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Acts of hate: full list of 'deportation' acts

Francis | 24.08.2005 14:17 | Free Spaces

The Home Office today published a list of "unacceptable behaviours" which will lead to the deportation or exclusion of any foreign national who commits them from the UK.


According to the Home Secretary the list is indicative rather than exhaustive and covers any non-UK citizen whether in the UK or abroad.

Terrorist violence

Cannot foment, justify, glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs

Terrorist acts

Cannot seek to provoke others to terrorist acts

Criminal acts

Cannot foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts

Inter-community violence

Cannot foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK.


Individuals who do the above by any means or medium are caught by the legislation, including:

- writing, producing, publishing or distributing material;

- public speaking including preaching

- running a website

- using a position of responsibility such as teacher, community or youth leader



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So who's up for it?

24.08.2005 16:37

Anyone here want to instigate or foment terrorism, serious crime or inter-community hatred? Are these rights which we've previously been "enjoying" that we're now going to be denied?


Class struggle = community violence?

24.08.2005 20:44

Does a social class count as a "community" for these purposes? Particular elite groups?

Major General P. O. Intless (Retired)

depends who'se defining them mr zorro

24.08.2005 20:45

I've been called a terrorist for wanting to party without a police license, to non-violently protest war and the operation of unaccountable power.

I've seen 'my' government terrorise nation after nation, killing and maiming and sacrificing troops, then make out that it us, the people who say 'not in my name', that are the 'terrorist sympathisers'.

if I say NO!

loud and clear

if I say that whatever laws they pass, I stand by every person's freedom of thought, speech and conscience, and right to live freely as long as they allow all others the same right

if I condemn radical clerics who seek to justify or excuse terror: dangerous extremists like Pat Robertson and the loony settler rabbis alongside the taliban imams, I am sure that within this new framework for our 'toerant' country there is someone, somewhere, someone with better access to a gun or handcuffs than I have or want, who could say that i am fomenting inter community hatred.

this says more about them than about me - but someone who wants us all to sit down, shut up, do as we are told by the men with the guns - someone who is allied with the biggest men with the biggest guns - someone like the home secretary - could easily turn around and say that I am a terrorist, if they want to. (they have the guns, so they want to make the rules.)

because the values of peace, love, tolerance, and mutual understanding threaten to undermine their power, their 'big man'liness, their ability to sit in judgement on the rest of us.

for that, the shame is theirs, not ours.


Burnt Offerings

25.08.2005 00:33

At the moment in history, the clearest terrorists on this Earth are the men and women who join the armed services of the UK or the US, or become Israeli citizens (where armed service is mandated for all citizens). These 3 countries have used their armed forces to commit every crime recognised by the standard moral codes of Humanity. These willing terrorists are the direct equivalent of the forces controlled by Adolf Hitler during the time of his sick project.

This new axis of madmen has promised genocide against Iran, if Iran gives itself a tiny fraction of the Nuclear weapons held by the 3. This axis promised gencide against Iraq, if Iraq HAD been able to defend itself with militarily useless chemical weapons. This axis promises genocide against North Korea, if it can do so without risk to N Koreas neighbours. This axis promises gencide to any African or Muslim nation that attempts to aquire nuclear weapons.

Hitler labelled all jews (except, for a short period, his stooge jews) as terrorists, if they said or did anything politically that enhanced their power, or diminished his. Blair does the same to the Muslims. Htler said that all good Germans should be prepared to exterminate 'bad' jews, where the definition of 'bad' was to come from Hitler and his ministers alone. Blair says that all good British, American, European, and jewish people should be willing to EXTERMINATE 'bad' Muslims, where the definition of 'bad' should come from Blair and his apointees alone.

Blair had an innocent male butchered- what the jews of Israel famously call a MAM- military aged male (currently 11-80's by recent US and Israeli military propagandists). Blair said 'whoops, but we can all agree the killing would have been totally FINE if it had been one of my defined BAD Muslims". The extermination squads of Fallujah (many of whom were Israeli merceneries) were trained in their genocidal tactics in Israel- where butchering MAM's is a speciality.

The US recently imprisoned for life anti-terrorism agents from Cuba who were working to prevent Americans from committing further terrorist atrocities in Cuba (these guys have recently got a retrial because the US is currently pretending to being against all Latin American terrorism, but then Hitler had to prosecute some anti-jewish activities in the early days for show too).

Muslims, if they have a working brain, are scared and angry, but (very sensibly) far more scared. Their politics will reflect this. Activism will make the Muslim community far more powerful, and regardless of how much racist filth the media of the West spews, most of this power will be simple conventional political power, reflecting the population size, and economic significance of the Muslim population. After all, the Muslims have only to look at the jewish influence in Western politics, and aim to replace it by simple (and justifiable) logic of greater numbers. It is not extremist Muslims that threaten the status quo, but moderate muslims demanding 'justice for all'.

Blair, at this stage, intends to make ALL muslims frightened to say anything, or participate in any political activity, unless it is state approved. He just has to maintain this long enough, until he is ready to use the true terrorists listed at the top of my post to implement his 'Final Solution'.

When I was very young, learning about the Nazi's for the first time, I always wondered what it would be like if fate made one German at that time. Today I know!. WE ARE THE NAZIS, and our armed forces, and those of our allies are the mass-murdering machines of this period of history. Those our leaders and our media goons are rude about are to be our main victims. And Blair is our Hitler, laughing at how easy the whole game is played, and promising to damn us (as Hitler did the German people) when WE lie dying in the ruins of OUR cities, and the PROJECT has concluded with the Human population of Earth nothing but burnt offerings to his dark god!



25.08.2005 11:35

