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fascist iceland

annonymous | 17.08.2005 18:20 | Anti-militarism | Repression | World

icelandic government orders deportation of 21 protesters, that took action against Alcoa and the Kárahnjúkar Dam. Methods to capture the people involved are filthy and fascist!!

Iceland is becoming a tough place for all those that dare to say or act against the Icelandic government’s corrupt ways. The government has sent out special forces - called the "Viking Squat" (big body builder looker like bulldogs, with no brain and too much muscle) to capture 21 of the protesters that have taken part in different actions against the Kárahnjúkar Dam Project and the Alcoa Aluminum Smelter site in the East of Iceland, that is destroying Western Europe’s last real Wilderness.
The Protest camp has been moved to Reykjavik, as protesters felt that there wasn’t much left to do in the East.
The police have been following protesters all the way from the East of the country the Icelandic capital.
The police publicly announced that they would never do that (follow people and spy on them). We have evidence that shows the police spying and behaving in illegal ways.
In the meantime the Government, the police and the Immigration office have issued "deportation orders "for 21 of the protesters.
The papers need to be handed to each individual so police is again using dirty tactics to do so. They are going undercover and snatching people whenever they get the chance to, which means no one is save of free to walk through Reykjavik.
They are not formally arresting people either. The First person to receive the paper was arrested for protecting his friend in the street from a violent attack from an unknown man - which turned out to be an undercover police officer. (Very dubious). His friend got forcefully taken into a police car with no explanation. The police refused any kind of communication. She got released hours later with no explanation again.
With this excuse they held the guy over night with no food or drinking water and released him the afternoon of the next day after handing him the "deportation paper" which he refused to accept.
He was given 7 days to make a statement, before the final decision about his deportation gets made.
In the meantime several others have been stopped in the streets and given the "deportation Papers".

The group of 21 has a layer behind them, who is currently demanding the "prosecutor" to investigate police behavior. The group has photographs and video as evidence of illegal arrests and the like to use against the police in court.

No one quite knows yet weather the deportation will go ahead.
If it does then it means, for the people affected that they will not be permitted back into Iceland for 3 years after the day of deportation.

The video features the "kidnap" mentioned above.
Things are getting tougher though. Yesterday a group of 3 civil clothed cops and 3 uniformed cops came into the building were the majority of the protesters are staying looking for a specific person. It is questioned whether the police is legally allowed to enter a building and search, turn things upside down without permission!!!
They were photographed and witnessed forcefully breaking open a toilet door, where the person they were searching for was hiding.

Iceland is a democratic state, the police spying on people that are politically active, following them around, invading spaces with no permission and being violent sounds more like a Fascistic police state to me.

The police are going too far though and Icelandic intellectuals and others are publicly criticizing.
A Professor of Medicine went to the police station on the night of the kidnap to show solidarity to the imprisoned people. As a response he got pushed out of the police station by cops, which resulted in him falling over, breaking open his head, bleeding form his head and having a black out.
The police refused to call the ambulance and left him to his own fate. The Professor had to be kept at the hospital over night.

Police Repression!
