EDO Satuday demo in local Brighton rag
Sussex police grass | 10.08.2005 16:33 | Anti-militarism | Repression | London | South Coast
Could anyone from Smash Edo please contact Sussex police urgently to discuss the demo on Saturday in Churchill Square at 12 which threatens to cause havoc to shoppers.
A substantial reward will be offered to anyone with information about the demo which poses a serious threaten to our national shopping, sorry security, and there are bounties on the heads of Smash Edo organisers of up to $20m. Sussex police have been issued with a set of cards with key Smash Edo figures. Contact Sean McDonald at Sussex police (0845 6070999) with any leads.

Sussex police grass
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police seek help: Anti-war demo could cause end of the universe
10.08.2005 21:44
Yes its true soozie. Brighton just cant survive another smash edo march. by sunday all the big stores will have closed for ever and there will be nothing left but empty husks of shops boarded up, and homeless shop assissants wondering the lanes looking for work. The whole city will fall into the hands of raving anarchists and homosexuals. Where will you get your expresso? Dont worry I'm sure PC Sean Mcdonald will sympathise and make you one. call him. he needs someone to chat with occasionally.
Meanwhile news of an expected sudden end to Brightons corporate consumer economy has pleased the local/international squatting community.
Diego Polinski, a city centre squatter said, 'It's so difficult to find unoccupied department stores in Churchill Square these days.'
More money raising oppurtunities
11.08.2005 10:26
"Were you snapped at Pride by The Argus photographers? Check out our gallery and our photo sales"
Perhaps the FIT could start doing this for demos - be a great way to raise money to buy new backwards base-ball caps...
Keep FIT fanatic