, some of the cameras at Stockwell Underground station may not have been working.
Manoel Gomes Pereira, a senior Brazilian Foreign Ministry official, said the IPCC had mentioned that some of the CCTV cameras could have been out of order. He added that the three-man Brazilian mission had been told: “Apparently there are parts of the film which do not exist.”
After the meeting Nick Hardwick, the head of the IPCC, said that he had no reason to believe anything had been withheld but would not go into details on what the IPCC team has seized or he had viewed.
“I am confident that we have all the CCTV footage but as I have said on many occasions we are not going to believe anything until we have independently verified it. Some of the CCTV footage we have had has been crucial to the investigation,” he added.
Mr Hardwick would not say whether the CCTV footage included that from the platform when Mr de Menezes boarded a Northern Line train on July 22 or whether there was any film from the carriage where he died.
“I am not going to go through a detailed list of all the evidence we have got or not got. At the moment we are still establishing some of that,” he said.
But he condemned information leaks on the shooting, and appealed for everyone to maintain a dignified silence during the inquiry. Mr Hardwick added: “I am . . . responsible for this investigation, I still have lots of unanswered questions, I still don't know the truth of what happened. I am surprised at the number of people who speak with certainty that [they] do know.”
Last week the IPCC revealed that Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, tried to delay the IPCC inquiry. The final handover did not take place until six says later and there have been bitter exchanges between the commission and Sir Ian.
Time For Independent Investigations
Hide the following 22 comments
Train times fit?
26.08.2005 06:04
26.08.2005 06:50
"Since the Conspiracy Theories brought to us by the people who said that "Saddam could attack with his vast arsenal of WMD in 45 minutes!!!""...PsyOps' usual one lie proves all others argument... ZZZzzz...
ex-commuter magoo
Exactlt who says
26.08.2005 10:35
the cctv footage
26.08.2005 11:00
government line is that they boarded the 7:40 train
that train apparently NEVER ran....
the so called CCTV in Kings cross has NEVER been released
nice try on the diversions though...
All made up
26.08.2005 13:40
I know who is behind it, the British people, they support Israel and America, they are all together, but the insurgents in Iraq have proved you that you will not win. When we have the petrol back you are going to pay all your money for it if you want it.
set up!
27.08.2005 09:35
London Bombing ringleader, Haroon Rashid Aswat – double agent for MI6?
MI6 has told the Butler inquiry that it never again wants to be used by politicians to provide a public case for going to war.
Dangerous time waste?
27.08.2005 09:48
See http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2005/07/321217.shtml for fine conspiracy fuel if you have time to waste. If it is true, if you get to its bottom, you are dead.
Homepage: http://www.indycymru.org.uk
Trashed to death ?
27.08.2005 13:19
And what about that magoo ? :
What do you think of those "16 bombs left behind them in Luton by the four suicide bombers" aired on ABC ?
Why not taking them all to kill more people or use the whole for doing a car bomb attack ?
How do you rationalize/normalize/evacuate that ?
Same sort of evidence as the one found shortly after 9/11, according to me. And found at the same place. In a rented car. I am sure you remember this video on how to fly airplanes and this copy of the Koran the FBI "found" on an airport carpark shortly after 9/11.
As for the London drills, read this carefully magoo :
POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.
HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?
POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.
and that :
POWER: Today we were running an exercise for a company - bear in mind now that I'm in the private sector - and we sat everybody down in the city - 1000 people involved in the whole organization - with the crisis team. And the most peculiar thing was it was we based on a scenario of simultaneous attacks on a underground and mainline station. So we had to suddenly switch an exercise from fictional to real. And one of the first things is, get that bureau number, when you have a list of people missing, tell them. And it took a long time -
INTERVIEWER: Just to get this right, you were actually working today on an exercise that envisioned virtually this scenario?
POWER: Almost precisely. I was up to 2 oclock this morning, because it's our job, my own company. Visor Consultants, we specialize in helping people to get their crisis management response, how you jump from slow time thinking to quick time doing. And we chose a scenario with no assistance, which is based on a terrorist attack because they've been close to a property occupied by Jewish businessmen there in the city, and there are more American banks in this city than there are in the whole of New York - a logical thing to do.
So we know that Visor Consultant was working for jewish businessmen and American banks this morning and they were simulating a simultaneous bomb attack in precisely the 3 stations were they really happened. I am not saying it. Power says it himself and clearly enough so that it cannot be misunterpreted.
Another weird aspect is that to my knowledge, the first item related to the 7/7 bombing to appear on the Met website is an interview with Giuliani, the mayor of New York during 9/11, that contains a strong political line.
