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George Monbiot Interviews Gilad Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon | 15.08.2005 14:23 | London

Internationally acclaimed Jazz Saxophinist Gilad Atzmon recently published a novel: My One and Only Love. An Israeli, he has been living in London for many years, opposing Zionism.Obsessed with a forgotten German genius, his friend Geroge Monibot interviews him for IM.

Gilad Atzmon and George Monbiot

Gilad we haven't agreed what we are going to talk about today, but you have prepared something on a man called Otto Weininger. Apparently, he topped himself in the earlier part of the twentieth century because everyone ignored him, and his ideas. He was also badly burnt by a woman with whom he fell in love, or lust. Otto had some "original" ideas. One of them was that females are in a permanent state of sexual arousal. Recently you espousewd this idea at a concert in Straford - upon - Avon where it was met with a stoney confused silence. Could you give us the origin of this assertion.
Yes, today I am going to talk about a man who has been removed from our intellectual discourse. Considering his immense influence in the first half of the 20th century, his complete disappearance must raise some questions. Wittgenstein regarded him as a major influence, James Joyce drew upon him in the writing of Ulysses. The man inspired Robert Musil and Herman Broch. I can easily trace his thoughts in Lacan and Heidegger. Freud was debating with his ideas and even Hitler mentioned him, admitting that “there was one decent Jew but even he killed himself”. Otto Weininger was one of the most influential intellectual figures in the first four decades of the 20th century and yet, I assume that not many in this room are familiar with his thoughts or have even heard his name before. I assume that I should tell you why. Ladies and Gentleman, Otto Wenienger was a racist, an anti Semite and a radical misogynist. He didn’t like Jews or women but guess what, he was a Jew himself and as far as historical research can reveal any truth at all, he was an effeminate one.
Wasn't weininger a sexist and anti Semitic?

Let me assure you that I am not interested in Weininger’s sexist and anti Semitic tendencies. If anything, I find those two aspects of his writing rather entertaining. Many of his statements can’t be taken seriously. His anti-women ranting depicts an image of a naughty schoolboy who is struggling to live in terms with the world of adults, and yet, he is one of the most astonishing thinkers I have ever come across. His understanding of the notion of the genius could easily find its way into the last pages of Kant’s third critique. His comprehension of sexuality is overwhelming and considering the fact that his book was published when he was just twenty-one years old, even his many opponents admit that the man was an astonishing talent. In a word, there is far too much wisdom in Weininger for us to cast him aside without looking. Moreover, personally speaking, I must admit that Weininger helped me to grasp who I am, or rather who I may be, what I do, what I try to achieve and why some people do try to stop me.

Didn't Weininger write a smutty book when he was a young man?

Weininger published Sex and Character, his one and only book in 1903. He was just 21 at the time. The book was presented as a philosophical study of sexuality. The book is a ferocious attack on the notion of the woman, both the idea and the appearance. But it isn’t only women Weininger seems to despise, the Jew whom he presents as a degraded being is far from being flattered. The English man is presented as an effeminate character. Let me say it loudly, Weininger is outrageous. Some of my female associates who saw the text dismissed it before they reached the end of the first paragraph and yet I do insist that almost every sentence in Weininger’s text falls into the prestigious category of thought provoking literature. Indeed Weininger is a racist, he is a sexist, he hates women, he hates Jews, he hates almost everything that fails to be Aryan masculinity, his tendency towards mathematical formulation is slightly childish and no doubt dated. He makes some categorical mistakes but he made me think. And with your permission I would like to share with you my thoughts about the man.

Can you explain in more detail his views on sexuality? And this time tell us about your permanent hard-on (or wide-on) theory of female arousal?

