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Tom Paine | 17.08.2005 07:39



The Gaza retreat is the beginning of the end for the Zionist nightmare.

Who says so?

The 13 million Jews who live in the US and worldwide and refuse to go and live in Israel.

The Zionist nightmare was to have a state on the two banks of the Jordan River and to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from there.

When that did not work out they decided to have a Greater Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean.

The Diaspora did not even turn up for that.

The Diaspora Jews have seen enough hardship in their own and their ancestor’s lives.

They do not want to do the same to the Palestinians as was done to them by us and Hitler.

Hitler left us only the Berlin Wall in Europe.

The Psychopath of Sabra and chief ethnic cleanser will leave us only the Jerusalem Wall as he even now ethnically cleanses his own people from Gaza.

Ethnic cleansing is for losers and walls soon fall.

The best, only and inevitable thing the Israelis can do is to go back to the 1967 border and make peace with the Palestinians and ask them for forgiveness for the ethnic cleansing of 1948 onwards.

As for those some still waiting for the messiah in the 21st. century, we should try not to laugh.

They should all try and go and live in the same place where they will be able to try and comfort each other while they live on US hand-outs but not manna from heaven.

The US has given $50 Billion to Israel in the last few years including $2 Billion for the Gaza pullout.

Yesterday’s Psychos in the photo will soon be just a past nightmare and we will be able to bring back the Palestinian refugees and give them $50 Billion to resettle themselves in a proper Palestinian state living in peace beside a proper Israeli state.

Haim Yavih for Prime Minister.

Tom Paine
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Display the following 21 comments

  1. There will be no Palestinian state! — Morgan
  2. Settle down, Beavis — Butthead
  3. Long live Israel — Jewish and Proud
  4. Your are a real sweety Morgan — Haidar
  5. Morgan — P
  6. Hand of peace — Olaff
  7. Jewish and Proud is a bellicose fascist history denier — Jewish and ashamed of some of the morons out there
  8. Haaretz — 17.08.05
  9. Quiz — This sharade has been a General Sharon Production
  10. whats the funcking problem — rebbe
  11. The seeds of fascism — what hate
  12. Cynical Arabists — The Fault of the Terrorists
  13. Long-Refuted Hasbara LIE — Zionist Extremists Are LIARS
  14. I read it on "if americans knew" — Arabs wouldn't hurt a fly
  15. To the self hating Idiot — Jewish and Proud
  16. J&P: insecure fascist slimebucket with no thoughts of his own — Jewish with no need to cravenly power worship a false idol
  17. you are not victims anymore — sorry kids
  18. Shameful Display — Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation
  19. But... — J&P
  20. wonderful things Israel has brought to the World? — Withdrawal is a ruse
  21. Palestinian State Now — ANGEL