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Death of Iraqi brothers sparks anti-U.S. rage

the Iraq Solidarity Campaign | 19.08.2005 12:04 | Social Struggles

BAGHDAD - An angry Iraqi crowd carried coffins through a Baghdad district on Thursday and threw rocks at American soldiers, accusing U.S. troops of killing three innocent middle-aged brothers, one of them in a wheelchair.

The U.S. military said they had killed three "terrorists".

"They call everybody terrorists but they just commit terrorist acts whenever they want," said Mohsen Thabit, a friend of the men whom neighbours found shot in the head at home after a raid by U.S. and Iraqi troops in the Amiriya district overnight.

The bodies of Khalil, Khalid and Jamal Hussein, filmed by a neighbour, lay sprawled in their home, that of the crippled Khalil lying in the bathroom next to his wheelchair.

U.S. spokesman Major Tim Keefe confirmed U.S.-led and Iraqi forces raided a house the neighbourhood around midnight.

"The purpose of the raid was to capture and detain a kidnapping cell. A firefight ensued, and three terrorists were killed and one wounded. Weapons and explosive materials were captured," he said by e-mail in reply to a question.

Parts of Amiriya have been strongholds for Sunni Arab insurgents seeking to topple the U.S.-backed Iraqi government.

Whatever the reasons behind the incident, however, neighbours and relatives were quick to accuse Americans and the new Iraqi forces they are training of carrying out an unprovoked killing, a common complaint in a violent city and one that has fuelled resentment in many quarters towards occupying forces.

The reaction underlines how far U.S. and, now, Iraqi troops are struggling to gain public trust after two years of war.

The dead men's sister-in-law said she saw U.S. and Iraqi troops raid the house and shoot her husband's brothers.

"They shot one of my brothers-in-law in the bathroom and then they shot the other two. I was hit in the arm and foot," Noor Ali Jassim told Reuters from a hospital bed.

It was not clear if she was the wounded person referred to in the U.S. statement. She was not under guard in hospital.

Video footage taken by residents showed three bodies on the floor, including Khalil Hussein who lay face down in the bathroom near a wheelchair. Friends said the man had been unable to walk since being wounded in the war with Iran in the 1980s.


U.S. troops hope Iraqi security forces will eventually take over the fight against guerrillas and enable them to go home.

However, passions aroused by incidents such as that at the Hussein home pose questions over their ability to win hearts and minds.

"Amiriya will not be silent," said neighbour Akram Khalil.

U.S. and Iraqi troops say they are under strict orders to respect human rights but Iraqis often complain they are too quick to draw their weapons. In such cases, troops generally say the casualties have been suspected of being suicide bombers.

Among accusations of civilians being killed in raids, Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations alleged last month that U.S. Marines shot dead his unarmed cousin in cold blood at his home.

More than 20 labourers were treated in hospital in Baghdad this week after a U.S. helicopter opend fire as they slept on a rooftop at dawn. The military said its aircraft returned fire against "terrorists" but added there were civilian casualties.

In Amiriya, relatives wept as they prepared the brothers for burial. One man lifted blankets, exposing devastating skull wounds; "He is a cripple. He has been handicapped for the past 25 years," he said, standing over Khalil's bloodied corpse.

Facing determined guerrillas, Iraqi leaders are struggling to write a draft constitution they hope will foster peaceful politics after decades of one-party rule. However, promises of democracy failed to calm the nerves of hundreds of people at the Hussein funeral procession.

"They will never be let back into Amiriya," screamed a hysterical man, referring to U.S. forces. Mourners threw stones at U.S. patrol vehicles as they drove past the procession.

the Iraq Solidarity Campaign
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Hide the following 13 comments

Britirh people guilty

19.08.2005 12:38

The British are also guilty of this, their country is the best friend of America, so they are all guilty. Unbelievers must be held accountable.


British people guilty

19.08.2005 13:10

The decadent Britihs must also be held accountable for this, they are America's best friends.Put Britain on trial!


Hold Muslims accountable for killing Muslims!

19.08.2005 14:29

Supposing this post is true and it may not be, it doesn't detract from the fact the insurgents kill far more civilians and deliberately than US forces. A recent example being in Baghdad recently, when a jihadist suicide bomber targeted a US patrol handing out sweets to kids. The results 1 dead GI and 23 dead iraqi kids. Salim, your pig ignorant rant about 'holding unbelivers accountable' reveals one of the major problems with the Islamist mode of thought. Hyper-sensitivity, when 'infidels' harm muslims. But you completely ignore when Muslims harm other muslims. Why don't you have a jihad over the genocide against african muslims in Darfour? Is that ok because muslims are the perpertrators? Most muslims are harmed by fellow muslims not the west, few muslims seem to care or even notice.


