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Green Party Assembly Member Supports Police After Shooting

. | 19.08.2005 11:31

Green Party Assembly Member Supports Police After Shooting.

Jenny Jones, a Green Party member of the police authority, said on Thursday 18th August 2005 in an Associated Press interview.

``The Met has a fantastic reputation as a trustworthy police force whose officers often aren't even armed.".



Hide the following 18 comments

what do you expect

19.08.2005 12:09

Are people really surprised by this response from the green party?? if the cops shot a tree there would be an out cry.


Oh No...thats could they....etc etc

19.08.2005 12:37

Shock horror a statist political party praises the forces of the state.

blue red orange yellow green right left up down fringe centre

they are all the same

death to them all



19.08.2005 12:42

I have to admit that I did vote Green in the last elections because I believed they were the lesser evil, I now regret it. Their statement is sick, I will not forget, I have only voted once in my life and that will have been the last one.


Sum of the Earth

19.08.2005 13:39

May she burn over a low flame in Hell.

What utter scum. No wonder Prince Charles can support them.

The Green Party is a sectarian, middle-class, anti-Left, freak show.

People who vote for them, however, are generally none of these things. I would have no problem voting for them where they were the only alternative to Blair if it did nothing more than stick a finger up at the New Tory Lib Dem monopoly.


A party for all people

19.08.2005 16:01

To be fair to the green party, I would image many ordinary green activists would be livid with the above quote. But this is the fundamental problem with a party which does not have a class analysis. The green party is gutless and lets face it mainly white middle class party.

The Greens can be all things to all people. When they do have serious power e.g in Germany they capitulate to big business and the state.

I voted for green at last elections, I hope I will have the opportunity to vote RESPECT at the next. You may not like RESPECT but isn't great when you hear Galloway calling for Ian Blair to resign and you know that he talks for the whole of the party not just a section.

red letter


19.08.2005 16:53

The above quotation doesn't seem to fit with the other things that Jenny Jones has recently said about the
Met - is there a source for this story? I ask because normally Jenny Jones is quite critical of the Met - for

Jenny Jones, a Green Party member of the London Assembly and member of the Metropolitan Police Authority commented:
"A shoot to kill policy is highly risky, as shown by the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes. Clearly there were massive weaknesses at both intelligence and operational levels. It is imperative that the shoot to kill policy guidelines are released immediately to the Metropolitan Police Authority and the public. Such a far reaching and potentially dangerous policy must not be shrouded in official secrecy".
"There must be an open, public debate at the Metropolitan Police Authority about the shoot to kill guidelines. This can't be left to the police and the Home Office to stitch up between them. We have been fed mistaken facts and false information. The police now have to come clean, tell us what really happened and above all, publish the guidelines."
"At this time we at the Green Party would like to express our support for the family of Mr Menezes by adding our voice to theirs in calling for a suspension of the shoot to kill policy"


It's easy to be taken out of context

19.08.2005 17:22

Please can somebody provide a link to the quote above?

I'm not a big fan of the Green Party, but it seems a bit unfair to bitch about them without providing any evidence.

This is disagrees with what it says on the Green Party website:
Jenny Jones, a Green Party member of the London Assembly and member of the Metropolitan Police Authority commented:

"A shoot to kill policy is highly risky, as shown by the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes. Clearly there were massive weaknesses at both intelligence and operational levels. It is imperative that the shoot to kill policy guidelines are released immediately to the Metropolitan Police Authority and the public. Such a far reaching and potentially dangerous policy must not be shrouded in official secrecy".

"There must be an open, public debate at the Metropolitan Police Authority about the shoot to kill guidelines. This can't be left to the police and the Home Office to stitch up between them. We have been fed mistaken facts and false information. The police now have to come clean, tell us what really happened and above all, publish the guidelines."

"At this time we at the Green Party would like to express our support for the family of Mr Menezes by adding our voice to theirs in calling for a suspension of the shoot to kill policy"

Perhaps this is just another bit of Indymedia bullshit. I would encourage people not to believe everything they read here without checking it elsewhere.

- Homepage:

People say...

20.08.2005 00:32

It does look like a comment drawn out fom any context. I find it hard to believe the Green party would support a shoot to kill policy, although I'm not a member.