Weininger’s point of departure is far from being original. Man and Woman, he says, are merely types. In other words, the individual appearance is basically a manifestation of a mixture of the two types. Every individual is a compound of the two sexual types in different proportions. Some men are more masculine than others, some women are more feminine than their sisters. This idea is obviously supported by many physiological observations as well as genetic and biological findings.
But Weininger doesn’t stop there. He moves on and formulates the ‘law of sexual attraction’. According to Weininger : “For true sexual union it is necessary that there come together a complete Male and a complete Female” (Weininger, 2003: 29). The bond between the man and the woman results in a unity of maleness and femaleness in which the two partners mutually contribute. In practice, Weininger is talking here about the complementary between Man and Woman. Each of the partners mutually contributes towards the formation of a greater femininity and masculinity. For instance, If Tony is 80% male and 20% female and Sue is 20% male and 80% female then the sum of their added maleness and femaleness results in a perfect unity of 100% female and 100% male. In other words, as far as sexual attraction is concerned we can expect Tony and Sue to be highly excited about each other. Their union brings together a complete 100% unity of man and woman.
Needless to say that Weininger’s reference to human beings as statistical objects is slightly bizarre as well as problematic. When we prospect the people around us we do not see mathematical figures or clear cut division between masculinity and femininity. We rather see human being with, desires, wishes, intentions, hopes and sexual needs. And yet, Weininger’s idea, regardless of its practical implications, is far from being stupid. The idea that Tony and Sue are engaged in a complementary relationship is very explanatory. Tony is searching for his missing masculinity while Sue is celebrating the finding of her missing femininity. Tony is attracted to Sue not only because of her feminine qualities but also because she possesses that which Tony misses. According to Weininger we are attracted to those who bring us closer to unity.
We would naturally expect that the bond between extreme masculinity and extreme femininity would result in a high sexual attraction. But as Weininger points out, this attraction is coupled with very little cross gender understanding: “The more femaleness a woman possess the less will she understand a man…… So also the more manly a man is the less will he understand women” (Weininger, 2003: 57). The reason is clear, the more femaleness woman possesses, the less maleness is presented within her entire physical and psychological system.
This Weiningerian insight may explain why men want their wives to come to bed in pyjamas while expecting their mistress to jump into bed in stockings and garters. With your wife you prefer to talk from time to time. You want her to understand you, you want her to listen to your repetitive boring stories about your day at work. She wants to complain about the kids. You both want to share as much as possible: night after night you share, you tell stories to each other, sometimes you even read books together, then you turn the light off and turn to the other side. The mistress is a completely different story: she is the ‘lack’, she isn’t there for the talking but rather for the ‘action’. You make love to her, you then take a shower and go back to the office. Rather than sharing, you are both engaged in a silent consumption of each other. Assuming for instance that Tony is very masculine and Sue is very feminine, then they will sexually attract each other but their chance of communication is negligible.
This idea is shocking in its simplicity but its implications are a complete devastation. As it seems, it leaves the left discourse in ruins. If Weininger is correct, then comprehension of the Other is basically a form of self-realisation. If Weininger is correct, then the notion of empathy and Otherness are completely misleading. The concept of the ‘Other’ which was enthusiastically embraced by the post WW2 left discourse (Levinas), is falling apart. If Weininger is right, there is no room for a discourse concerning the notion of empathy other than as a normative suggestion. In other words, there may be no room to believe that man is an empathic being. Tony can understand Sue as long as Sue is well presented within his psychic realm. I understand my beloved woman as long as I possess enough of her inside me. So in fact, communicating with my partner is basically a chat I conduct with: me, myself and I. Seemingly, men and women tend to complain about the lack of cross gender communication. As it seems, Weininger, manages to throw some light on the subject.

Gilad, you didn't answer my question. I guess you are avoiding it. Perhaps from time to time you just open your mouth and come out with concatenated balderdash and frothing sherbert. Anyway, lets move on. Tell us more about genius and the artist from Weininger's point of view. And to you consider yourself one, as well as a great lover?

