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5 city protest against Iran's anti-gay hate..

pirate | 10.08.2005 15:23 | Gender | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World

Protests are to be held in 5 cities around the world on 11 Aug against Irans anti-gay hate and the execution of two gay teenagers on 19 July.

OutRage! News Release_Five-city protest against Iran executions

Thursday 11 August 2005

Five cities in the US and Europe will stage protests against the
execution of two teenage boys in Iran on charges involving homosexual

Dublin, San Francisco, London, Paris and Montpelier will join forces
on Thursday 11 August 2005 to oppose Iran’s use of the death penalty
and its persecution of lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

London protest - 1pm to 2pm

Embassy of Iran, 16 Prince’s Gate, London SW7
(near the Royal Albert Hall, by the junction of Kensington Road and
Exhibition Road)

Mahmoud Asgari (16) and Ayaz Marhoni (18) were hanged in Edalat
(Justice) Square in the city of Mashhad, in north east Iran, on 19
July 2005.

Photos of the executions can be seen at:

“Some reports say the youths were hanged for gay sex. The Iranian
government claims they were hanged for the rape of a 13 year old boy,”
reports Ramzi Isalam of the LGBT human rights group OutRage!.

Fact: Iran executes lesbians and gays. The Iranian government has
executed 4,000 homosexuals since 1979, according to estimates in the
mid-1990s by the exiled Iranian gay rights group, Homan.

Fact: The Iranian government often pins false charges on the victims
of its murderous policies in order to discredit them and discourage
public protests.

“We are not prepared to give the violently homophobic Iranian
government the benefit of the doubt. It has previously lied to justify
public executions. In any case, the death penalty is a
disproportionate punishment. It is barbaric and should be abolished,”
added Mr Isalam.

Email, phone, fax and write your protests to the Iranian Ambassador:

Tel: 020 7225 3000
Fax: 020 7589 4440

Iranian Ambassador
Embassy of Iran
16 Prince’s Gate
London SW7 1PT

More info:

“OutRage!’s sources for this story include clandestine gay and lesbian
activists inside Iran, members of the democratic and left Iranian
opposition, and the websites of government-sanctioned news agencies in
Iran,” reports Aaron Saeed, gay Muslim spokesperson for OutRage!

“The Islamic fundamentalist regime in Iran enforces Sharia law, which
dictates the death penalty for gay sex: variously including hanging,
stoning, beheading or dropping from a high place like a tall building
or cliff-top.

“The teenagers admitted to having gay sex, probably under torture, but
claimed in their defence that their crime was common and they were not
aware it was punishable by death.

“Prior to their execution, the teenagers were held in prison for 14
months and severely beaten with 228 lashes.

“Their length of detention suggests that they committed the so-called
offences more than a year earlier, when Mahmoud was 15 and Ayaz was
17. In other words, both youths were minors at the time of the

”Ruhollah Rezazadeh, the lawyer of the youngest boy (16), had appealed
that he was too young to be executed and that the court should take
into account his tender age. He was quoted by the IRIN news agency as
saying that “the judiciary had trampled on its own laws”, explaining
that the Iranian courts usually commute death sentences on children to
five year jail.

“Despite his pleas, the Supreme Court in Tehran ordered Mahmoud to be

“Under the Iranian penal code, girls as young as nine and boys as
young as 15 can be hanged.

“Three other young gay Iranians are being hunted by the police in
connection with the same so-called crime. They have gone into hiding
and cannot be found. If caught, they will probably also face
execution,“ said Mr Saeed.

“The allegation of rape may be a trumped up charge to undermine public
sympathy for the youths. The Iranian regime often resorts to smears
and false allegations to discredit people it has executed and to
undermine human rights campaigns,” continued OutRage! campaign
coordinator, Brett Lock

“It could be that the 13 year old was a willing participant but that
Iranian law (like the laws of many western nations) deems that no
person aged 13 is capable of sexual consent and that therefore even
consensual sexual contact is automatically deemed in law to be
statutory rape.

“The use of torture is routine in Iran. These two boys were violently
abused in prison, receiving more than 200 lashes.

“Iran is a fascist-style tyranny based on a fundamentalist version of
Islam. We join with progressive Muslims to denounce the
fundamentalists and to support democratic and left Iranians striving
to topple the Ayatollahs.

“OutRage! wholeheartedly supports the struggle of the Iranian people
to overthrow clerical tyranny and to secure democracy and human

“Without an end to the fundamentalist regime, there can never be
justice for LGBT people, women, trade unionists and minority religions
and nationalities in Iran.

“The lack of liberal and left support for the victims of the Iranian
tyranny is truly shocking. We deplore the absence of international
solidarity with Iranians fighting for freedom,” concluded Mr Lock.

Email this news release and photos to your friends. Urge them to
protest too.

Further information: Brett Lock 0770 843 5917




Hide the following 12 comments

lack of support

10.08.2005 15:59

Unfortunately the lack of support is due to the fact that some people on the left prefer to get into bed with Islamists these days - they're viewed as more anti-American and anti-capitalist. This despite their apalling views on our liberal values. Gays don't fit into their agenda.



