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Indymedia readers and the media

Copernicus | 10.08.2005 11:14

The dismissive attitude of posters to an article on the grounds that it was written in the Daily Mail shows that people are thinking too narrowly.

In the days before 9/11 and the Iraq war, it was clear that some newspapers were of the "right", and other newspapers veered to the left.

In these times of "The War on Terrorism", why should we assume that supposedly left-wing newspapers are going to publish the truth any more than right-wing newspapers. In times of war, all of the national press are ultimately controlled by the government.

In recent times I have often found that The Guardian merely follows the government line (e.g. war with Iraq), although it tries to make out something different by using a sprinkling of independent journalists. This is also true to a lesser extent of The Independent. I think the govt watches these two papers like a hawk.

Therefore, non-Murdoch newspapers like The Mail and The Telegraph can surprise us with some of theoir articles, and should not be dismissed out of hand. One such example is the recent article exposing 9/11 lies.




Display the following 19 comments

  1. ... — magoo
  2. Tradition — Johnny
  3. Lexis Nexis — magoo
  4. guardian — ex-grauniad
  5. Fascist Rag Snobbery — Madiera Soaked Prune
  6. you really don't get it do you? — copernicus
  7. Daily Mail — Alec
  8. to clarify — copernicus
  9. copernicus — magoo
  10. For Corpinicus — spartecus
  11. Pass the bog roll — System Shit
  12. have you read the article, magoo? — copernicus
  13. you misunderstand, magoo — copernicus
  14. psyops — magoo
  15. ZZZzzzZZzz .. . . .. .. . .. . .ZZZ zzzz ZZZ zzz ... .. ., — System Shit
  16. Copernicus — But One of Many
  17. To Spartecus — Adrian Cannon
  18. Wolves in sheep's clothing — Right-Wing Alec
  19. Right-Wing Alec: gub! — magoo