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Jordan arrests 2 Egyptian suspects over Aqaba attack

iraq solidarity campaign | 22.08.2005 12:58 | Social Struggles

AMMAN — Police on Sunday detained two Egyptians suspected of involvement in a rocket attack on US warships moored off the southern Port of Aqaba, a day after arresting an Iraqi, security sources told Agence France-Presse. "The security forces detained two Egyptian suspects," one source said, declining to elaborate.

Security forces on Saturday arrested an Iraqi man suspected of being one of the four militants behind Friday's rocket attack, which was claimed by a group linked to Al Qaeda.

All three rockets missed the warships but one hit a warehouse killing an army soldier while another struck over the border with Israel.

The US embassy earlier advised nationals to exercise "caution" in Jordan following the attack."The US embassy in Amman advises American citizens in Jordan to continue to exercise caution with regard to their security," the embassy said in a message.

On Sunday, Minister of Interior Awni Yarvas was quoted by the Jordan News Agency, Petra, as saying that authorities were still investigating the attack and interrogating suspects. He did not elaborate, but added: "The authorities are making progress."

Published in the Jordan Times
Monday, August 22, 2005

iraq solidarity campaign
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22.08.2005 14:36

Good for Jordan, two islamic terrorists less out of the way, less danger for Jordan, and a safer World. Sometimes less is more.
