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Banner Drop. No Arms Dealers in Peace Messenger City

Kevin | 21.08.2005 14:33 | South Coast

Brighton should not be making bombs.

Let's hope it doesn't get ripped down by a passing moron...
Let's hope it doesn't get ripped down by a passing moron...

So far so good...
So far so good...

In response to B&H Councils refusal to censure local arms manufacturer EDO (, members of the ongoing and unevicted peace camp dropped a banner outside the Town Hall in Hove this Thursday.

A bald headed passer-by (could it have been? No! Surely not!) tried to rip the banner down no doubt believing he'd have the full support of EDO, the police and some members of Brighton Council for this vigilante action. He didn't hang around to find out though...



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22.08.2005 00:38

I am sure the EDO war criminals are shaking in their jackboots at the mere sight of your piece of rag and about to hightail it out of town. Oh - there are still there. Maybe one day i'll realise how futile this all is...

the middle finger

great, another 3 line response from PC EDO.

22.08.2005 02:26

If the actions of the police, and the Labour government in passing legislation against peaceful anti-corporate demonstrations is anything to go by, then yes - these companies really are quaking in their feet. On the other hand, you might say that the untrammled success of capitalism (which is not due to any ability to actually meet the needs of people, the environment, freedom, social wellbeing of course,) now requires further reductions in peoples freedoms to combat disgusting trades so as to continue killing and maiming for profit.

Regardless, they are pissed off.

Think about Huntingdon Life Sciences. It may not have gone bust, but it sure as hell has needed some help from the police and government. In any free society it would not exist. Same with EDO. Without people paid for by EDO to troll about on the internet, and outside their gates, to defend from painful words and consulting their consciences -, plus some dodgy handshakes with the police and local MPs, - EDO would be bust by now.

I don't think these police state tactics really work though - they simply increase peoples sense of frustration and hatred with the government, the police, and those they serve. Do you really think that beating up grandparents and teenage girls is going to promote EDO's standing with the local community? And that's pretending that people who aren't old and young are likely to forget about being arrested and persecuted for trying to stop a bomb factory in the middle of Brighton! Sure, you can masturbate thinking about EDOs bombs falling on the people of Brighton, but thats not particularly likely right now, is it?

Eventually, all of the hatred that you have sewn will come back to haunt you - because nobody will want to work for EDO....And we will be dancing at a rave in EDOs abandoned bomb factory, turning a site of death into one of celebration - HURRAY! PS. EDO employees/paid spooks on UK Indymedia - please feel welcome to post more comments. But please try and make them more interesting - you're getting really boring now. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how you can be more effective.


Banner Drop No arms dealers

23.08.2005 00:23

Good(banner hanging) action people and THANKYOU.
Any action that is anti-arms trade anti- arms dealing and anti -war has my support.

Seems to be some antagonism going on between posters on these sites.

Maybe if the smash edo people were to say, adopt a position of "we dont want the workers at the factory to lose their jobs(apart from those nasty security monkeys maybe), we just want them NOT to make, manufacture or sell weapons and/or weapons parts".....Make something socially, environmentally and people FRIENDLY instead huh?

As regards the well evidenced reports of the Sussex(British) Poolice beating up, hurting and haranging innocent 83yr olds and 16year olds on peaceful protest in UN Peace Messenger town centres...............I seem to remember having seen lots of films, televisions and reading lots of history books/papers that showed me/told me exactly the same about the National Socialist Poolice of Fascist Germany in the 1930s and 1940s and their leader's actions, one Mr.Adolf Hitler soon led to the deaths, killings, murder and mutation of 28 MILLION PEOPLE in a little adventure called world war 2.

So, THATS ALRIGHT THEN ISNT IT - Brighton and British people who support Blair, wars, arms manufacturers and their henchmen/women the British Poolice?
I suppose the pro-war posters and agitators think that they will NOT BE one of the 28 million or more to suffer?
They probably also think that Eastenders, Coronation Street and the Sun(Scum newspaper) are real.!

Love and best,

Auntie War