As I understand things Jenny Jones does stirling work supporting Green issues within London, she has supported campaigns from improved bus routes, etc within London, so what is this cheap smearing all about apart from more-radical-than-thou ego tripping?



associated press article

20.08.2005 12:30

One can only assume from Jenny's comments she sees the problem as a few bad apples. I expect that will provide little comfort to the Menezes family and other families whose loved ones have been executed - like Harry Stanley.

London cops resisted investigation into killing of suspect, official says
By Thomas Wagner, Associated Press

LONDON — City police opposed an independent investigation into their fatal shooting of a Brazilian man they mistook for a suicide bomber, a British official said Thursday, as allegations grew of a cover-up.
"The Metropolitan Police Service initially resisted us taking on the investigation, but we overcame that," said John Wadham, chairman of the Independent Police Complaints Commission, which is now investigating the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes.

Police issued Wadham's statement after lawyers for the Menezes family met with the complaints commission, demanding more information.

Menezes, 27, was shot seven times in the head by police who tailed him to a south London subway station on July 22 — one day after four bombs were planted on the transit system by suspected terrorists. The bombs failed to detonate fully.

Two weeks earlier, bombs on three London trains and a double-decker bus killed 52 commuters, Western Europe's first reported suicide bombing.

The Guardian newspaper reported Thursday that Sir Ian Blair, director of London's Metropolitan Police, tried to block the commission's independent probe because it could have a negative affect on national security and intelligence. The paper also said police kept IPCC from the shooting scene for three days. But Blair denied there was any cover-up.

"Those allegations, I have to say, do strike at the integrity of this office and the integrity of the Metropolitan Police, and I fundamentally reject them," he said to the London's Evening Standard newspaper.

He acknowledged writing a letter to the Home Office, the Metropolitan Police Authority — the London police force watchdog — and the complaints commission saying he thought the terrorism investigation should take precedence over a probe into the Menezes killing. But he denied trying to block a probe.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, a British TV station leaked documents from the complaints commission investigation that contradicted police accounts of Menezes's death.

That prompted a Metropolitan Police Authority official to say the investigation must be made public.

"The leaks, apparently from the IPCC report, demonstrate that there are problems with the procedure. I therefore think it's time now to come clean and actually let us all know exactly what's been going on," Jenny Jones, a Green Party member of the police authority, said Thursday in an Associated Press interview.

"The Met has a fantastic reputation as a trustworthy police force whose officers often aren't even armed. But we have to find out what went wrong in this surveillance operation and whether the bad information we have received about it was an accident or a cover-up," Jones said.

On Thursday, lawyers for the Menezes family demanded answers.

"This has been a chaotic mess," said lawyer Gareth Peirce, who accused police of stalling the investigation.


Confused Guidelines

20.08.2005 13:54

BBC 18 August 2005

'Jenny Jones, a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, told the BBC she had faith in what the IPCC was doing, but said she also wanted a public inquiry into what happened.

"The fact that there's been a leak has to demonstrate that there are problems with the procedure, and I therefore think it's time now to come clean and actually let us all know exactly what's been going on," she said.

Ms Jones also called for "the guidelines the police are using for this shoot-to-kill policy" to be made public.

"The guidelines are clearly confused if people can make a mistake." '

surreal or what

An Assembly member who happens to be Green Party supports the police...

20.08.2005 22:21

That does NOT equal the Green Party as a whole condoning the police shooting.

Although it's still seems a bit shit that no-one from the Green Party has dennounced it either.

the middle finger

The Anonymous Bloody Liar

21.08.2005 09:49

Should indymedia censor anonymous liars?

What the Lady said:"The Met has a fantastic reputation as a trustworthy police force whose officers often aren't even armed. But we have to find out what went wrong in this surveillance operation and whether the bad information we have received about it was an accident or a cover-up," Jones said."

That is from a Boston newspaper. And appears likely to be accurate reporting. Who is the anonymous turd transforming it into lies to discredit Indymedia UK?


Greens condemned shooting, and are very critical of police...

21.08.2005 15:38

Middle Finger says "it's still seems a bit shit that no-one from the Green Party has dennounced it either."

