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'Respect' for the dead? Not when it's Robin Cook!!!

Ad Nauseam | 07.08.2005 13:01 | Anti-militarism

I am disgusted - though not surprised - by the incredible hypocrisy of Respect's statement on the death of Robin Cook. .

This is a man who was only for peace when it suited his career, and was the lying architect of the Kosovo 'intervention', which I'm sure everyone now in Respect opposed at the time.

To see how far to the right Respect have gone, visit:

Surely this is the final nail in the coffin.

Ad Nauseam


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That would be better as a direct comment to Williams' Respect

07.08.2005 13:21

I tried to post this before the Respect item appeared, but ckicking submit caused a whole unfilled submission form to reappear:

"Paranoid Conspiracy Theory.

Robin Cook died of a heart attack in Scotland. (He was the Labour MP most likely to be a socialist alternative Prime Minister to Blair, Brown is too contaminated by Privatisation Fascism.)

John Smith died of a heart attack in Scotland. (To make room for the Blair take over)."

Just wondering if there are any links. Might there be the same Pathologist?


Ilyan: I think you might be on to something!

07.08.2005 16:12

When you start digging deeper we find instances of Sctosmen dying every day in Scotland, but this goes on UNREPORTED!??? I wonder why. It must the facists or lizards or Elvis.


Ummmm... What?

07.08.2005 16:47

Errr, I'm not entirely sure how opposing the Iraq war became 'careerist'. He did kind of resign a cushy, well-paid cabinet job to do it.


In Perspective

07.08.2005 19:12

But it's nothing compared to the hateful statements made by Far Right supporters of the current Neo-Fascism about the death of someone they consider an "enemy", simply because he opposed this illegal war.

Surely Some Are Even Here


07.08.2005 19:17

It is pure suspicion, nothing to do with lizards or Elvis, it is just that Blair uses many phrases first used to me by a Conspirator fifty years ago. A Conspirator who later had enormous influence, and has shaped the world we live in. He would be well up to removing any obstacle to his grand design before it became apparent. I use the term Fascist, because although the source of his economics was concealed from me, I later found the Fascist's ABC of Economics a match.

There is only one thing uncertain now. Is Brown a dupe or an informed participant in The Criminal Conspiracy to Subvert Democracy in the UK.

- Homepage:


08.08.2005 00:10

RESPECT have dubbed Robin Cook "one of the most powerful and principled advocates of peace" Funny tribute for an arms dealer!

Tributes to Robin Cook are on every paper today, even Galloway's the RESPECT coalition have dubbed him "one of the most powerful and principled advocates of peace", a whitewash, Robin Cook was hardly that.

As the shadow foreign secretary Robin Cook was one of the architects of New Labours so called "ethical foreign policy", and one month into power he put it in place. Crook then went on to secure the sale of 9 British Aerospace Hawk jets to the Indonesian government in 1999, a government well renouned at the time for it's violent crushing of East Timor.
As soon as New Labour came to power, Crook could be found in Indonesia, shaking the hand of the mass muderer Soeharto.

Unlike RESPECT or any other party, or the Corporate media, I am not lamenting the death of Robin Crook - the arms trader.


Robin declared the war "illegal" in parliament -for this he deserves sme respect

08.08.2005 09:30

See my "blacked out" artilce on Robin Cook and the need for poltics and political parties at:


Tony Ben also made the same type of points on Radio 4 "Today" this morning.


Cook opposed the Hawk jets deal but was over-ruled by Blair

08.08.2005 14:17

I'm surprised to read people who claim to be radicals being so mean-spirited. The man's been dead barely two days. So much for peace and love.

Cook actually opposed the Hawk deal, according to Craig Murray, who actually knew him:

If you want to piss on the graves of the dead, please get your facts right first.

Friar Tuck

Scottish death

09.08.2005 23:51

Surely he didn't die of the Scottish disease of (I'll whisper this as in the past I have been attacked by Labour party members and Mp's who say it doesn't exist here) .....poverty....?

Poverty ensures large swathes of the Scottish population die before they are 60. Crap food a lifestyle choice?

Cook at least saw the mountains. Quite a few Drumchapel, Springburn, Govan, etc etc mean, women and children will see them in the distance as well. While they struggle for their lives and for their childrens lives, they will be struggling to their poverty induced stressful demise.

People need help to live - and creating ASDA and McD jobs creates low life expectancy.

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