This very notion of possession of different psychological characteristics is explored by Weininger in his treatment of the genius. For Weininger it is more than obvious that the genius isn’t just a gifted being, genius isn’t a talent and it isn’t quality that can be learned or developed. The Genius is “a man who discovers many others in himself. He is a man with many men in his personality. But then the genius can understand other men better than they can understand themselves, because within himself he has not only the character he is grasping, but also its opposite. Duality is necessary for observation and comprehension…….in short, to understand man means to have equal parts of himself and opposite in one” (Weininger, 2003: 110).
In a way, the genius is a person who hosts a dialectic dynamism that allows a rich prospect of the world and its human landscape to come alive. To a certain extant, Weininger is hinting here on the positive qualities of schizophrenia. Ideas that were further explored by Lacan years later. The genius is hosting a lively debate within himself. He can prospect different outlooks while he simultaneously explores different perspectives and their oppositions.
The genius is always telling us something about the world, something that we didn’t know before. The scientist is observing the material and physical world, the philosopher is looking into the realm of ideas and the artist is looking into the self. As bizarre as it may sound, the artist is telling us something about the world just from looking into his own internal world; “in art, self-exploration is exploration of the world….. ” (Weininger, 2003: Author’s preface pg. I).
Weininger argues that the genius is a subject to the “strangest passions” and “most repulsive instincts”. But those passions are opposed by other internal characters. For example, “Zola who has so faithfully described the impulse to commit murder didn’t commit murder himself because there were so many other characters in him” (Weininger, 2003: 109). Zola, according to Weininger, would recognise the murderous impulse better than the murderer himself just because he would have the capability of recognising the impulse rather than merely being subject to it. The capability to convey a genuine fictional character is due to the fact that the character and its oppositions are well orientated within the artist’s psyche.

So you do take weininger seriously then Gilly dear.

Yes, exactly Georgie pie, as you realise, this is exactly where I myself start to take Weininger very seriously. For more than a few years I have been engaged in writing about Israel, Zionism, Jewishness. In my fictional writings I specialise in giving birth to some charming and yet appalling Israeli protagonists: they are all doomed people who are speeding towards a concrete wall. I write about people who can never mange to live in terms with the conditions they imposed upon themselves, people who never find their way home. In my political and ideological papers I try to establish a philosophical pattern that would enlighten the complexity involved with Jewishness. I am searching for the metaphysical core of the different supremacist world view, I am trying to follow the traces of morally and ethically degraded identities. But then, I always thought of myself as an autonomous thinker who posits himself in an Archimedean detached scouting position, I was aiming at establishing a clinical search for the condition of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
Ladies and Gentleman, I was wrong. Weininger made it evidently clear to me, I am not detached from the reality I am writing about and I’ll never be. I am not looking at the Jews or the Jewish identity. I am not looking at the Israelis. I am looking into myself, I am looking into that which I possess, my internal and even eternal Jew. But my internal Jew isn’t living on an island, he is surrounded by many hostile enemies and counter personalities just there within my own psyche. Just there inside me, a war is taking its toll. Many characters are opposing each other. But then believe me, it isn’t as horrifying as it may sound. In fact, it is rather productive.

Wasn't he an anti-semite though Gilad. How do you reconcile that. Doesn't it make his work, well, a pile of cow-pat?

Cant you be a little more serious about this George. You know I get moody when you are flippant. Let's be serious and intellectual otherwise our listeners and readers will think I am talking bollocks. Now, following his own paradigm Weininger continues and argues that “People love in others the qualities they would like to have but do not actually have in any great degree. So we only hate in others only what we do not wish to be, and what notwithstanding we are partly. We hate only qualities to which we approximate, but which we realise first in other persons…... Thus, the fact is explained the bitterest Anti-Semites are to be found amongst the Jews themselves” (Weininger, 2003: 304).

