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Screening – ‘When Killing Is Easy’

Frontline | 22.08.2005 10:20 | London

In the spring of 2003, within a period of seven weeks, one British journalists and one American peace activist were killed by the Israeli army in Rafah, a Palestinian town at the southern end of the occupied Gaza Strip.

Screening – ‘When Killing Is Easy’ at the Frontline Club, 13 NORFOLK PLACE LONDON, W2 1QJ

Monday, 22nd August – 7.30pm
Followed by Q&A with filmmaker John Sweeney
Duration – 50 minutes

A second Briton was shot in the head, leaving him brain-dead; he later died of pneumonia, having never come out of his coma.

An Israeli military bulldozer crushed the 23-year-old American peace activist Rachel Corrie, who was the first to die on March 16, as she tried to prevent it from demolishing a Palestinian doctor's home.

British photographer Tom Hurndall, 22, was left brain dead after being shot in the head by an Israeli soldier on April 11. British cameraman James Miller, 34, was shot by an Israeli sniper as he left a house with two other journalists on May 2.

Since the start of the second intifada, 2,200 Palestinians have been killed. Nine Israeli soldiers have been indicted for various offences, but none has been convicted of unlawful killing. But this, from the killing fields of the Occupied Territories, is something new: the killing and maiming of Western journalists and peace activists. And, unlike the Palestinians, the families of the international victims have been able to bring pressure to bear. They have, however, had precious few satisfactory answers.

John Sweeney’s ‘When Killing Is Easy’ was originally produced for BBC’s Correspondent.
Reporter: John Sweeney
Producer: Bill Treharne

Screenings e-bulletin
The Frontline Club & Forum in association with the Open Society Foundation - Network Media Program

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Monday night screenings will be followed where possible with a Q&A session with the director. These screenings are a regular feature of the Frontline Club and are opened to everyone (admission for non-members £5).

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Not easy

22.08.2005 12:08

Most of those people would now be alive if they had not put themselves in danger going to a warzone where they could do nothing useful.


'nothing useful'

22.08.2005 13:26

..because protecting people from getting shot by the IDF, helping people resist having their homes bulldozed, helping people have dignity in the face of overwhelming oppression is just 'useless'. isn't it..

fuck off kenny


God does not exist

22.08.2005 14:39

And how exactly do you protect people from being shot by the IDF?
Putting your own body in the middle?
Do you think you are God and you can change all the wrongdoings in the world just by turning up and getting yourself in the middle of a battlecamp?

Get real, peace activists do not change any conflict, conflicts are solved in the negotiation table.

And, why didn't you turn up in Belfast to stop the UDF members shooting the IRA members, or viceversa. may it be because you care more about conflicts far away from home?


Kenny you are an idiot

22.08.2005 16:27

You are a complety idiot man, i just wondering what the hell are you doing speaking your bullshit in a web like indymedia that is defenatly not for you...
go and read the Sun, or get drunk but leave us alone..


Who are you?

23.08.2005 12:16

And who exactly are you to tell me if I can comment my views in Indymedia or not?

At least I am polite and I have arguments, all you have done so far is swearing (are you a peace activist by any chance?), it is an old tactic that if you can't win a debate then you use insults to stop it and divert attention, but I will not fall for it I don't need to swear at my ideological adversaries to prove that I am right. I will tell you again:

1) Going to a battlefield with the hope that everyone will stop what they are doing because of you is silly, the most stupid being the so called "human shields" for Iraq, Bush did not care and Saddam did no care if they got killed. Besides they achieved nothing as the war went on anyway (as expected).

2)The peace activists have never been to any demonstration in Northern Ireland to stop British troops or paramilitaries shooting civilians (Bloody Sunday, etc...) they only travel to the Middle East because is glamorous and it looks "cool".

And last, I will come as often as I like to Indymedia to express my views if you don't like I suggest you do like all the right wing websites do and stop people who disagree with you from writting here.

Have a good day
