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Sheehan Reingnites US Peace Movement

Various | 12.08.2005 21:31

Time for an "Orange Revolution" in Crawford, Texas.

So we move from the grave threat of weapons of mass destruction which never existed, to establishing “a stable, democratic Iraq,” which is more impossible of realization with every day that passes, to the fact that “an early withdrawal” would give our enemies the impression that “the United States is weak,” and that it would provide “a terrible signal to the enemy.”

Ranks Swelling at Crawford 83902.html
"Pulling the troops out would send a terrible signal to the enemy," he said.
WHAT enemy? We were told we were invading Iraq to end the threat of weapons of mass destruction. Well, there WEREN'T any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The reason we were given for this war DOES NOT EXIST. The enemy was declared to be weapons of mass destruction, so the enemy does not exist.

Bush started a war with lies, and he is desperate to keep those lies and the war going, and it will come down to who wants it more.

Right now Bush and his Neocon warhawks profiteers are urging their shills to head for Crawford to try to shout down Cindy's message. YOU need to get down there and stand with Cindy, to protect her message, to remind the nation and the world that Bush and the Neocons LIED to start this way and he will go on lying to protect it and grow it, until the entire world is aflame.

We are out of time. If you do not choose to fight against the war-mongers now, you will soon have no choice but to fight for them from now on. There is no neutral ground. You are either part of the solution or part of the problem.

Get in your car NOW.

War Mothers, Bush Are Worlds Apart

Our children weren't sent into Iraq to bring them Democracy. We were told that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that were a direct threat to the United States. There were no WMDs. We were told that Iraq was aiding Al Qaeda. They were not. Iraq and Al Qaeda were enemies. We were told we were exacting just revenge for 9-11. But Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11.

Bush lied us all into a war. Making up a new reason for the war does not excuse the lies that went before.

The word "Democracy" means "rule by the people". The Iraqi people want the Americans to leave. It therefore follows that democracy cannot exist in a nation under foreign occupation.

Bush lied. Casey died, along with thousands of others just like him.

And Bush clearly intends to go playing the same games with Iran. And you know it. And if you don;t do something about it, the blood of all those future war dead is on your hands.

Mother Asks Questions of Bush en_soldier_asks_questions_of_Presiden_0812.html

Bush ducks mother of dead soldier
President using helicopter to leave, enter ranch, in order to avoid confrontation .20050812.wxbush0812/BNStory/International/

Public Will Get Better View Of Cost Of War
Bad News Hurting President's Popularity 6/detail.html

Media Begins To Take Notice
Mother's message eventually sinks in cent=&rid=20405

The media has 'begun to notice' because they have been bombarded by the people now bypassing them entirely, sending them reams of information on this action.

The Savaging of Cindy Sheehan
This classic guilt-by-association trope just shows the reflexive response of the right: When your critic has credibility, and you can't find anything else on her, destroy her with the old standby: You're a communist dupe!

The Sun also points out that Sheehan is working with the Crawford Peace House, and it says that group's website "includes a photo depicting the entire state of Israel as Palestine." Actually, it depicts a protester holding a sign showing four maps of what is now Israel and the Occupied Territories, noting how Palestinians have been allowed less and less land over the past 60 years.
(But it is interesting to note the crossover between Zionist Extremists, their Propagandists, and those still supporting the Bush/PNAC Neo-Fascism) &mode=nested&order=0

Cindy Sheehan - A true American Patriot exposing the real Dubya
"To stand in silence when they should be protesting makes cowards out of men" - Abraham Lincoln
"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ft. Hood Soldier Joins Cindy Sheehan At Bush Ranch Anti-War Action

Bush Motorcade Passes Protester Site Near Texas Ranch path=20050812\ACQDJON200508121417DOWJONESDJONLINE0 00705.htm&

Want to send a message to Bush that he cannot ignore? Go after the donors. Publicly point out the names of those whose money paid for the lies that sent our young men and women off to die in a war based on lies. Picket their homes. Demand they explain how they can give money to a man who committed the gravest crime a government can commit against its own people; to lie the nation into a war of conquest against an innocent people.

Name the dictator's henchmen. Put them on public view.

Photos of Crawford Protest um72.html

They're Melting!
Cindy’s kicking their asses. They feel it and world knows it. melting.html



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  1. Put your money where her mouth is!!! — Mike Dobson