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Gate Gourmet use EDO tactics against strikers

William Hone | 21.08.2005 12:08 | Repression | Workers' Movements

Gate Gourmet sought an interim injunction today against trade union members

Gate Goorumet rushed to the High Court today, (Sunday 21/8) to seek an injunction under the Protection From Harassment Act 1997 against the striking workers. This is the same tactic as has been used against the EDO demonstrators - only this time the PFHA is being used to directly attack trade union rights.

William Hone


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Gate Gourmet Fail!

21.08.2005 12:33

The High Court has ruled against Gate Gourmet.,1271,-5224050,00.html

Jason N. Parkinson
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The end is Neigh

21.08.2005 15:25

With the losses they have caused to BA, it must only be a matter of time before Gate Gourmet and their fatty, overprocessed gunk that passes for food go out of business for good. BA could assist the process by seeking compensation for the losses caused by this unlawful action. It is not difficult to serve nice, healthy food such as salads, fresh fruit on even the longest sectors, and there must be a demand for it. Have you ever seen cabin and flight crew eating passenger food. Wonder why not. Even if you only fly one sector a week, airline food must have some adverse affect on your health.

Healthy passengers are happy passengers!
