East Oxford Revels in Oxfam Throw-aways
Paul Spencer | 25.08.2005 20:39 | Culture | Ecology | Free Spaces | Oxford
Residents of East Oxford met in unlikely circumstances tonight when the donated items put out for rubbish collection by Oxfam were unpacked and given away on tables. No-one has yet taken responsibility for the action, but it is not believed to have originated within the NGO.
At 6pm today, a person or persons unknown unpacked the contents of Oxfam's three wheelie bins of unwanted donations and displayed them on a table, inviting all comers to take freely from the goods. Passers-by were regaled with news of the bountiful free shopping to be done and the central Cowley Road pavement scene buzzed with happy speculators for an hour. Analysts predict the incident may well re-occur.
Paul Spencer