G8 legal Support Group | 08.08.2005 12:05
At the recent G8 protests in Scotland there were some 450 people detained by the police. These are different from arrests, as the police in Scotland have the powers to “detain” for a set length of time. We know of a number of people who were detained” and then released, so the number of arrests is far less that 450. However, we don’t know how much less as it was difficult to get details. So, we are putting a call out for a number of requests.
Were you detained then released without charge?
If you were, or you know others who were, it would be really helpful for us to know. Otherwise we will be trying to find witnesses for people who don't need then. This takes time away from finding witnesses for people who will be in court and were arrested. Please let us know, by emailing
g8legalsupport@riseup.net. Remember, any information given is handled
confidentially and stays solely with the g8 legal team unless you
authorise us to pass it on.
Were you arrested?
We know of a number of people who are up in court, and we think we have most people, but we want to be certain. Can you email us at
g8legalsupport@riseup.net. to let us know the following: What were you charged with, your name, when you are next in court for your “intermediate diet” and “trial date”; when and where were you arrest (place, date, time) – please be as accurate as you can.
We have a number of witnesses to arrests. But, a lot of the time we don’t have the name of the person arrested, only a description. So, if we are to tie these up the following information would be useful if you were arrested. Hair colour and length; male/female; what cloths you were wearing when arrested.
We need any film or photo’s you have
Film or video evidence could help somebody stay out of prison or help with their case in other ways. There were hundreds of cameras and videos around throughout the G8 protests. If not you, then people you know, must have had cameras. They didn’t all belong to the police and corporate media. Nows the time to help others. We need all the film and video footage you have. Please send copies to us at c/o LDMG, BM Box HAVEN London WC1N 3XX . We also need your name and a phone number so we can contact you as you might be needed to be a witness.
All too often people take pictures and videos for their own collection. These never get presented to legal support groups to help with defendants cases. So, at times innocent people go down, because people won’t come forward. Don’t let this be you!
Did you witness an arrest?
Although we have a large number of witness statements for people either detained or arrested, there must have been a huge number of other people who saw an arrest and didn’t report it to the legal support group, or fill in a “witness statement”. Cases are now coming to court. Without witnesses, innocent defendants could be fined or go to jail. If you haven’t already filled in a “witness statement” please do so NOW by going to
http://g8legalsupport.info/witness-statements/ , then either email us the details or send it to us at: c/o LDMG, BM Box HAVEN London WC1N 3XX
Were you detained then released without charge?
If you were, or you know others who were, it would be really helpful for us to know. Otherwise we will be trying to find witnesses for people who don't need then. This takes time away from finding witnesses for people who will be in court and were arrested. Please let us know, by emailing

confidentially and stays solely with the g8 legal team unless you
authorise us to pass it on.
Were you arrested?
We know of a number of people who are up in court, and we think we have most people, but we want to be certain. Can you email us at

We have a number of witnesses to arrests. But, a lot of the time we don’t have the name of the person arrested, only a description. So, if we are to tie these up the following information would be useful if you were arrested. Hair colour and length; male/female; what cloths you were wearing when arrested.
We need any film or photo’s you have
Film or video evidence could help somebody stay out of prison or help with their case in other ways. There were hundreds of cameras and videos around throughout the G8 protests. If not you, then people you know, must have had cameras. They didn’t all belong to the police and corporate media. Nows the time to help others. We need all the film and video footage you have. Please send copies to us at c/o LDMG, BM Box HAVEN London WC1N 3XX . We also need your name and a phone number so we can contact you as you might be needed to be a witness.
All too often people take pictures and videos for their own collection. These never get presented to legal support groups to help with defendants cases. So, at times innocent people go down, because people won’t come forward. Don’t let this be you!
Did you witness an arrest?
Although we have a large number of witness statements for people either detained or arrested, there must have been a huge number of other people who saw an arrest and didn’t report it to the legal support group, or fill in a “witness statement”. Cases are now coming to court. Without witnesses, innocent defendants could be fined or go to jail. If you haven’t already filled in a “witness statement” please do so NOW by going to

G8 legal Support Group