Clearly, some Jews are opposing that which they despise amongst themselves. This tendency is called anti-Semitism but as we all know Jews are not alone. Some non Jews find the Jewish tendencies within themselves. According the Weininger, “even Richard Wagner, the Bitterest anti-Semite cannot be held free of accretion of Jewishness even in his art” (Weininger,2003: 305). Thus, I would allow myself to argue that for Weininger, Jewishness isn’t at all racial category. It is clearly a mindset which some of us possess and a very few of us try to oppose.
But then, isn’t it a repetition of Marx’s treatment of the Jewish identity as explored in his famous and controversial essay ‘On The Jewish Question’ ? In the essay Marx equates Jews with capitalism, self-interest and money-grabbing. For Marx, capitalism is Judaism and Judaism is capitalism. Money has become a world power, and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of Christian nations. The Jews have liberated themselves in so far as Christians have become Jews. In Marx's eyes, the Jews are both creators and creation, quite literally the excrement of bourgeois capitalism. As he concludes ferociously: "The social emancipation of Jewry is the emancipation of society from Jewry."

Can you list what Weinigerian idion reveals judging its use of Marx's ideas


let me see, I would say there are two things.
1. That Marx wasn’t regarding Jewishness as a racial identity but rather as a form of a mindset. In practice, it is the Christian nations who adopt Jewish mindset.
2. That Marx’s analysis is the outcome of Marx being himself partly Jewish. In other words, being a Weiningerian genius, Marx managed to oppose his own Jewish mindset.

As we can see, Weininger is providing us with a pretty useful analytic tool. We may have to admit that he is giving us some insight into the subject of hatred and self-hatred. Weininger is going as far as arguing that the “Aryan has to thank the Jew that through him, he knows to guard against Judaism as a possibility within himself”. When we hate the Jew we hate our own private internal Jew. This would obviously explain the Nazi blind hatred towards anything which even remotely smelled Jewish. But then, if hatred is a form of self negation, then, I may as well have to admit that my war against Zionism should be realised as a war I declared upon myself. And let me take it one step further, as far as everyone in this room agrees with me that Zionism and racism must be defeated, we then all have to admit having a nice little Zionist racist within your psyche. Fighting racism and Zionism is opposing ourselves. And let me tell you, this is exactly the right way to go.

Can you sum up quickly, Gilad, because I have got to catch a flight to Iceland in three hours#


OK, I do it quicktime and cut the crap.
Clearly, Otto Weininger provides us with more than enough analytical tools to deconstruct his own work. One should ask, how come he knows so much about women? How come he hates them that much? How come he knows so much about Jews? How come he hates them that much? The answer is provided by Weininger’s thoughts though not by his own words. Weininger hates women and Jews because he is a Jew and a woman. He adores the Aryan masculinity because there is not a single drop of such a quality in his entirety. It is probably this revelation that led Weininger to kill himself just month after the publication of his book. He eventually managed to understand what his book was all about.
I decided to talk to you about Otto Weininger today, mainly because a major philosopher is removed from our shelves and practically banned by our PC guards. Is it because he had nothing to say? Quite the opposite, he had far too much to say. Far more than many of us are willing to admit. Weininger, one of the last gigantic German philosophers, throws light on the most vivid aspects of our beingness. And as we all know, that which is too close can hardly be seen.
But there is something else you want to think about. You may have noticed that while entering the Book Shop a noisy group of ‘Anti Zionist Jews’ was picketing in the street. They were picketing against me, my friends, my message, our message or even any message in general. I can assure you that both the Shop and myself were inviting them to engage in this debate. As you may imagine, they clearly refused. Weininger is telling us why. Clearly, they hate me, they hate everything I stand for. But then why do they hate me so much? Because they know me very, very well. You ask how come they know me that well? Very simple, I am there, deep inside each of them, I am the one who raises those unbearably annoying questions. I am the one who asks what Jewishness stands for, what Jewish secularity means. I question the intrinsic relationships between Zionism and Jewishness. I am happy to openly discuss any Jewish historical narrative including the holocaust and they simply hate me. Thanks to Weininger, we should realise now that they must despise me because those very questions keep sleep from their eyes. They all confront those questions on a daily basis but they cannot find the means within themselves to face the consequences of tackling those questions. They don’t even dare sitting with us in a room. Sitting here amongst you and me would mean as well being with oneself. It would mean confronting oneself. Instead of doing that they are engaged in the usual Talmudic symbolic game of labelling and smearing the messenger. Let’s admit it, killing the messenger is an intrinsic part of the Jewish historic narrative.
Following my own confrontation with Weininger’s writings I do realise now that my work is drawing its power from a process of self reflection. Rather than looking at the world, I am basically looking into myself. I come out with music, literature and ideas. Whether my work is of any quality is down to you to decide. Whether I manage to say something about the world, days will tell. Some of you will read my books and I am pretty sure that you can make up your minds. But when it comes to those who were picketing out there earlier on, it is categorically clear, they are not going to make up their minds, they are not willing to be amongst others, or if to be more precise, they are not even willing to look into themselves. While we were sitting here in a book shop, they were engaged in burning books. This is the real meaning of the Jewish ghetto walls, whether it is the apartheid wall in Palestine or just a small separation wall here outside Bookmarks, London. Zionism is all about segregation, it is there to separate the Jews from the rest of humanity. It is so sad to find out that such a political disease contaminated even the very few Jews who declared to be its opponents. I wish those anti Zionist Jews well and I want to believe that sooner or later they will emancipate themselves. They will then come to sit with us.

