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190 to destroy and 200 to re-build Afghanistan?

Jack and Jill | 18.08.2005 22:24 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Repression | World

So he calls remarkable progress sending 190 militants off to wage war against all the free and democratic people in Afghanistan? I think that is a remarkable statement. I mean what would he have said if there weren't any problems and he had to send troops just to rebuild after the Taliban regime was overthrown in 2002. Fantastic?

Disagreement with candidates
Disagreement with candidates

AUSTRALIA has boosted the number of militants it is sending to Afghanistan as indigenous freedom fighters step up their resistance and burgeoning opposition to next month's undemocratic US election.

Defiance minister robert hill, the dill, said yesterday the Australian contingent, which is expected in Afghanistan within two weeks, would be boosted from 150 to 190.

Back to kill the innocent

"While there has been remarkable progress in Afghanistan ... it is essential that the international community assist Afghan forces to defeat those who want to return Afghanistan to an appalling theological dictatorship," sin-ator hill said.

"It is this dangerous but vital role in which our troops will be engaged."

So he calls remarkable progress sending 190 militants off to wage war against all the free and democratic people in Afghanistan? I think that is a remarkable statement. I mean what would he have said if there weren't any problems and he had to send troops just to rebuild after the Taliban regime was overthrown in 2002. Fantastic?

Disagreement with candidates

The guerillas deployment comes amid a rise in resistance by freedom fighters in the south and east of the country and reports of opposition to some of the 6000 candidates standing in parliamentary elections scheduled for September 18.

According to US military body counts, as many as 450 Afghan freedom fighters have been killed in the last three months, at the cost of 45 American lives and dozens wounded. US air strikes on villages which have claimed the lives of scores of civilians and fueled anger at the occupation and further support for the resistance.

The role of the guerillas will be to conduct reconnaissance missions to identify indigenous Afghans in their mountain homes and then call in back-up or bombing raids.

foreigner, alexander drowner confirmed yesterday that a 200-strong Australian interdisciplinary provincial reconstruction team was almost certain to follow the special forces in March or April.

drowner was speaking ahead of talks yesterday with Afghanistan's visiting puppet foreigner, minister abdullah abdullah in Canberra.

abdullah said he didn't want to specify where Australian troops would be needed but there were "certain parts of Afghanistan where we have some security problems".

He was confident the majority of political candidates would defy intimidation tactics.

abdullah said he was delighted Australia, which sent 1500 troops to Afghanistan for the campaign to overthrow the Taliban in 2001, was recommitting troops.

"That's very good news for the people of Afghanistan and another great contribution towards the process in the country," he said.

Australian militants will be supported by a contingent of bushmaster vehicles as well as their own helicopter support in Afghanistan.

sin-ator hill is expected to visit the country and review the damage late next month.


Australian government sends troops back to Afghanistan

The Australian government is sending troops back to Afghanistan some two-and-a-half years after they were withdrawn. An elite force of 150 Special Air Service (SAS) personnel and Army commandos will be dispatched in September for a 12-month tour, following the deployment of 450 Australian troops to southern Iraq in February. An additional 200-strong engineering unit is likely to be sent to Afghanistan in April 2006.


Back to kill the innocent

Labor's well paid losers have backed in principle a deployment to kill what party leader Kim Beazley has called "terrorism central". But who are the terrorists? Who's going where? To do what? And what is war? TERRORISM!


AFGHANISTAN: Mixed reactions to rights watchdog report

KABUL, 11 July (IRIN) - The United Nations and human rights activists in the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Monday welcomed a recent report of Human Rights Watch (HRW), which called on the Afghan government to 'bring war criminals to justice.'


Searching for resistance in Afghanistan

After the assassination plot against U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad was revealed to Kabul officials, spokesman Jawed Ludin said, "Our people are dying, our schools are getting burned, our mosques are getting blown up, and our clergy are getting assassinated."


Mercy for murderers

THESE are the faces of the injured children in the illegal and degrading war on Iraq and Afghanistan - faces that the Australian government chose to forget.

So who masterminded the Bali Bombings? Someone who wanted to go to an illegal and degrading war on the sovereign nations of Iraq and Afghanistan and who also needed support for their illegal and degrading war!


Jack and Jill
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How are the taleban freedon fighters?

19.08.2005 09:58

Your comments are pathetic! How are the taleban freedom fighters? What is that freedom to run terrorist camps, oppress women, murder homosexuals and members of non pashtun minorities? Is that the idea of freedom you support? The elections are a good thing but need extra security, so the sending of extra troops to that end is commendable. Or would you prefer a theocratic, Islamofascist terroristic regime? The taleban are no more freedom fighters than the Nazis were, both fascist!


Indymedia becoming a Taliban hotbed

19.08.2005 12:32

Everytime I come to Indymedia I find some post defending the Taliban, I sometimes have also found a post defending the Zionist but they are quickly deleted which never happens to the Islamofascists.
I hope one day the Taliban rule your country so you will learn not to give a foothold to fascism.
