Israeli destroy houses
Roy | 11.08.2005 13:54
In an act of incredible spitefullness Jewish settlers who are being pushed out of Sayaffeh and Muwasi, on whose lands the settlements of the northern Gaza Strip and Gush Katif were built are destroying their houses.
They are pulling the houses down to stop any Palestinians moving into them and are also removing all fixtures, fittings and even curtains to stop Palestinian families enjoying them.
They are pulling the houses down to stop any Palestinians moving into them and are also removing all fixtures, fittings and even curtains to stop Palestinian families enjoying them.
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you hate Israel more than you love Pal.
11.08.2005 14:56
So really, its the terrible Pallys!!! the Israelis are doing what they were asked.
This is the PA's choice
11.08.2005 15:12
The PA plans to build higher density housing on the sites that Israel evacuates.
In addition, the PA believes that leaving the large modern homes in tact would cause turmoil over occupancy.
So the PA was given a choice by Israel, and they chose destruction of the Housing. Don't fear, there are billions in funds headed for the PA to rebuild, from the EU and the US.
Idiots for Palestine
11.08.2005 17:40
Psst! Wanna buy a bridge? If you believe that there will be billions given to the poor Palestinians you are deluding yourself. The Palestinians aren't likely to be getting much help from anybody and of the little they do get, a lot will probably be coming from the Israelis >
But I'd like to commnet on the original article. Yes my friend, the previous posters were correct, the Israelis proposed leaving the properties intact for the benefit of the Palestinains and it was by the request of the Palestinians that this not be done. I myself think that's poor judgement on their part because I seriously doubt that the funds will be forthcoming for them to rebuild "more suitable" sturctures.
But suppose it were not. Take another look at what you implied. It is one thing for us to demand that the Israelis end their occupation. You apparently feel that the Israelis "owe" the infrastructure they constructed during the occupation. Care to EXPLAIN that for us? In other words, suppose it were not true that the Palestinians demanded that the Israelis demolish the infrasturcture. Suppose (as you apparently beleived) the Palestinians wanted the Israelis to have left it intact. What would be the basis of your complaint if the Israelis did not?
An unoccupied Gaza strip iis going to have lots of problems. You are totally ignoring the reality that the Palestinians there will almost certainly require Israeli good will to survive. MORE than the Israelis simply leaving them totally alone to live or die as best they can. Somebody is going to build them a port facility so that they can move goods in and out independly of Israeli good will to allow them to use faciltiies of Israel? Somebody is going to build an modern airport? Somebody will faund the construction of highway networks in Egypt and Jordan to handle their traffic to the outside independent of Israel?
Sorry, my friend, but I suspect that you care little for the fate of the Palestinians beyond what happens to them providing you with an excuse to vent your feelings. You may get your wish. IF events turn out so that the Israelis, after ending the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank treat their new neighbors just "properly" the Palestinians are likely to starve --- and you of course will assume that it is Israel's reposnsibility to prevent that (rather than your own).
11.08.2005 18:30
Weak Hasbara
BS to BS
11.08.2005 21:27
Now that is real BS. Most of the aid for the Palestinians finds its way to their leadership who pocket the money for themselves, hiding it in Swiss bank accounts. Arafat was one of the richest men in the world. See the Time article about him. Any other money is used not for constructive purposes but to buy yet more guns, ammo, and fund incitement in Pali children's schoolbooks.
And Roy, you object to the Israelis removing their possessions from their houses. Is it not enough for you that they are leaving? You want them to leave their possessions behind too???!!! You are quite unbelievable in your Jew-hatred.
12.08.2005 09:00
Cementing History
12.08.2005 13:41
And to top that off, it is Abbas's own family involved int the concrete business supplying Israel for construction of the security fence.
Ali ibn Sharmootah