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Tube shooting family inquiry call

The Beeb | 18.08.2005 18:37

Um ... where did the articles from the past two days disappear to? If Bliar and his minions are LYING about this incident, what AREN'T they lying about? Perhaps it's time we see the still-missing video evidence to support their Conspiracy Theories about 7/7/21 before allowing them to seize new powers for themselves ...

Tube shooting family inquiry call

Jean Charles de Menezes' body after he was shot seven times in the head.

The family of a man mistakenly killed by police hunting London bomb suspects is calling for a public inquiry.

They say those responsible should be jailed for life, and their lawyer has called for the Met chief to resign.

It comes after leaked documents contradicted previous accounts of the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes at Stockwell Tube station on 22 July.

Investigation papers, leaked to ITV, suggest the Brazilian was restrained before being shot eight times.

The papers appear to be from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) inquiry into the shooting.

The body would not comment on the leak, but said it would be meeting the family's solicitor on Thursday to update her.

'Sitting down'

The documents contradict initial eyewitness reports that suggested Mr Menezes hurdled a barrier at Stockwell Tube station and was wearing a padded jacket that could have concealed a bomb.

Jean Charles de Menezes
The leak suggests the electrician was restrained before shot

They suggest the Brazilian was wearing a denim jacket and walked into the station, picked up a free newspaper on the way and walked through ticket barriers.

It is suggested he only started to run when he saw a train arriving and was sitting down when he was shot.

Scotland Yard said on the day of the shooting - 24 hours after the 21 July failed attacks - that "his clothing and his behaviour at the station added to their suspicions".


On Wednesday evening ITV News revealed further details from the documents, quoting a surveillance officer codenamed Hotel 3, who called "he's here" and pointed out Mr Menezes to armed officers moments before they shot him.

We are carrying out a professional, thorough and impartial investigation into the shooting of Mr de Menezes
IPCC statement

Questioning 'shoot-to-kill'
Police shooting discrepancies
Timeline: Tube shooting

It reported that Hotel 3 said he had followed Mr Menezes onto the Tube and had stopped its doors from closing because he saw armed police coming down the platform.

"They appeared to be looking into the carriage as if searching for someone," Hotel 3 said.

It was also revealed that there had been at least two other surveillance officers in the carriage and that the officer who first saw Mr Menezes leave his flat was actually a soldier on detachment to the Met.

According to the leaked documents, police initially went to the block of flats where Mr Menezes lived in Scotia Road, Tulse Hill, because of a gym membership card found at the scene of the attempted Shepherd's Bush bombing.

The card was registered to bomb suspect Osman Hussain and another man, believed to have lived in the Scotia Road flats.

Statutory duty

Mr Menezes' family called for the suspension of the police "shoot-to-kill" policy.

Their lawyer called for Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair to resign.

The home secretary must now use his powers to order a full judicial inquiry into the killing
Asad Rehman

The legal team also accused police of breaching their statutory duty by not immediately inviting the IPPC to start its inquiry.

Scotland Yard said Sir Ian Blair - in the belief that Mr Menezes was linked to terrorism - had written to the Home Office permanent secretary on the morning of Mr Menezes' death to make sure the terrorist investigation took precedence over any IPCC investigation.

But later the same day the Metropolitan Police agreed to hand over the shooting investigation to the IPCC, with their officers taking over on the following Monday.

'Full truth'

Mr Menezes' cousin Allessandro Pereira said: "Jean was an innocent man who was shot in cold blood. We now know that he wasn't wearing a bulky jacket, that he wasn't acting suspiciously or that he was told to stop by the police.

"He was being restrained when he was shot and killed.

"My family deserve the full truth about his murder. The truth cannot be hidden any longer. It has to be made public."

In a statement, the family lawyers demanded answers to 12 key questions, including how police made themselves known to the victim, and why Mr Menezes' relatives in London were placed in a hotel room without access to telephones.

They also asked why the pathologist at the post mortem examination on 27 July was told: "[Mr Menezes] was followed into Stockwell Tube station where he vaulted over the ticket barrier. He ran downstairs and onto a Tube train where it appears that he stumbled. The officers then immobilised him and a number of shots were fired."

Asad Rehman, spokesman for the Justice4Jean Family Campaign said "The home secretary must now use his powers to order a full judicial inquiry into the killing."

Scotland Yard and the Home Office have so far said it would be inappropriate to comment.

The Beeb
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the best we can do now is

18.08.2005 19:55

Justice 4 Jean Family Campaign wrote:
Dear Friend

The Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign thank you for your support.

It now appears that a catalogue of errors has unfolded regarding Jean Charles' murder. This includes deliberate and continued misleading of the public and the family by the Metropolitan Police.

The family are very shocked and distressed by the leaked information but it verified what the family already knew, that Jean did nothing wrong, that he was not wearing a bulky jacket or running from the police. The Family campaign is calling for the sacking of Metropolitan Chief Commissioner Sir Ian Blair who continued to mislead the public and for an immediate public inquiry into Jean's murder.

This Monday marks a month from Jean's murder. On this evening the family campaign will be calling a demonstration



August 22nd
Outside Downing Street
(nearest tube Westminster)

We need as many people as possible to come along. It is only through continued public support that we can put pressure on the police and government to take responsibility for what they have done. It is in the public interest that justice is done for the Menezes family and that those responsible for his killing are held to account.


The family campaign is several thousand pounds in debt, all the money thus far has been donated by a handful of supporters and friends. The Menezes family are humble farmers in Brazil and cannot afford to continue the campaign without urgent financial support.

If you donate any amount of money please send cheques made payable to Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign, PO Box 273, London, E7

We will be circulating a statement from the family tomorrow and an online petition in due course. We encourage all supporters to write to their MP’s and demand a public enquiry into Jean’s killing. Please keep us updated with any feedback you get from MPs.


Tell Ian Blair to resign

19.08.2005 08:43

Here's the e-mail address for Ian Blair, the man responsible for the murder of
Jean Charles de Menezes

Tell him, it's time to resign!
