Pope & Catholic Clowns in Cologne
Henk Ruyssenaars | 21.08.2005 17:48 | Education | Globalisation | Repression
"The Catholic Church", the Pope said on World Youth Day in Germany on Sunday: "is like a net full of fish: you got the good ones and the baddies." But fish still starts rotting at the head.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
COLOGNE, Germany - Aug. 21 - 2005 - One of the friends I had in Sweden was honest about it: "You know why I became a priest?", he said: "because they refused me at the Royal Swedish Theater Academy and a couple of acting studios. So I thought: I want to act and at the same time make some money.
The solution was that I joined the Swedish State Church, Svenska Statskyrkan. Now I'm even paid to dress up, and can act as much as I want to and feel like.For the Sunday show - sermon as it's called - I can write my own text! I'm earning a reasonable salary and I get more respect from the poor ignorants in my parish than I'll ever deserve. Churches are perfect stages, it's the best theater on earth!"
From my point of view that sounded like a perfectly normal explanation, being born and bred into a traditional catholic family and having seen some school friends disappear into the magic incense clouds of 'Rome's Ringling Brothers'; the catholic variety of the circus of Barnum & Bailey: the Vatican - Url.:

Rome's Vatican - with all it's prelatic clowns running around and taking part in one of the biggest shows on earth - for the weekend moved it's tents to Germany. Including all the chubbies 'far out' and expensive dresses and mad miter hats*, the chandeliers, the incense, 'Holy Water' and crosses in gold and silver, jewels, and deep ruby red stones in the gold rings on the fingers of the cardinals and similar role players.
The rings however have never stopped those Überclowns from 'fingering' mankind especially first in the West and than spreading for over 2000 years. To see the 'Upper Clown' of the Vatican in his electric 'Papa Mobil' slowly driving among a million strong sea of brainwashed youngsters from many different countries and continents, gives any normal onlooker a very ungood feeling. Because as is shown in history: religion and civil liberties are like water and fat, and if this million of 'Christians' accepts the 'once upon time' stories from those jesters*, the world is in trouble. Because they'll believe anything, they proved.
The religion in the United States for instance allows human beings to be punished to death by poison injections, they are killed on electric chairs and gassed. The Judas speeches at this catholic circus in Cologne didn't mention the fact that at present the world is ravaged by one of their leading 'Christians', the president of the United States George Bush and his ilk, a psychopath who as a good 'Brother in Christ' committed at least 152 executions during the time he was in office as governor of Texas. Now he kills them by the hundred thousands, and that the Überclown forgot to mention too. [Bush kills - Url.:

Not the pope, nor any of the well fed cardinals or their minions spoke up: they all played their roles, and the poor often genuflecting sheeple in front of them - over a million according to comments - waved their banners, had a gulp of 'Holy Water', sang their songs and chewed the wafers. While on stage this German pope with his crew, the whole clownesque entourage, did it's best to get the same results as another malignant German tried 70 years ago. Now neocon television fills the Goebbels-propaganda gap left by filmers like Leni Riefenstahl, when she filmed the followers of the Nazi ideology, millions believing and behaving in the same way.
Hitler's rants have had the same misleading effect on people as the 'Christian' churches with their fairy tales, ignoring catastrophes of which also they are part of the origin: in Africa - where most people not even can afford condoms, let alone the expensive US made drugs needed to keep AIDS under control - right now millions of people are dying of hunger and aids.
This happens under the gaze of those 'christians', who are in 99% of the cases not reacting while the US neocons are busy stealing $trillions worth of oil and other profitable natural resources, anywhere. Again with the expected disastrous effect, and making resistance everywhere grow by the minute.- Url.:

Hope that Christ has given you?
In one of it's information pieces - the neocon's 'Associated Press' writes that Benedict: ''asked pilgrims from Africa to bring your great and beloved continent the hope that Christ has given you. Be everywhere sowers of peace and brotherhood.'' Well, during my ten years as a correspondent in Africa I saw none of the hope that Christ has given to anybody. Hope is nothing you can either smear on your sandhich or the festering wounds. It's plunder and murder all the way what people see around them, and this mitered clown in Rome knows it: he's a two thousand years old part of their immense and inhuman problems.
Listening to Benedict one is abhorred: what an unbelievable crap that jester dares to spout! Instead of blasting away with all barrels at the criminals which sacrifice humanity on their bloodied neocon altar of greed. The by religion blinded million didn't hear an official open protest against the genocides going on, apart from some mumbling in the very low ranks, which was silenced immediately. If you don't accept spreading the lies, you're out of their gravy train 'Carnivale'.
Cardinal Joachim Meisner, the archbishop of Cologne, welcomed the 'Boss of the Circus': ''Here in the midst of the youth of the world, and countless priests, bishops and cardinals, we would like to welcome you to Marienfeld,''Meisner said. ''You belong to the youth, and the youth belongs to you.'' In Adolf's time youth was called ''Hitler Jugend''; now it's "Pope Jugend"?
And the Vatican on world TV offered a grand jig as a 'finale' of it's Carnival: the Gloria section took care of the music and was accompanied by South American zamponas and charangos, followed by an Indian sitar, African drums, and an Australian didgeridoo, and the clowns did what they are paid for. Apart from some stray dogs and the birds, there were no real animals.
But there were too many jerks, dressed as jesters...
Confirming that religion is opium for the people.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* A jester or fool is a specific type of clown mostly associated with the Middle Ages. Jesters typically wore brightly colored clothing in a motley pattern. Their hats (sometimes called the "cap'n'bells") were especially distinctive; made of cloth, they were floppy with three points (liliripes) each of which had a jingle bell at the end.
The three points of the hat represent the asses' ears and tail worn by jesters in earlier times. Other things distinctive about the jester was his incessant laugh.
Wikipedia - Url.: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jester

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands

* Brainwashed? Take the free 'Gullibility Factor' test to find out if you're really a mind slave or not - Url.:

*'The war in Iraq is illegal' - BBC video & text - interview United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan - Url.:

*Help the troops come home! Url.:

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Henk Ruyssenaars