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ox-free opens on cowley road!

paddy magnall | 25.08.2005 20:21 | Free Spaces | Oxford

ox-free is a group of people coming infront of oxfam on cowley road oxford and rooting through the bins for stuff that has been thrown away by oxfam and we put it on a table and give it away for free to the public it was a huge sucsess people were rooting through the biins and finding briiliant tat!!

paddy serving customers
paddy serving customers

its free!?
its free!?

if you wanna do some free shopping come to oxfam cowley road at 6:30ish see u there

paddy magnall


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redistribution of oxfam unwanted stuff

25.08.2005 20:49

Wish i had been there,
Its a shame that loads of useful stuff gets thrown away
long may it continue!

mail e-mail:

wow!im hingry!-lets do toscos!!

27.08.2005 18:29

shit digity do wop!
ize comin 2 da nex one 2 !!

pixie pants