palestine: disproportionate attention
laesperinto | 14.08.2005 13:14
If you go on yahoo or google and you type in words like "israel", "palestine", "intifada" or even something more obscure like "abu nidal" (well known palestinan fighter) or "the golan heights" (sirian territory that israel occupied in 1967), you'll find literally milions of sites which mention these words, and milions of articles and debates on the issues, most of them looking like photocopies of other articles and debates you've already seen, and very few of them offering any serious insight into the situation. Israel/Palestine seem to get more attention and coverage in the western world than africa and india put together do. And this for a region with no more then 9 milion inhabitants (less then calcutta or new york), and no bigger then one of the smallest U.S. states. If an alien descended from space, one of the first things he might wonder about this planet is why this little piece of land gets this enormous amount of attention. He/she wouldn't easily find an answer. The number of victims of the violence in Israel/Palestine is far smaller then the number of victims in dozens of other wars. There are places in the world where more people get killed every week than the amount of israelis and palestinians who have been killed during the last five years of intifada. Nore does the region have any oil or natural resources to speak of. It's true that Jerusalem is a holy site for three religions, but then Muslims have another two sites which are even hollier, the Mecca and Medina, and most Christians around the world don't particularly bother about holy places any more.
Does anyone have a serious answer to this question: why does the conflict between Israel and the Arabs get so much attention?
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Does anyone have a serious answer to this question: why does the conflict between Israel and the Arabs get so much attention?
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