Figures: UN's nuclear watchdog IAEA permanently controls Iran
Henk Ruyssenaars | 13.08.2005 18:06 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Repression
Coming September 3, when IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei reports on Iran's nuclear activities, the figures below will be used concerning the number of visits in the field to inspect in Iran.
German Chancellor rejects Bush Iran attack
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - August 13th - 2005 - Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, in an angry comment on Saturday, said what most normal Europeans and others think: President Bush and his neocon managers should never resort to violence again, and certainly not threaten Iran over a non existent nuclear weapons program, as Bush did today in a program for Israeli TV.
The UN's nuclear watchdog IAEA informs the FPF that Iran - abiding to the 'Non proliferation Treaty' (NPT) - which Israel refuses to sign - is heavily controlled and inspected on a nearly daily basis by groups of specialists of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
And - at least for twenty years - half a dozen US Keyhole satellites have watched every wheelbarrow or truck rolling in Iran, while the IAEA - to avoid more US warmongering - has installed TV cameras for still more permanent control in IAEA inspected factories.
US President George Bush said ''he would consider it as a last resort to press Tehran to give up its nuclear program'', confirming what was said on FOX TV and why the world considers him and his neocons to be a danger to mankind: "As President Bush scans the world's horizon, there is no greater potential flash point than Iran, the President and his Foreign Policy team believe the Islamic regime in Tehran is actively pursuing nuclear weapons."
How well inspected and controlled the nuclear capabilities of Iran for years have been and now still are, was confirmed by Melissa Fleming, Head of the IAEA Information Dept. in Vienna. Asked about the number of inspections on the ground done by the IAEA's inspectors in Iran, she wrote two days ago: "Dear Mr. Ruyssenaars, please find the inspection statistics below:
Calendar days in the field spent on inspections and complementary access
(excluding related travel time): ~125 days in 2003
and ~150 days in 2004.
Total number of trips to Iran by Dept. of SG: ~ 50 in 2003 and also ~ 50 in 2004
Some of these trips were related to the monitoring of the suspension.
[end quote IAEA]
The Iranian government - feeling threatened - has earlier indicated that hundreds of control visits by the IAEA was in essence humiliating, but proof that Iran had not even a possibility to start making nuclear weapons. And according to the Non Proliferation Treaty -

Iran angered some with the american neocons collaborating war criminals in the European Union and the bellicose United States warmongers, by - rightfully according to the NPT- resuming uranium conversion at its Isfahan plant last Monday after rejecting an European Union offer of political and economic incentives in return for giving up its nuclear program. An offer which the cowardly EU crooks never would even dare to present to Israel, even if Israel has breached United Nations resolutions at least seventy times.
Every other country would have been ''bombed back to the stone age'', as the US barbarians so nicely phrase it, concerning all other countries, but Israel is the tail wagging the US dog, including the UN.
Normal Europeans share Schroeder's humane point of view - contrary to the disinformation the mainstream propaganda sewers - like Associated Press and the like - are spreading. The German Chancellor who is one of the most prominent European opponents of the US-led war in Iraq (like the brilliant Galloway in England) spoke out in his home city of Hanover, saying ''that the threat of force was not acceptable''.
Quoted by Reuters, another neocon info source, Schroeder said: "This morning I read that military options are now on the table. My answer to that is: 'Dear friends in Europe and America, let us work out a strong negotiating position. But let's take the military option off the table. We have seen it doesn't work'," he
The comments came after Mr. Bush told Israeli television that "all options are on the table", including the use of force. Scaring was the fact that Bush repeated the same lies in the same smirking fashion as he did while knowing they had already decided to attack Iraq, his biggest disaster.
Under the daily control of the IAEA, Tehran says it aims only to produce electricity, and denies Western accusations it is seeking a nuclear bomb.
Bush has proved again that he and his neocons are the biggest danger to mankind,
and must be stopped as soon as is possible.
By any means.
Henk Ruyssenaars
Reference: Ms. Melissa Fleming - Head, Media and Outreach Section.
International Atomic Energy Agency - Url.:

Satellites, and why war is good for some... Url.:

*'The war in Iraq is illegal' - BBC video & text - interview United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan - Url.:

* MSNBC Poll: "Do you believe that President Bush mislead the nation to go to war with Iraq?" - Url.:

*Corporate News Media: Incompetent, Criminally Negligent or Complicit? - Url.:

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Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars

The Netherlands

Henk Ruyssenaars