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UK police want to database people who are suspicious but not convicted

from BBC | 20.08.2005 08:53 | Repression

Offenders database 'to cut crime'

A computer system allowing police to share details of dangerous offenders has been unveiled by the Home Office.

Offenders database 'to cut crime'

The £10m Violent and Sex Offenders Register (Visor) is intended to help reduce re-offending and contains information on 47,000 people.

It controversially includes details on people who have not been convicted, but are still considered a public danger.

Minister Fiona Mactaggart said Visor could help reduce crime and was "a step change in public protection".

Distinguishing marks

The national database has been made available to all police forces and is expected to be rolled out to the Probation Service next year. A pilot is also being carried out in the Prison Service.

Previously, police and probation officers fed offenders' details into local databases, which made it difficult to track them as they moved around the UK.

The new system's launch follows the Bichard Inquiry into how two police forces failed properly to vet Soham killer Ian Huntley.

Huntley was able to get a job as a school caretaker in Cambridgeshire despite several accusations of sex-related crimes in Humberside.

The inquiry's report called for a national intelligence IT system for all police forces to share information.

'Better assessment'

Visor also contains photos of offenders, including tattoos and distinguishing marks.

The database is still being updated and could eventually contain details on 200,000 people, the Home Office said.

Among those already on Visor are 25,000 registered sex offenders.

Chief Constable Terry Grange of the Association of Chief Police Officers recognised there were concerns over including unconvicted people on the database.

"We are acutely aware of the balance between privacy and public safety," he told BBC News.

"But there are balances set in the chain if people think we are going too far."

'Big improvement'

Harry Fletcher, assistant general secretary of the National Association of Probation Officers, said the lack of a central database for violent and sex offenders has "clearly hampered and delayed" inquiries in the past.

He said the new system would "improve matters markedly, and will lead to better risk assessment by both probation service and the police".

Mr Fletcher urged caution over the use of sensitive information stored on the system, but dismissed fears over holding information on people who have not yet been convicted.

"Information has always been held on the police national computer about individuals who are thought to pose a risk," he said.

Shaun Kelly, a child protection manager with children's charity NCH, broadly welcomed the proposals.

He said: "In itself it's not the only thing that we need to do to reduce the risk of sex offences against children, but it is a very important process that needs to be put in place."

from BBC


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they do this for everyone else already

20.08.2005 09:16

The Police National Computer has a record of everything you do that involves the police. So if you go on demos, they are all listed.

The only difference between this new system and the old system is:

1. A £10million budget,
2. Easier to look through it as it is more specific,
3. Makes the police look like they're doing something worthwhile.

It is just another 'ooh look at us...'

mail e-mail:


21.08.2005 15:20

agree totally with above comments - also the National Public Order Intelligence Unit at New Scotlland Yard is where the Secret Police store details of anyone who attends demonstrations and is used to blacklist peace activists and others - anyone can ask for their details on this or the Police National Computer using the Data Protection Act - write to them and ask for the information they have on you - costs a tenner - results show how silly and paranoid the state is as much info they 'release' is heavily censored with much blacking out of info on you they don't think you should have access to!
