Video: Bristol journalists action to 'defend local press'
IMCvols from Bristol Indymedia | 18.08.2005 00:32 | Analysis | Culture | Social Struggles
clustered around the Evening Post building in Bristol – these were workers and National Union of Journalists members – there to protest at the cuts that the Evening Post owner, Northcliffe (owned by Daily Mail and General Trust PLC – the group also owns Venue, Bristol Observer,, Western Daily Press, Metro and much more!)
Bristol journalists action: quicktime video
- video/quicktime 10M
Bristol journalists action: realmedia video
- RealMedia 10M
Bristol Journalists action: mpeg video
- video/mpeg 14M
Despite Northcliffe making £100 Million profits and upping its directors pay by 48%, they still want more and so have
implemented a neo-Labour sounding scheme called Aim Higher to make an additional £25 million by cutting jobs and journalism.
“The Mail on Sunday called Andy Gilchrist, the fire union
leader, a "fat cat" for his £82,000 salary. The Mail on Sunday's
editor-in-chief, Paul Dacre, receives a basic yearly salary of £690,000. Who's fat?” Wrote Paul Foot in the The Guardian – indeed!
It is of note that this attack on local media won’t good coverage
in the commercial press in Bristol – because the people with the
scissors own all the press! Sites like Bristol Indymedia are
needed more than ever to provide us with access to
information – the lifeblood of any democratic system.
You can protest the cuts by contacting the MD of
Northcliffe, Michael Pelosi – email

There is also an article on BIMC related:

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IMCvols from Bristol Indymedia
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