I say Salim old chap, hold the horses

19.08.2005 17:35

Dear Salim, I wonder why you chose IMC to place your one liner comment, surely you must
be aware that if there are any British people who are sympathetic to you cause you will find them on IMC UK.
By announcing to us that we will all pay for what the outrageous you will only alienate the very people who support you and have been taking to the steets, two million, and demonstrating against the this unjust war.

By sending suicide bombers to London to indiscriminately kill Londoners you are quite likely to kill other people
muslims perhaps. Now why would you want to do that ?

A Londoner

Not my cup of Tea

Re: Spook Droppings

19.08.2005 20:11

"it doesn't detract from the fact the insurgents kill far more civilians and deliberately than US forces."

That is simply not true. The collateral damage of the Resistance is a drop in the ocean of US victims of this illegal war, and US, UK, and Israeli intelligence reports state that the Resistance does not target civilians.

Like Operation Phoenix in Vietnam, several reports suggest that US covert operations are being carried out which target civilians, in order to frame the Resistance, in a vain support to disrupt support for it. These are alod, divide & conquer tactics and quite transparent.

One report states that an Iraqi man was stopped at a US checkpoint, and had to leave his car is a secured area while he was questioned. When he was released from questioning, he was told that his papers, for some odd reason, had been sent to an Iraqi police station, and that he'd have to drive there to retrive them.

However, when he pulled back onto the road, he noticed that his car was handling differently, and pulled over to check it out. Underneath the car, he found a bomb attached to his undercarriage. He had just left a US secured area, where cars are searched thoroughly. This suggests that his car was wired by US forces, and the device would be remote-detonated when he reached the station.

Unless each bombing is investigated and proven, therefore, your arguments fall flat.

"By sending suicide bombers to London ..."

There is no evidence to suggest that 7/7 was a suicide bombing, and the inability of the people who brought us "Iraq has WMD!!" and "Menedez resisted!!" to support their Conspoiracy Theories with compelling and independently-verifiable evidence suggests that this was a False Flag attack.


The insurgents clearly do target civilians

20.08.2005 15:15

'That is simply not true. The collateral damage of the Resistance is a drop in the ocean of US victims of this illegal war, and US, UK, and Israeli intelligence reports state that the Resistance does not target civilians.' Utter nonsense, what reports are these? The Sunni extremists have targeted shia mosques, ques of police recruits and political rallies. In Feb 04, Ansar al Sunna claimed responsibility for an attack on secular kurdish muslims that killed 109 civilians. They have also targeted the UN buildings in Baghdad and blew up iraqi kids who must ahve provoked them by accepting sweets from americans! How much evidence do u need? your comment about US forces 'tampering' with vehicles and placing bombs is silly and shows a warped frame of mind. So do you suppose extremist muslims don't exist and all the bad shit that happens is the UK's and US's fault?


Your Uninformed Comments

21.08.2005 19:59

"Utter nonsense, what reports are these?"

These have been reported in the MSM. Do some research before commenting next time.

"The Sunni extremists have targeted shia mosques"

According to the people who said "Iraq has WMD!!!". We do not actually know who was responsible for these attacks, and I'm sorry, but the CIA has a history of carrying out such False Flags, in the name of massaging ethnic tensions and attempting that old colonial trick of "Divide & Conquer". However, thus far, the Iraqis have seen through this.

"'Divide & Rule' is easy." - Iraq: Options Paper, prepared by the Overseas & Defense Secretariat Cabinet Office on 8 March, a year before the war. This leaked UK document goes on in great detail about how the US/UK can use existing ethnic tensions to their advantage, to divide Iraqis and take the heat off of their illegal Occupation.

"In Feb 04, Ansar al Sunna claimed responsibility for ..."

And was an investigation launched? Was this claim supported by evidence?

I'm not saying that some attacks aren't genuine, I'm simply refuting what was said above, because it is a load of BS, fed to us and the media by people known for their LIES.

"They have also targeted the UN buildings in Baghdad and blew up iraqi kids who must ahve provoked them by accepting sweets from americans!"

Actually, in that instance, other troops went to the area to warn of a possible threat, but then left, and this other unit, complete with camera crew, was sent in to interact with the kids and offer them candy. Seems a bit staged ...

"How much evidence do u need?"

As much as you can provide, which isn't much, especially when it contradicts the facts on the ground and official intelligence reporting.

"your comment about US forces 'tampering' with vehicles and placing bombs is silly"

Not at all. I believe that investigations are ongoing as we speak.