But they have (of course). Check out the full story, with extracts below:

As early as the 28th of July Khalid Hussenbux, a Muslim member of the Green Party's national executive said "Day-by-day the balance of evidence seems to be tipping away from the presumption that police were protecting the public towards a realisation that a terrified innocent man was hunted down and shot repeatedly in the head, with little justification, in front of horrified fellow passengers."

...""If this is Blair's vision of Britain in the 21st century, where innocent people can be shot because they look or act differently to a norm, then it is a Britain that neither Greens nor British Muslims would want to live in."

.... "If Labour cannot understand the pressure and distress that this puts on British Muslims and those from other minority ethnic groups, then they are not fit to govern this country in these complex times."

IndyMedia operating in a sound-bite culture?
- Homepage:

Al Jazeera supports Greens-as-critical-of-the-police thesis

21.08.2005 15:50

Al Jazeera have this to say about the Green Party's stance:

On Tuesday and Wednesday, ITV News leaked documents from the official complaints commission investigation that contradicted police accounts of Menezes' death.

That prompted Jenny Jones, an official at the Metropolitan
Police Authority, the watchdog for London's police force, to say the investigation must be made public.

Call for transparency

"The leaks, apparently from the IPCC report, demonstrate that there are problems with the procedure. I therefore think it's time now to come clean and actually let us all know exactly what's been going on," Jones said on Thursday.

"The Met has a fantastic reputation... But we have to find out what went wrong in this surveillance operation and whether the bad information we have received about it was an accident or a cover-up," said Jones, a member of the opposition Green Party.

- Homepage:

Jenny Jones on MAB site (Muslim Association)

21.08.2005 15:54

Jenny Jones, a member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, told the BBC she had faith in what the IPCC was doing, but said she also wanted a public inquiry into what happened.

"The fact that there's been a leak has to demonstrate that there are problems with the procedure, and I therefore think it's time now to come clean and actually let us all know exactly what's been going on," she said.

- Homepage:

Oh so the Greens have condemmed it then...

21.08.2005 18:00

that wasn't apparent from the article and comments. Well done the Green Party then.

the middle finger

Ian Blair Absolutely Brilliant

22.08.2005 16:37

Today's - 22 August 2005 - Evening Standard reports the verdict of MPA members on Ian Blair. Jenny Jones 'has called for a "full and frank" public inquiry. Says Sir Ian Blair is "absolutely brilliant".'

When will the Green Party and Jenny expain how Ian Blair "absolutely brilliant".


Greens urging debate and fear racist police state

07.09.2005 16:08

As no doubt others have found, here below is a news release from the Green Party:


Greens worry about racism implications of “shoot-to-kill”

Would Menezes still be alive if he had been white? Greens call for public debate.

"If this is Blair’s vision of Britain in the 21st century, where innocent people can be shot because they look or act differently to a norm, then it is a Britain that neither Greens nor British Muslims would want to live in." - Khalid Hussenbux, Green Party national executive

The Green Party issued a warning today that Britain could resemble a racist police state if issues surrounding the death of Brazilian electrician Jean Charles de Menezes are not openly addressed in public debate. Yesterday it was claimed that not only was Menezes not wearing a "bulky" jacket, but that he had not in fact leapt over ticket barriers after all...

Khalid Hussenbux, a Muslim member of the Green Party’s national executive said “Day-by-day the balance of evidence seems to be tipping away from the presumption that police were protecting the public towards a realisation that a terrified innocent man was hunted down and shot repeatedly in the head, with little justification, in front of horrified fellow passengers.”

Khalid Hussenbux said “Obviously, Menezes was not white. What Greens want to know is how this factor heightened police suspicions and therefore cemented Menezes' fate. Would they have shot him so easily if he had been white, if he had not arguably looked Muslim?

"If this is Blair’s vision of Britain in the 21st century, where innocent people can be shot because they look or act differently to a norm, then it is a Britain that neither Greens nor British Muslims would want to live in.

"Greens do not want to see a parallel of the stop-and-search phenomenon, which has so disproportionately affected black males, becoming not only an everyday but a potentially lethal value judgement put upon innocent people - especially Muslims - by the police and by their fellow citizens.

If Labour cannot understand the pressure and distress that this puts on British Muslims and those from other minority ethnic groups, then they are not fit to govern this country in these complex times.

Philip Booth