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Beat the bombers, party for peace! Party against the arms fair.

Reclaim The Streets | 19.08.2005 16:20

1pm, Saturday 10, September 2005, East London. Full details nearer the time.

Ahead of the days of action against the Dsei arms fair, there will be a massive street party close to the Excel centre where the arms fair is due to be held. For more details go to:

Reclaim The Streets


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19.08.2005 22:06

please please let's not have yet another boring day getting pushed around by cops who by now have the experience and tactics to entirely disempower the traditional street party?

if you are gonna do this for DSEI then PLEASE combine it with some different tactics, don't expect everyone to come if you don't make clear in advance not only that but (as far as is safe in public) *how* it is gonna be different cos some of us are well and truly sick of this by now... and more importantly it doesn't work! the fair keeps on bloody coming!

we need effective tactics that prevent the set up and disrupt the operation of this shitty fair not hanging about behind a police line getting frustrated and pissing off the locals by disrupting traffic on the main road miles away from excel.

I'm sure that there is creative stuff being planned and a lot of it can't be posted on here for good reasons, would just ask that any 'public' events are also a bit more exciting and more to the point effective than the same old same old?

cheers, big love and good work to all those organising on this



Just a party

20.08.2005 12:38

Lets make it clear. This event is just a party. It is days before the start of the fair and likely to acjeive little more than give a missleading idea of how many people might be around during the week and provide the cops with a chance to photograph everyone and arrest a few ring leaders.


ooh your soooo hardcore

23.08.2005 11:07

Well if you didn't either...

1./ Stay in your bourgeois activist fucking ghettos


2./ Being a useless armchair critic on Indymedia instead of getting out there and doing things, gewtting involved ( and not just 1./ ) - not just consuming and complaining, or following silly idiots with big egos jetting around frigging Europe.

to the repliers

It should be a good Party

23.08.2005 19:34

This should be a fun event - it's supposed to be a party not a riot.

It is also a chance for people from all over to meet up and find out about the arms fair and the various issues / protests etc.( I agree it should not just activists ) and for groups to come down ( not necessarily DA groups ) and disseminate info. re arms fair. Listen to some music, eat some veggie food, dance, play tombola, juggle, fire breathe, discuss raytheon, get out of the house/pub/shop etc.

You can argue the pros and cons of when and where and why until you are blue in the face though if you have that much time then get involved. Arguably , you could say that anybody attending a public meeting or convergence space or perhaps the Peace Concert may be filmed but -

If you do not want to be filmed or sussed by the state etc. then may i suggest -

Don't use the Internet ( particulaarly do any posting or websites ) , go to meetings, attend EF!, join groups, go on demonstrations, draw benefit, -

In fact do everything REALLY underground. see Weathermen for details....(ha ha)
