Scottish Parliament to Dock IWW Members' Pay
Worker Freedom | 22.08.2005 14:14 | Workers' Movements
The IWW’s Scottish Parliament Job Branch has filed a strong protestagainst the Parliament’s decision to strip the Scottish Socialist Party members’ 14 staff of one month’s wages, noting that the decision – taken by the Labour Party majority – violates the workers’ fundamental labour rights.
From the Industrial Worker - September 2005.
The protest was filed jointly with the National Union of Journalists. The IWW and NUJ represent the 14 workers affected.
The issue arises from a decision to strip the SSP delegation of its salaries, facilities and support staff after the four Socialist parliamentarians protested within the chamber against a government ban on protests at the site of the G8 summit in Gleneagles despite parliamentary votes to allow demonstrations. Protests were subsequently allowed.
Neither the unions representing the affected workers nor the SSP, which employes them, were informed of or permitted to attend the meeting of the Scottish Parliament committees where the decision was taken, nor were the IWW or NUJ notified that action against our members was being considered.
If the decision is not reversed, the workers affected stand to lose over £13,000 in wages as a result of the politicians’ decision to punish them for their employers’ actions in defense of democratic rights.
A protest has been planned for 6th September at 9am outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, when the MSPs return to work after their extended summer break. IWW members and supporters are encouraged to attend as well as to protest individually in 2 ways
please sign the on-line petition at
send letters of protest to the presiding officer of the Scottish Parliament, George Reid, at The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP, Scotland. Protests can also be emailed to:
Worker Freedom
Hide the following 5 comments
This is disgusting
22.08.2005 19:16
This was the first attack on civil liberties in a long line and there will be more to come if we don't stand up to it.
Mhairi McAlpine
This is a ... Repeat!
22.08.2005 20:47
Paranoid Pete
This is an Update,not a repeat.
22.08.2005 23:19
Worker Freedom
Thanks fro the update.
23.08.2005 16:19
The key issue is should the workers be punished for the actions of their Scottish MP's protest, wether you agree with the protest or not (I do agree witth SSP MP's protest). This is the sort of action befitting the Tories but one we have come to expect from the "New Labour" Party today.
Neil Williams
Neil Williams
08.09.2005 21:22
It is plain that it was a protest about nothing as the negotiations about the march were already over having took place no where near edinburgh. With regards to the mometary sanctions perhaps you should all have a look at this link and see how much these childish morons are raking in courtesy of those who actually pay taxes: