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meaningful inquiry into 9-11 and 7-7

junkyard dog | 25.08.2005 14:59 | Indymedia

does Indymedia help to correct the myopia of corporate media, or not?

readers of IMC sites will notice different editorial styles from one site to the next. some IMC sites seem to allow more of a free-for-all among the posters and commentators, deleting only posts which are meant as ad-hominem attacks or racist/sexist diatribes.

other sites, however, seem to have certain subjects which are completely taboo. in this respect, it never ceases to amaze me that the NYC IMC, which purports to represent the free discussion of important issues among 10 million people in greater New York, does NOT ALLOW any discussion of the events of Sep 11th, 2001!

London IMC, by start contrast, allows all sorts of discussion of the investigations of the 7-7 bombings, of the 7-21 events (whatever those were!), and of the terrible slaying of Menezes. I strongly believe that the open dialog on Menezes here on London IMC is extremely healthly. Certainly, there are a lot of opinionated rants and venom thrown about, but in the end the readers can form an idea of what the arguments are regarding the actions of the police and Ian Blair that day, and they are free to discuss what Menezes himself supposedly did as was reported in the corporate media.

Where else would we all wonder about the "bulky jacket" and "jumping the turnstile"?

Indeed, I think it is shameful that NYC IMC doesn't allow even a mention of this, or any discussion of the problem whatsoever, when it comes to 9-11.

For example, the following post was deleted within 30 seconds today! And this has been the case consistently since early 2004. Before that time, various posts on 9-11 were allowed, but since then some sort of editorial policy was enacted with simply doesn't tolerate any mention of 9-11 truth. If not for the thousands of human beings who lost their lives that day, it would be ridiculous. But it is not ridiculous. It is pernicious.

People and fellow readers of IMC, please ask yourself: if the IMC editors took it upon themselves to pretend that certain issues don't exist, what could you do about it?

Just as in the corporate media, how can you hold them accountable to the truth?

The hope and promise of IMC is to allow free discussion of important issues, not to stamp out debate and stifle questions!

All I can say is this: praise to London and Portland, you are holding up the banner of real intellectual freedom!

>>>>>>CLEARLY DANGEROUS, EH?>>>>>>>>>>>>>

August 25, 2005 10:32AM

9-11 Truth - Verboten!

is it correct for NYC IMC to automatically delete ANY reference to 9-11 Truth?

Two things are completely obvious to me:

1) the "official story" of what happened on Sep. 11th 2001 is a load of malarkey
2) discussion of this "story" and investigation of the truth is NOT allowed on NYC Indymedia

Every day there is more and more evidence of government cover-ups related to intelligence (both real and manufactured) which contributed to the acts commited on 9-11. [Able Danger was shut down, Sibel Edmonds was silenced, John O'Neill was pulled off case, Colleen Rowley was silenced, etc etc]

But NYC IMC does not allow any discussion related to 9-11. Weird? How many New Yorkers lost their lives that day? Does NYC IMC think it doesn't matter? Forget about it, soldiers, march onward to the "war on terror?"

This post (which will be immediately deleted by...well, just watch), is meant to address this issue, which I think is VERY VERY pertinent to the 10 million residents of greater NYC area. Doesn't anybody else agree with me? Isn't there anything we can do?

Take for example the information about the attempts to hide FBI transcripts of conversations between foreign agencies and US govt officials before 9-11, conversations implicating them in criminal activity.

Shouldn't this be investigated? Shouldn't this be discussed?

Are you just going to have your mouths taped shut because certain editors at IMC have decided that such things SHOULD NOT BE MENTIONED?

Please use this opportunity to evaluate what is happening at NYC IMC. In my opinion, the thousands of people who lost their lives at the WTC are being dishonored by those who refuse to even discuss what caused them to be murdered! Total denial of any dialog on this topic is an outrage! When will NYC IMC free itself and be willing to discuss reality?

junkyard dog


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