Your comment says to me that you don't know your subject matter. I direct your attention to Operation Phoenix in Vietnam. This is just one of thousands of instances where US forces have been proven to carry out such acts.

"So do you suppose extremist muslims don't exist and all the bad shit that happens is the UK's and US's fault?"

Oh, I know they exist, but I also know that it was the CIA in Afghanistan which created this phenomenon in Afghanistan, when it shipped in thousands of textbooks manipulating Islam, and combining this with Military Theory, much like the program Zionism taught to its followers and their children.

But thus far, there has been no compelling or independently-verifiable evidence to support the Conspiracy Theories put forth by these LIARS in order to pursue a long-planned agenda of military aggression and Neo-Fascism.

'P2OG' allows Pentagon to fight dirty
By David Isenberg

"Run away from the light": Such might be the motto of a new, covert policy that the Bush administration is considering implementing. According to recent news reports, it would be the largest expansion into the world of black ops and covert action since the end of the Vietnam War in the 1970s.

And that's saying quite a lot, considering that since Vietnam the Pentagon has not exactly been dormant in this area.

US/UK/Israel the only ones shouting "Civil War in Iraq!!"

Pointless trying to argue with you!

22.08.2005 11:28

I don't expect to be able to change your mind as you are under a severe illusion. It appears that we could sum up your points as follows:

1. No such thing as Islamic extremism, if it does exist it was started by the west anyway.
2. Terrorist attacks such as 9/11, Bali, Madrid, London etc are all the work of Western agencies and not terrorists.
3. In Iraq, the US forces and others are responsible for all the bombings that cause civilian casualties on an almost daily basis.
4. The UK govt stated Iraq had WMD. On the basis of Intelligence reports. Therefore everything that is reported by these agencies must be false. Without exception.
That's about it isn't it? A bit hard to stretch to all of that, but you manage it somehow. Now let's briefly look at your claims. We won't go in too deep or probe why you think that why as I'm not a shrink!

1. Islamic Jihadist ideaology has been about since the time of Muhammad. That' s because the Muslims always faced enemies and had to fight, initially to survive against the pagans, but then later in order to conquer and spread Islam. The modern manifestation of this is rooted in Wahabism. The puritanical and intolerent form of the faith propagated by Saudi Arabia. Most Islamic terror groups follow Wahabism, as indeed did the Taleban. Other modern manifestations are the Islamic Brotherhood from Egypt. These groups were in existence long before the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. In fact the Islamic brotherhood were founded in the 1920s. I agree with you that they were boosted by that war and recieved some material support from the US. Most of the money and ideaology came from Arab states however.

2. Your belief that terror attacks are 'false flags' is completly irrational. The Madrid, Bali, 9/11 and London attacks were carried out by Islamic terrorists. For each of thoose incidents, trials are under way and have occured in open courts of some of the accused. Not once has any of them said ' i was paid by the CIA to do it!'. you would expect that wouldn't you? Indeed Richard Reid the attempted shoe bomber openly admitted as sentenced to 60 years his role as a 'jihadi' and his support for Bin laden.

3. On a daily basis Iraq suffers from often indiscriminate terror bombings. I've already described this. If it's the work of the US, why according to you, would they (the US) produce Intel reports that say the insurgents do not target civilians? Presumably if they were seeking to discredit these insurgents by carrying out atrocities to pin on them, isn't it a bit odd if there own intel reports don't highlight this? You are wrong, the tragedy of Iraq is that all sides kill civilians. 40 years ago the CIA launched operation phoenix in Vietnam, the aim was to individually assasanate suspected Viet cong sympathisers. 40 years ago. So therefore because of that the US must be killing civilians in terrorist car bombings and the terrorists themselves do not?

4. Iraq in 2003 did not have WMD. Some of the Intelligence staff said so. But their voices went unheard in the clamour for war. The aim of which was regime change and not it appears to disarm Iraq. That may bring the legality of the war into question, but does it follow that everything the agencies say is lies? Perhaps what matters is how Inteligence is used. Furthermore you said that these agencies have produced reports that say the insurgents do not kill civilians! Ironically that must be as true as the WMD claim! I'm off now, I'll leave you to read up on how Zarqawi and Bin laden are CIA, world is run by lizards, Elvis works down the chip shop etc etc.



22.08.2005 13:58

Paul, you wrote : "In Feb 04, Ansar al Sunna claimed responsibility for an attack on secular kurdish muslims that killed 109 civilians. They have also targeted the UN buildings in Baghdad and blew up iraqi kids who must ahve provoked them by accepting sweets from americans!"

