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Respect where respect is due - Robin Cook a principled advocate of peace.

Neil Williams | 07.08.2005 14:22 | Analysis

In defence of peace advocates

Respect where Respect is due.

Its amazing how events such as the death of Robin Cook bring out the sectarian and immature best in some few readers of Indymedia. Any politician deemed not “perfect” (whose definition of perfection?) and who has dared to “dirty” their hands by entering parliament is seen automatically as a traitor to the cause (who’s cause, and traitor in who’s eyes?). This really is the politics of infantile sectarianism that some people spend their lives involved in rather that the hard day to day grind of political struggle in the trade unions, political parties or political movements such as CND or the Stop the War campaign. How nice to be so pure so unsullied by the real world that you can remain above the fray looking down on others and insulting every and any action they make.

RESPECT is right wing I read - well not to the many 1000’s that have joined it over the last 18months. Robin Cook was no saint (who is?) and I could find many, many issues I could and have disagreed with him and others in the Labour Party on. However he was one of only two cabinet ministers who resigned over the Iraq war and for this and his continued opposition to the war he should be applauded and not condemned. He was indeed a principled advocate of peace and will be missed by many 1000’s of people both inside and outside the Labour Party.

You can continue to attack, continue to find fault (as could I if we were having a debate about the nature of the Labour Party) but if those of us on the left cannot unite on common ground such as opposition to the war in Iraq (whilst respecting each others differences and politics) there will never ever be any hope for the Socialist movement in the UK. That is why RESPECT was formed and has become the fastest growing political party in the UK. Sorry about that, but RESPECT is clearing connecting with many 1000’s of ordinary people even if they are not all readers of Indymedia.

Robin Cook 1946 - 2005 - Sadly missed.
A principled advocate of peace.

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Neil Williams

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Display the following 10 comments

  1. A hypocritical "peacenik" — R
  2. this ain't news — selective memory
  3. Yeah your right — rebound
  4. please refrain... — urban1
  5. rebound — L
  6. Please don't remove this article — Friar Tuck
  7. No Respect — eidenk
  8. Be reasonable — AN Other
  9. We do need to organise to change society and we need politics! — Neil Williams
  10. Organising to change society — Skidoo23