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deputy dog | 22.08.2005 08:31

The simple idea i have on my childs blackboard today is this.

Start a campaign for DONT BUY A NEWSPAPER DAY.

Hi Folks.
I aint no intellectual,i aint got no degree or credentials behind my name, im certainly no writer,though i read and try to understand the best i can the material that i read.Therefore any suggestions i have in how to bring the truth out into the public domain is always going to be simple.

The simple idea i have on my childs blackboard today is this.

Start a campaign for DONT BUY A NEWSPAPER DAY.

The reasons for why being obviouse.The bstrds need our conformity and our sleepy sheepy ness to continue to take away our rights and freedoms, and the unquestioning press are part of this machine.By ignoring truth, and uninvestigative journalism they help in the keeping people asleep process.

When the powers that be say they have evidence at press conferences,let us here journalists shout out loud at the conferences "CAN WE SEE THE EVIDENCE PLEASE" if not we cant print what you say,you see we are not your mouthpiece.

Unfortunately this is hardly ever heard,and the mainstream press are indeed the mouthpiece for the dissemination of the seeds which i call lies.

I would ideally like to read in a mainstream paper "Due to the fact that there has been no forthcoming evidence i.e. photographs of said suicide bombers on the London Underground this paper states clearly that we can not accept statements by the metropolitan police,nor the government at this time." To do so would be a great diservice to our readers.


Due to there being no photograph releases of an american airliner hitting the pentagon,and based on what we can see, i.e. no wreckage which would surely be obviouse we can not print the statement you have given us,Our readers should they wish to read such nonsense can buy a childrens comic where such artistic license with truth is allowed and very much encouraged.....

Well ive waffled on a little here.Just thought i would write that a good idea for an organisation to promote is a

"Dont buy a newspaper day"

Simple though it may give the newspaper a worthy topic to cover.

Deputy Dog


deputy dog


Display the following 3 comments

  1. Hold the front page — AM
  2. Grassy Knoll — Memory-Hole-Catchers-Mitt
  3. Not today neither tomorrow — Khan