One Sick Son Of A Bitch
The QuoMan | 23.08.2005 13:09 | Anti-militarism | Sheffield
"At this stage we dont know the full facts. Its interesting to note that the hard line conspiracy theorists, have yet again latched onto the "negative" aspects of the case and the ones most likely to point to a conspiracy.
They accuse based on unfounded and as yet, unproven leaks, gossip etc but they themselves are using the same tactics that they accuse Sir Ian Blair of using, to justify the conspiracy allegations.
Beemer, hypocracy, pot calling the kettle black? one rule for them, one rule for the conspiracy theorists? Take your pick. Personally I'd go for all 3 and more.
There is no such thing as a simple mistake in the eyes of Consiracy Theorists, mistakes dont make good conspiracies and leads to a dull life for them. What else would they have to fill their time with?
Im with Normsk on emptying a full magazine in the suspects head just to make sure. Shoot first, ask questions later because u can be damn sure the conspiracy theorists would come up with another theory to prove that the government and the police were working with the terrorist that "got let off" and didnt get shot. How else can u explain the fact the planes in 9/11 hit their targets if not for some huge US conspiracy? Do u see where Im going?
The government cant win, but at least be realistic and practical about the Theories and not be hypocritical.
Is it any wonder that Conspiracy Theorists are treated like deranged, lunatics when they peddle such unsubstantiated and completely fanciable claims?"
They accuse based on unfounded and as yet, unproven leaks, gossip etc but they themselves are using the same tactics that they accuse Sir Ian Blair of using, to justify the conspiracy allegations.
Beemer, hypocracy, pot calling the kettle black? one rule for them, one rule for the conspiracy theorists? Take your pick. Personally I'd go for all 3 and more.
There is no such thing as a simple mistake in the eyes of Consiracy Theorists, mistakes dont make good conspiracies and leads to a dull life for them. What else would they have to fill their time with?
Im with Normsk on emptying a full magazine in the suspects head just to make sure. Shoot first, ask questions later because u can be damn sure the conspiracy theorists would come up with another theory to prove that the government and the police were working with the terrorist that "got let off" and didnt get shot. How else can u explain the fact the planes in 9/11 hit their targets if not for some huge US conspiracy? Do u see where Im going?
The government cant win, but at least be realistic and practical about the Theories and not be hypocritical.
Is it any wonder that Conspiracy Theorists are treated like deranged, lunatics when they peddle such unsubstantiated and completely fanciable claims?"

The QuoMan
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