Who is this Ansar Al Suna who claims this or that all the time on the internet ? Can be the CIA, easy. And the indiscriminate killings of civilians their fact as well in order to stir up civil war.

The destruction of the UN building in Baghdad is the fact of the occupier obviously as it is the most powerfull attack so far there has been. It comes very early in 2003 and surprisingly the resistance has not been able to put together such a powerfull attack against American or government buildings since. Why ?

The US and the UK governments simply didn't want the UN in, point.

As for killing civilians, you'll open any history book about WWII and you'll note how much the French resistance is still praised. They were targeting not only the occupying power but collaborators (traitors to their nation) as the Iraqi resistants are doing today. They did execute a lot of them (10 of thousands if not more and all civilians) after the war ended.

You must not forget that Iraq has been invaded on false pretext, that 10 of thousands (if not much more) have died as a result. 400 hundred billions worth of damage has been done on infrastructure in the first days of the war. Hundreds of tons of genocidal depleted uranium dust have been spread in many places. The prestigious Baghdad museums have been looted of all their most precious artifacts and to crown the whole, about 50.000 Fallujans are entirely unnacounted for. No one knows where they are.


ansar al sunna

22.08.2005 14:37

This terrorist grouping came to prominence in Feb 2004, when it attacked the KDP delegation in Irbil, with 2 suicide vest bombers. 109 Killed. it's roots in Northern Iraq can be traced back much farther, to the mid 90's at least. It has also attacked US forces: "On 21 December 2004 an explosion killed at least 22 people and wounded at least 60 more. An Iraqi militant group claimed responsibility. The explosion on the US base in southern Mosul occurred as hundreds of soldiers gathered in a dining tent for lunch. The commander of U.S. forces in Mosul, Brigadier General Carter Ham, said casualties include US soldiers, American and foreign civilian contractors, and members of the Iraqi Army. The Iraqi militant group Ansar al-Sunna claimed responsibility for the explosion, which it says was a suicide operation." from This attack was made into a video by the attackers. A suicide vest bomber disguised as a Iraqi soldier entered into the canteen at a US army base in Mosul. 22 US soldiers and civilians killed. How did the CIA orchestrate that? And kill their own? Ansar al Sunna is a terrorist group, CIA it ain't.


Usual Tripe

23.08.2005 05:46

"Paul" the FBI has stated several times since 2001 that such groups, "previously unheard of" are usually Intelligence Fronts. If you can provide reports of compelling evidence to back up your claims, then by all means, do it.

And your need to manipulate what I said, instead of responding honestly, betrays your purpose here.

Sad Disinfo

Yawn! Explain how the CIA have done all this?

23.08.2005 10:16

I said i couldn't change your mind and won't try to. Here are some links on Ansar al sunna: This was an attack on US Marines last month that killed 14 of them. A military convoy was targeted with a roadside bomb. CIA? Killing US Marines? This is the same 'CIA' unit again killing US forces with an attack using a suicide vest bomber in the canteen. perhaps i shouldn't use the BBC as you regard them as probably the voice of the CIA anyway! Please tell me how and why the CIA are killing Americans?

3. This one is interesting, the terrorist/insurgent group Ansar Al Sunna controls the town of Haditha, when the US are absent and executes informers. Ironically it calls them 'US agents'. So this is the CIA killing it's own Intel sources as well as Killing US marines outside the town? Fascinating!

4. This is from Amnesty International. A group which is frequently critical of the USA. Here it gives details on terrorist atrocities by Ansar al Sunna and others in Iraq. CIA managed all that? They fooled AI as well! I won't provide anymore but could. As to manipulating your words well i merely exposed your hypocrisy. You said Intel agencies always lie as they did over WMD. Then you claimed they said unsurgents didn't target civilians. You believed them when they supposedly said that! And now the FBI have said new terrorist groups are 'usally intelligence front groups'. They may be actually for Syria or Iran. I doubt very much the FBI said CIA though. But intrestingly just suppose they did, why believe them over that, when according to you they are liars anyway? Must dash now to avoid Agent Smith and his cronies!


'Divide & Rule' Is Easy

23.08.2005 23:33

But all of those sources are still just going by what the "Iraq has WMD!!!" camp has told them. They are source of the allegations, and no investigation has been performed.

Yes, the CIA has a long and bloody, criminal history of such things.

And the FBI has stated on several occasions over the past four years that such "previously-unheard of" groups are most often Fronts for Intelligence Services.

Leaked documents prove that "Divide & Rule" is the tactic being pursued by the US and UK, but thus far, the Iraqi People have remained wise to this old Colonial Trick.

Iraq: Options Paper - Leaked Bliar Gov't Doc