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Anti-Road protesters occupy Dept of Transport

ben | 16.08.2005 21:54 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | London

Today, the Department of Transport was targetted for the first time in about a year by anti-roads protesters.

A group of people from Essex locked on in the lobby and demanded to see the minister responsible the making a decision regarding funding for the controversial 'F5' road scheme planned for the A127/A1159 Priory Crescent in Southend-on-Sea.

The group were eventually forcibly and violently removed by security.Police were not called to the scene for a couple of hours and then seemed strangly reluctant to arrrest anyone.

Video clips to follow.

Here are some photos.



Display the following 2 comments

  1. Guardian Online on the action — g
  2. Protestors occupy dept of transport — Auntie Carr