11.08.2005 00:30

'the left prefer to get into bed with Islamists these days'

well theyre in for a very dull time although that Abu Isadeen looks quite hunky with his white hanky over his head like he's just got off the set of Beau Jeste?

hiale mary


11.08.2005 04:37

Fact- stories of judicial abuse from Iran are ALMOST ALWAYS proved false- and found to represent BLACK PROPOGANDA from Israeli, British, or US sources.

Fact- Psy-Ops teams are currently flooding sites like this with anti-Iranian propoganda, in preparation for Blair's upcoming War against Iran.

Fact- any TRUE gay organisation looking to attack a Muslim country on undeniable evidence of abuse would look no further than Saudi Arabia. There, the stated and often used laws against homosexuality involve official imprisonment AND torture (across their term in prison, Gays are severly whipped once a week, EVERY week). Try to guess why you won't see any high profile attacks against this most important ally of Blair and Bush.

Why did the Red Cross say NOTHING about the torture in Iraq prisons (until other sources broke the story)? Why does Amnesty International show ZERO interest in any serious criticism of Blair's genocide in Iraq? All significant political pressure groups have been long since infiltrated (what do you think MI5 and the CIA etc spend their BILLIONS on???), and CANNOT be relied on, or trusted!



11.08.2005 08:14

- "Why does Amnesty International show ZERO interest in any serious criticism of Blair's genocide in Iraq?"

maybe because there isnt genocide?


Oh Please!

11.08.2005 10:44

Oh dear, Twilight. Are you serious? Anti-Iranian propaganda - in case you aren't already aware, Iran is a theocracy run by religous maniacs. They don't allow any criticism of their regime, women are forced to wear chadors, religious law is paramount. Why should people have to live under these conditions? We wouldn't allow it here. If people want to sleep with the same sex, wear what they want, live their lives without being subject to religious fascism then why should'nt they? How would you like it if the UK was a theocracy where they murdered Muslims because they're not Christian and squashed all dissent and alternative views? Not everyone in Islamic republics wants to live under sharia law or any religous law. Why don't you support them instead of supporting the fanatics. And most of those murdered in Iraq have been murdered by religious maniacs not the British or Americans.



11.08.2005 11:07

Err, under 13's should not be having sex, you sickos, they are too young to consent. So don't spin this bullshit about it being consensual! Having sex with children is wrong and abusive, but of course Mr Peter Tatchell who runs "Outrage" has said in the past he sees nothing wrong with having sex with children.


How Sad You Are Law.

11.08.2005 13:50

Are you serious "Law"? I think everyone agrees that sleeping with 13 yr olds is wrong. Even if these boys (under 18) did sleep with a 13 yr old boy are you really so homophobic that you think hanging is a fitting punishment? Personally I would loved to have sex with 17 yr old boys when I was 13. And who but a fool would believe anything the Islamic (Fascist) Republic of Iran says anyway? You are obviously mistaking them for a just, democratic society. They believe in torture, sharia law, repression of women, religious fanaticism, persecution of minorities, violence against those who criticise their warped ideology, everything we in the West find sickening.


Saudi protests

11.08.2005 16:27

To the poster questioning why there have not been protests against Saudi executions by "real" gay groups... I seem to remember reading all about just such a protest on IndyMedia a few weeks back...


this is divide-and-rule

11.08.2005 16:29

The neo-con types who run our world don't like Muslims nor gay people - Muslims because they're the latest scapegoats and in large part opposed to the imperialist world order - gay people because they represent a threat to 'traditional family values' that help keep people in line and labour costs down.

So what better than to set these two groups against each other? With luck they'll be so busy the ruling class will hardly need to bother crushing their resistance.

Mr Spoon


11.08.2005 16:55

The article at the top of this thread makes a suggestion that sex with 13yr olds is ok, I was addressing that.

Hanging for what they did is disproportionate. But I don't see it as being the role of the UK to dictate to the Iranians what the law of Iran should be, provided they don't tread on our toes I don't see the point of treading on theirs, and going down that road is exactly what led us to war in Iraq and wasteful and damaging "we know best" missions to other countries under our own flag or that of NATO.

If countries stuck to their own affairs the world would be a safer place.

The Iranian people should be the ones to decide whether this is acceptable or not although of course there is nothing wrong with publicising it to them and letting them make that decision. They had democratic elections and chose a hardliner, that is their right, no matter how much the West and specifically the left/liberal elite dislike it.


Imperialism has nothing to do with it

11.08.2005 17:02

The Imperialists had nothing to do with the creation of the extreme violence meeted out to gay people by Islamic states governed by Sharia Law.

This is certainly not a case of Imperialsit forces provoking a fight between Gays and Muslims.

The actions of the Islamic Republic of Iran are not representative of Islam globally, and nor were their facist clerics provoked by Imperialist forces to execute gays, women, trade unionists, political disidents, academics, disidents and a whole range of people who didn't fit in with their twisted theocracy.


Fear Not!

13.08.2005 23:35

The Zionazis of the US plan to carpet bomb the Islamofascists of Iran and murder 400,000 Muslim men, women and children for their sexually intolerant beliefs; the survivors can enjoy Western values in peace and watch live homosexual orgies in the Big Brother House on mainstream TV.