You call that quick time. Gilad.

Both Gilad and Geroge chuckle.


Fancy a quick chinkety chink a bacon sarney before a skoot of to the airport.

Sure George. You read my new book, My one and only love.

I am not a homosexual!


That's Ok. Everyone thinks I am a shirt-lifter.

No, it's the name of my new book: My One and Only Love.


Both laugh.

Gilad Atzmon


Hide the following 5 comments

what bullshit is this?

15.08.2005 15:46

and who does it benefit?


Identity maybe?

15.08.2005 17:56

It could be a search for identity. As long as Gilad doesn't start going in for plastic surgery in a big way: nose job, jowls, midriff and having his foreskin sewn back on - you know a kind of Michael Jackson change of identity - he should be all right.

He's a bit of an all round genius. However his Freudian leanings make him intellectually a little suspect; worshipping the father of capitalist propaganda and his methods of social conditioning are a little perturbing, and mostly lead to complete bollocks. So the above comment maybe accurate. I am not up to knowing what he's banging on about, or can be bothered to try and work out what he's talking about in the upper realms of intellectual abstraction. But he's on the right side of the fence or barricades; isn't he?

Well David Aaronovitch, the "I am the only neo-liberal Zionist writing for the Guardian" (not true anyway, of course) criticised him heavily so he must be alright. And he strongly supports the Palestinian cause.

I can only confirm that he's a great and hard working musician, although a little light on soul. And a funny guy?

Conspiracy theorists believe that he really is a MOSSAD stooge. But the SWP would not be so Naive to invite him to speak at Marxism 2005 if he were so.


What bullshit is this?

15.08.2005 22:30

Get yourself an education and you might be able to understand it!

There is virtually nothing scarier in this world than pig ignorance...


Is Gilad Trying to say:

16.08.2005 06:44

Is Gilad and his long lost forgotten genius trying to say: one likes the bits and the traits the opposite sex has that oneself does not have. And together you make a more complete being.

I think the amoeba had that idea. It got bored being a single celled organism, read Darwin, then decided to evolve into something a little more diverse to create separate sexes and make life a little more interesting.

This love "what I do not have model" is probably true in some cases. The Freudian model is probably useful in some cases too. In fact there are probably hundreds of models/theories that are true in a few cases.

I ascribe to the more general idea that people get together because they are lonely need companionship: we are social beings at heart. Also they get together because sex is pleasurable between and men and women, and we have evolved through reproduction (and production of course, thanks Marx) between a woman and man, mostly, so that the design of the bodies make sex relatively easy.

