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CIA allowed nuke spy to continue

Henk Ruyssenaars | 09.08.2005 13:14 | Globalisation | Repression | Technology

Former Dutch Prime Minister: nuclear proliferation to Libya, Iran and North Korea by the CIA tolerated Pakistani top spy Dr. Kahn.

by Henk Ruyssenaars

FPF - The Netherlands - August 9 - 2005 - "We were not allowed by the american intelligence service CIA to arrest Pakistani top spy Dr. Abdul Khan, whom we knew was stealing nuclear secrets from us for years." This accusation was made today by the former Prime minister of the Netherlands Ruud Lubbers, in an investigating program - Argos - on Dutch national radio.*

Ex PM Lubbers was - in his usual frank way - blaming the CIA for Pakistani proliferation of stolen nuclear knowledge.The program was made in cooperation with Japanese TV, remembering the unnecessary atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.*

This revelation is - to say the least - as usual 'very underreported' by the international neocon 'information' agencies. Dutch minister of Justice P. H. Donner, when earlier explicitly asked about possible CIA action concerning Khan, did not tell the truth and told parliament ''that nothing of the kind has happened, the CIA had nothing to do with it''. A discussion in the pro neocon Dutch parliament, run by speaker mr. Weisglass and again concerning Donner's lies about the CIA activities has been announced. Nobody expects anything; except more lies.

According to the often very outspoken former prime minister and ex United Nations Refugee High Commissioner* Lubbers: "Under the influence of the so called 'Cold War', all 'western' intelligence services were ordered around by the CIA, and were told 'to back off' so the CIA could follow and control Khan's spy activities in Holland''. For all those years the CIA wanted Khan to go on with his spying, which ultimately was used to get US ally Pakistan atomic weapons too, Lubbers said.

"Just let him go, we'll follow him, and that way get more information", the permanently in Holland stationed CIA spooks told the servile Dutch secret service, which for decades - apart from the CIA etc. - also cooperates with the Israeli Mossad. Dutch 'National Airport' Schiphol serves as an airport for the Israeli airline 'El Al', and as a major Mossad base in Europe. Dutch Attorney General Vrakking testified already on Jan. 29, 1999, that the El Al security detachment at Schiphol was a branch of Mossad. This information is never repeated in the Dutch media.

“Schiphol has become a hub for secret weapons transfers,” charged Henk van der Belt, an investigator working with the Bijlmer survivors. [after the crash of an El Al airliner, see Url.]. “Dutch authorities have no jurisdiction over Israeli activities at the airport.” A TV Amsterdam (TVA) report identified Schiphol ''as one of several European airports that allows El Al to transfer cargo without supervision.'' [El Al/Mossad - Url.:]

European firms were eager to do business*

The result of the CIA's 'handling' and supervising the situation was clear to anybody involved, and resulted in the following, as described by Christopher Clary last year: " Khan skillfully maneuvered around international export controls. He later said, "My long stay in Europe and intimate knowledge of various countries and their manufacturing firms was an asset. Within two years we had put up working prototypes of centrifuges and were going at full speed to build the facilities at Kahuta."

The European firms were eager to do business: "They literally begged us to buy their equipment," Khan recalled. It was an impressive feat, something which Khan was well aware of. He boasted, "A country which could not make sewing needles, good bicycles or even ordinary durable metalled rods was embarking on one of the latest and most difficult technologies. We devised a strategy whereby we would go all out to buy everything that we needed in the open market to lay the foundation of a good infrastructure." [Url.:]

Khan - and his South African wife Henny, with a British passport - at the end of 1975 - when working at the Dutch 'Ultra Centrifuge Project' in the laboratories of Urenco in the dutch city of Almelo - understood that he was watched, and took a very long weekend of which he didn't return.

The fact that the CIA forbade the Dutch secret service BVD (now AIVD) to arrest or stop Khan in any other way, made him within some years the "Father of the Pakistani Bomb'. Khan is also blamed - ironically by the US - for selling nuclear secrets to Iran, North Korea and Libya, a proliferation the CIA in this case must be held responsible for, as the former PM indicated.

Lubbers - in 1975 minister of Economy: "When asked, the CIA told us to let him just go on, and not to arrest or stop Kahn working at or visiting the Urenco centrifuge factory, as we had in mind." A court in Amsterdam condemned Khan in 1983 in his absence to four years in jail for his nuclear spying, but the verdict strangely enough later on was annulled 'because of a procedural error'. That was the only explanation given.

In 1986, when Ruud Lubbers was prime minister of the Netherlands, he again tried to get the American government and the CIA toact and 'do something' about Khan's dangerous activities, but was told: "Let 'the services' take care of this; the Americans and the CIA do not want to interfere'. By not interfering and 'just following' Dr. Khan, he was helped by the CIA to become the rich Pakistani proliferation 'hero' he is now: the 'Father of the Pakistani Bomb.'

Another bitter fact to chew in those days, and to remember when commemorating the hideous war crime which sixty years ago totally unnecessary destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The same inhuman danger of destruction which 'thanks' to the CIA and Dr. Khan, has spread.

Khan keeps a small menagerie of pets.* Each day at sunrise, he takes a sackful of peanuts when he walks into the wooded Margala Hills across from his home and feeds the monkeys. Declared Khan, the day after his country exploded another nuclear device, "I am the kindest man in Pakistan. I feed the ants in the morning. I feed the monkeys."

And the mainstream media every day feed us lies...

Like: It's not a nuclear bomb, but a 'device'.

The horrible effect is the same.

Henk Ruyssenaars

* Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Never again! - Url.:
* 'Eager to do business' - but which neocon multinationals were involved was not to be known: the U.S. tore out 8000 pages - Url.:

* Dr. Kahn - background - Url.:

* Satellites, and why war is good for some... - Url.:

* Former PM very critical of neocon's US - Url.:

* UNHCR Lubbers - 'Honey trap' - sex framed? - Url.:

* The Observer + Secret documents, US/UK/Israel bugging the UN - Url.:

* VPRO Argos program (sorry, in Dutch) - Url.:

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:


Henk Ruyssenaars
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More about the CIA

09.08.2005 13:51

The CIA and Mossad have also put Tony Blair in power and maybe planning to assassinate Sharon as he is withdrawing from Gaza.
CIA is also responsable for the Bible, they made it in their laboratories to destroy Iran


ISI A CIA Partner

09.08.2005 18:01

Pakistan's IS is a full partner to the CIA. It has acted as a go-between, just like Israel's Mossad, in order to disguise US funding for such things as "Islamic Extremism".

They've Earned Their Protection


09.08.2005 22:11

"the hideous war crime which sixty years ago totally unnecessary destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

Totally unnecessary?

Saved a lot of lives not only in Japan but in SouthEast Asia generally by bringing the war to an end sooner than would otherwise have been the case.


The USA create their own enemies

10.08.2005 08:43

The USA have a rare talent for creating their own enemies.
They set up the Viet Minh and Taliban. And in the '50's they overthrew the ligimate democratic governement of Iran because they wanted to nationalize the oil industry. This eventualy led to the present Irak theocracy.

The disenchantment with democracy and enlightment values among some people is caused by american policies.

Rob van der Putten
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