Protest at Lydd Airport expansion-Aug 27th
pirate | 25.08.2005 12:25 | Ecology | Globalisation | Social Struggles | South Coast | World
A new coalition- Keep the Marsh Special Alliance is holding a demo outside the Lydd Airport road entrance on Sat 27th Aug.
We Need Your Support – PROTEST @
Airport Entrance, Romney Rd, (B2075), Sat 27th August, 10.30am onwards.
NOW 5000 Passengers annually
PROPOSED 2,000,000 rising to 6,000,000 p.a.!!!
We face massive traffic congestion, pollution and job losses in our traditional coastal leisure industries…
“Trying to site an international airport next to an internationally important area for birds is just ludicrous.” Chris Corrigan, RSBP S E Regional Director.
JOIN US – fight for the quality of life, for us, for our children, for our countryside, forever.
A new coalition: Liberal Democrats, The Green Party, Friends of The Earth and sympathisers, who are united in a common cause to protect Romney Marsh.
Contact: Malcolm Dyer, 01797 361772.
Keep the Marsh Special Alliance
Membership form
………………………………… Post Code:……………………
Telephone:…………………….. Email:………………………...
I wish to become a Member (no fee)
I wish to make a donation to campaign costs and
enclose the sum of £… (£3 recommended)
Cheques made payable to “Keep the Marsh Special Alliance.”
Delivering leaflets locally
Putting up posters
Arranging a fund raising event
Door to door campaigning
Contributing your experience of campaigning etc.
Thank you for joining us in our efforts to put a stop to the huge expansion plans of Lydd London – Ashford Airport.
Let’s plan today for tomorrow.
Contact: Malcolm Dyer, 01797 361772.
Airport Entrance, Romney Rd, (B2075), Sat 27th August, 10.30am onwards.
NOW 5000 Passengers annually
PROPOSED 2,000,000 rising to 6,000,000 p.a.!!!
We face massive traffic congestion, pollution and job losses in our traditional coastal leisure industries…
“Trying to site an international airport next to an internationally important area for birds is just ludicrous.” Chris Corrigan, RSBP S E Regional Director.
JOIN US – fight for the quality of life, for us, for our children, for our countryside, forever.
A new coalition: Liberal Democrats, The Green Party, Friends of The Earth and sympathisers, who are united in a common cause to protect Romney Marsh.
Contact: Malcolm Dyer, 01797 361772.
Keep the Marsh Special Alliance
Membership form
………………………………… Post Code:……………………
Telephone:…………………….. Email:………………………...
I wish to become a Member (no fee)
I wish to make a donation to campaign costs and
enclose the sum of £… (£3 recommended)
Cheques made payable to “Keep the Marsh Special Alliance.”
Delivering leaflets locally
Putting up posters
Arranging a fund raising event
Door to door campaigning
Contributing your experience of campaigning etc.
Thank you for joining us in our efforts to put a stop to the huge expansion plans of Lydd London – Ashford Airport.
Let’s plan today for tomorrow.
Contact: Malcolm Dyer, 01797 361772.
Hide the following 6 comments
25.08.2005 12:47
Hieracical Organisations involved, please delete this post with immediate effect
IMC reader
Unopposed corporates???
25.08.2005 15:13
Oh dear IMC thought police again!
Since there are no NON heirarchical groups in the area*, and for the forseeable future there
isn't likely to be, this is all there is to oppose the expansion plans of Lydd Airport.( The
owner, a Saudi, made his money partly thru arms trading.)
*(Only other 'alternate' groups in Kent that i'm aware of being the SWP/Stopwar lot in Canterbury. Some Respect and CND people and some hunt sabs (also Canterbury way).
Would you rather there were no opposition to the plans?
I support the expansion of Lydd Airport
26.08.2005 08:30
The safety, environmental and noise performance of aircraft has never been better, and it will continue to improve. Maybe the nimbies opposing this would like to explain how they propose to provide the increased runway and airspace capacity which the South East so badly needs.
Enough already
26.08.2005 11:54
Since manston is already in situ there is no further need for more airports, BUT if
EUJet can't compete then neither would Lydd.
Also airtravel must be curtailed because of Climate Change, the effects of which can be seen in central Europe right now.
Should air travel be reserved for the rich?
26.08.2005 13:50
If there were no demand for the runway space the expansion of Lydd Airport will create then no one would be willing to fund it. Looking at landing charges for all types of aircraft in South East England clearly demonstrates that the demand is there. Landing charges are a significant part of the cost of running an aircraft, particularly for the low cost carriers.
Low cost aviation is a social inclusion issue as well as a transport issue.
Mi is mad
01.09.2005 19:43
I is rad