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Police seizes activists' computers in Germany: Update

mobil imc | 11.08.2005 20:21 | Repression

This morning (thursday, 11.8.) a house in the Wendland region (Germany) was searched for alleged call for criminal offences on the website This is not "only" about the precarity camp, because in the house are the offices of the "anti atom aktuell" , a monthly anti nuclear magazine for grassroot activism.

The website promotes the Precarity Camp that takes place in Wendland (close to Luchow) since last weekend and where about 100 activists meet. At 8 am, police came to the camp and told an activist that her house was currently searched due to charges against her and an second activist. The charge is against the domain owner of the website, which is accused of promoting "Yomango" actions. The police coviscated serveral computers, papers and Cds.

This is not "only" about the precarity camp, because in the house are the offices of the "anti atom aktuell", a monthly anti nuke magazine for grassroot activism (anti-atom-aktuell.decontact: ). The conviscated computers belonged to the editorial office of this magazin. so it seems police and prosecuting authorities wanted to exert pressure on both the precarity camp and the anti-nuclear movement.

It seems German authorities today tried to silence both grassroot media work on the internet as well as in alternative print media.

The order from the court said (summarized): "that on the website the term "Yomango" (a spanish slang term for " I'm stealing ") is used and in a preliminary programm for the camp presented on this website a Yomango-action" was mentioned."

And thats all, they basically just stated that Yomango means "I steal" and therefore they consider the use of this term as criminal, which seems to be enough to seize the computer equipment of the activists.

Some 30 cops were involved, searching and filming the entire house for several hours.

The activists ask for support also by expressing protest to the responsible authorities:

The court who signed the search order for the police:

Amtsgericht Dannenberg, Thomas Staerk RaAG
Amtsberg 2, 29445 Dannenberg, Germany
Tel.: 0049-(0) 58 61 - 954 - 0 Fax: 0049-(0) 58 61 - 954 - 333

the prosecuting authorities:

Staatsanwaltschaft Lueneburg
Burmeisterstraße 6, 21335 Lueneburg, Germany
Tel.: 0049(0)4131/202640 Fax: 0049(0)4131/202 474

mobil imc


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govenmental flexing of muscles

23.10.2005 00:00

This shows a lack of strength in their government, how can they hold their political stance as democratic when they apply such pressures to those who speak freely. I feel that this is an example of the influence that this media has and the fragility of their political stance.

Alex Tomlinson
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