Man-woman sexual relationships are probably more common than same- sex ones for at least three reasons.

Firstly, men and women can have babies together, and that's an objective of many relationships. Secondly, because of social conditioning. Thirdly, evolution has made men women relationships more likely because of the physical contraction and material makeup of humans.

But men and women do not need to have sex to make babies. You need and a woman and only men's sperm. So sexual relationships between men and women are not now necessary for reproduction. Men and men, and women and women can have equally if not better sexual and social relationships with each other, so I am told, and a few times I have observed this.

Now, as far as the psychological reasons for the attraction between two people go, maybe we look for things in another that we do not have. Or maybe we look for things in others that our common to ourselves - I have observed this for sure. Being stronger, more secure, happier, less lonely are driving forces for relationships. I am sure there are also some very weird reasons for two people getting together too, and Gilad and long lost genius may have hit on a few of those reasons here.

But who we end up it is pretty random, isn't it. You may not get together with the first person you meet, but many probaly very quickly just settle for the first person they like, and learn to develop and love each other, because they want to. They think, you are alright, you'll do. We can make this work. No! Of course it doesn't always work out. Better potential partners appear, and one or other opts for that. There are many divorces aren't there. But so what. It's just that in our capitalist society properly relations and the law make things difficult. Also the conditioning of capitalist society makes things difficult too.

In fact this whole thing, relationships, sexual and non-sexual becomes very very complicated when you start to dig under the surface. And only our backgrounds and limited educations inform us. So I don't think Gilad, or this German philosopher - no matter how big a genius they both are - have really got to the bottom of the problem. I would just say that their limited experience and histories, and their limited education and thinking may have shed some light on relationships between people, under certain social conditions, namely capitalism in their cases.

So it's pretty sure that they haven't discovered any universal truths. What they are doing, I belive, is inquiring into their own beliefs, and being effected by their own conditioning, and so casting some light on there own private psychological confusion and beliefs. put simply, they are investigating their own consciousness, and are willing to share their personal enquiries with us. Just as Freud did. Like Gilad Freud was a writer of fiction really, and, I believe one of the better fiction writers of modern times. I mean not in the class of Dickens, Austin, Kafka or Joyce. But one of the better second rank authors. Freud was one of the first to use his own life, or his reality in fiction. I am not sure he was the first though, because I do not have much of an education. But perhaps he was the first commercially successful one to do this.

The above are just my thoughts. They have been influenced by the ideas of others though. But I have read the ideas of others then discarded them, perhaps assimilating some of, how much i don't know. The I go on to have my own ideas. I would suggest Gilad does this a little more too, like he does in music probably. I would hope he has listened to Charlie Parker and the other greats, then moved on to his own thing. Well, I would hope he has done this if he wants to do something original in music and not something out and outly (new word?) derivative.

I do not know what Gilad does. But his book is quite amusing. I am only 1/3 the way through and have put it down. I will take it up again on my next airplane journey though, and no doubt be amused.

Yes, I probably do need an education, but from where. I really hope I haven't had an education from somewhere, or a particular type of education. How boring, and how useless is that. I am for permanent self and universal education. All you smart arses who have had their education and know most things in my eyes must be very boring and full of boring bullshit. These people like to try and fool others but in doing so they are only fooling themselves, and making themselves look stupid.

It’s good that Gilad has found his own long lost forgotten genius that he can bang on about. He just wants to be different to others. Most of us went through this when we were teenagers - it was the struggle to be an unique individual that we all lose in the end. well, apart from a few geniuses. And I am afraid to say Gilad, that you are not one of them. I don't know about your German, racist/sexist philosopher though. And I dont care either.

Who gives a fuck about dead fucked-up philosophers, anyway. Wittgenstein was the greatest; let me paraphrase him:” read what I have written and forgetaboutit. It’s bullshit. Go and do your own shit“. He really was a an unique individual, and a genius.



18.08.2005 14:36

How do people have this much spare time on their hands?