He was probably there as a SuperVisor for the Visor drill.
He says to the BBC : "I was right near Liverpool (Street) station when the first bomb went off and was notified of it. It was... very eerie to be right there again when one of these attacks takes place."
... and while you are at it ...
27.08.2005 15:26
... and otherwise encourage people to not even look at it!
[Hint: you could suggest that it is:
a. Boring.
b. The fantasy of a lizard obssessed mind.
c. Uncorroberated by the government/police/Military Industrial Complex]
e-mail: jackslucid@hotmail.com
Yawn version 1.1.1
27.08.2005 16:10
Has anyone ever confirmed that story actually ran in the Daily (Hate) Mail (a dubious rag to start with)?
Ppl can read whatever they want AFAIC. If they nutty enough believe that junk that's THEIR problem. LIGAF!
Come back when you have some proof... as opposed to Holy Relics! LOL!
Mystery solved, it's a new multiple !
27.08.2005 17:56
of Magoo's out there, like a virus man ! or more over a lurgy possibly from north and south of the border
I should co co !!
Luther Blissett
27.08.2005 18:05
P.S. I don't post on many threads, so I think you are exagerrating. If you like go check every thread and you'll find it doesn't add up to single figure percentages.
27.08.2005 19:34
its all a fit up
this is yet another ruse
to try and divert away from
the inside job scenario...
it doesn't matter what trains ran on that day
they were no where near Luton.
i doubt they were alive.
the Luton CCTV is a set up
as is the return tickets and the car permit
its all there to convince us of the
scripted reality that 4 blokes
got on a train and went to London
to bomb
i reckon the 'bombers'
were 'pulled' at Toddington Services
and then arrested
then their car/s were impounded and fitted
up with 9-16 bomblets
tickets were placed and the CCTV was made in the CGI dept
it sounds just as plausible as the 'official' film-esque version anyway!!!!
jeff hardacre
jeff hardacre
28.08.2005 06:22
I think you've got your shoes onthe wrong foot. Reality is full of strange coincedence; in fiction everything is rational (usually). Hence the saying "Truth is stranger than fiction". It's how to spot a compulsive liar, they never admit to not knowing something, their stories never have gaps.
Both B'liars are acting a little suspect
28.08.2005 20:57
B'liar the cop went on to speak gross untruths regarding J C Menezes, and sustained these untruths by default until he was exposed as an untruth teller by the heroic leaking of the actual truths contained in the police statements(of all places).
Two questions, therefore, for any magoo out there, are:
When, in all of history, has a public enquiry ever been regarded as a ludicrous anything?
Why should the lying cop be trusted with anything to do with 7/7, 21/7 or the execution of Jean Charles?
confused magoo the shill.
Wondering 2
31.08.2005 11:28
and that :
POWER: Today we were running an exercise for a company - bear in mind now that I'm in the private sector - and we sat everybody down in the city - 1000 people involved in the whole organization - with the crisis team. And the most peculiar thing was it was we based on a scenario of simultaneous attacks on a underground and mainline station. So we had to suddenly switch an exercise from fictional to real. And one of the first things is, get that bureau number, when you have a list of people missing, tell them.
well I am also wondering exactly what this simulated simultaneous attack scenario consisted of, there were 1000 punters involved, presumably not all sporting rucksacks but possibly more than one of them was.
Would there be any CCTV images available of these simulators ?
What are the obvious reasons that prevent Mr Power from naming the company who he had planned the operation if these people are there to help and protect us then I think that shurely we should be told so that we can give them the thanx and respect that is due to them and also check out just who the fuck they are who organised this drill and who exactly is behind the scam !!!!
Power's employers on 7/7
02.09.2005 02:42
Candidates entities hiring Visor Consultants on 7/7 :
Edmond De Rothschild Israel Opportunity Fund
Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange
Giuliani Security and Safety LLC
Until we feel security, you'll be our target
02.09.2005 10:52
02.09.2005 14:36
I am a bit paranoid you know.
By the way about your question : Have you read my 2 posts above ?
And have you ever heard about double-crossing ?
By the way, the tape aired on Al-Jazeera does not prove Mohammed Sidique Khan from Dewsbury near Leeds did suicide bomb himself in London on 7/7.
02.09.2005 15:22
02.09.2005 16:31
It looks genuine but an actor + a vocoder + a morphing sofware + an add-noise filter + 2 or 3 lossy recompressions of both the audio and the video will get you such a tape in less than two weeks I believe if you have got a little team who's got the skills.
I am not saying that's the case. I am just saying it is possible.
London 7/7
15.10.2005 00:59